Muslim Asks Rabbi Tovia Singer: Why did Moses Beg to see God’s Face? Why did He Only See God’s Back?

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This man is really building bridges between Muslims and Jews. God bless him


Rabbi Singer.. this lesson brought me to tears, especially when you were explaining your fears as a child and how the banging of pots from your mother's presence brought you comfort. As a mother, hearing that from you. Really touched my heart. I have a 6 year old son and I pray he becomes a man like you. As a former Christian to an enlightened daughter of Hashem I look forward to the wisdom I find in your videos. You are incredibly articulate in how you explain scripture and I've come to trust every word that you speak. You are a very blessed man and I look forward to the day when Mashiac comes. 🙌💞


Im a Muslim and injoy watching your show


Thank you for answering my question. .. dear rabbi .. 😊


Answer= moses wanted to see God because he loved his creator more than anything else.
Allah explained to him that no one will be able to see him on this life .
He asked Moses to look a the mountain, if the mountain could sustain the energy of God, he will be able to see him.
When the light of God appeared to the mountain, the energy of that light destroyed that mountain and Moses fainted from the situation.


aww! Thank you Rabbi Singer. I'm so touched by this lesson.


Rabbi, you're on another level.
G-d Bless you.


God Bless You

Quran 4-164 >> God
Spoke To Moses
with speech.

Quran 42-51 >> And it is not for any human being that God should speak to him
except by revelation
from behind a partition
That He sends a messenger to reveal, by His permission, what He wills.
Indeed - He is Most High and Wise.

Quran 16-02>> He sends down the angels
With the inspiration
of His command - upon whom He wills of His servants
"Warn that there is no deity except Me - so fear Me.

One God - One Book


All the politics aside as a Muslim, I respect your incredible knowledge of your book and our book. I really enjoy watching you speak the truth.


Such a good explanation! I always had that question. I just wasn't aloud to ask. Thank you for answering me.


Thank you for your work. And this is the story from the Quran.

Surah Al-A'raf [7:143] - Al-Qur'an al-Kareem

And when Moses arrived at Our appointed time and his Lord spoke to him, he said, "My Lord, show me [Yourself] that I may look at You." [ Allah ] said, "You will not see Me, but look at the mountain; if it should remain in place, then you will see Me." But when his Lord appeared to the mountain, He rendered it level, and Moses fell unconscious. And when he awoke, he said, "Exalted are You! I have repented to You, and I am the first of the believers."


Thank you Rabbi Tovia,
For sharing your insights, into your understanding of this certain text.
It was also wonder, to hear you share your story of how hearing your mother doing things in the kitchen! would bring you, such comfort.
I found this story so appropriate for helping us understand the text. l appreciated, your willingness to speak of such a cherrished memory with us.
Many thanks once again Rabbi.
From England.


When you described the car lights moving through the venisian blinds, it reminded me when I was little, I saw the bands of light going up the wall but I never realized what it was at the time. It stoped only when I moved to Long Beach.


I'm always there.. behind the scene.. Allahu Akbar!!! Hashem is the greatest...


our current eyes can't even support the light of the sun, the light of God is stronger .

we can only see Allah/Hashim in paradise, hope we will all see him there

peace be upon Moses the only prophet to talk to God directly and peace be upon our last prophet Muhammad

Salam to you also my cousins sons of Isaac


Bedtime was hard for me as well. Very terrifying and my grandpa would tell me and my sis that Jesus was coming back like a thief in the night! Just added to the terror! He didn’t know what he was doing to me! Was terrified even after I was married! Lost lots of sleep!


142. And We appointed to Moses thirty nights, and completed them with ten; and thus the time appointed by his Lord was forty nights. And Moses said to his brother Aaron: “Take my place among my people, and be upright, and do not follow the way of the mischief-makers.”

143. And when Moses came to Our appointment, and his Lord spoke to him, he said, “My Lord, allow me to look and see You.” He said, “You will not see Me, but look at the mountain; if it stays in its place, you will see Me.” But when his Lord manifested Himself to the mountain, He turned it into dust, and Moses fell down unconscious. Then, when he recovered, he said, “Glory be to you, I repent to you, and I am the first of the believers.”

144. He said, “O Moses, I have chosen you over all people for My messages and for My Words. So take what I have given you, and be one of the thankful.”

Quran : 7 ; 142-144.


Those noises from the kitchen are some of my sweetest memories ❤️ I know that's not the point of this video, but you got me with that one Rabbi!


"And [We sent] messengers about whom We have related [their stories] to you before and messengers about whom We have not related to you. And Allah spoke to Moses with [direct] speech." (Surah 4:164)


Prophet Moses(A.S.), mentioned the most in Al-Qur'an..even more than Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)
