Ethics Exposed: unveiling Jocko's criminal connection |

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Sir, I was an 0311 in Ramadi in 2006 with 3/8 Kilo. I'd like to talk to you about Task Force Bruiser and some of my memories of them. I have taken exception to their branding for awhile. And their portrayal of how they helped "win" Ramadi. I lost 7 of my close friends on that deployment. Four of which were in my squad, including my Plt Sgt. Two more died after Zarqawi was killed in June of that year.

The area had calmed down for a short period after his demise, to only go back to how it was upon our arrival in country in March. I've worked with them on multiple occasions, and our view of SEALs was drastically skewed following joint ops and other situations.

I have no desire to be involved in this, but the fact that Jocko, Lief, and several others, including Kyle's "Legacy", have extremely profited, become famous, and portrayed themselves as the "saviors" of Ramadi, when their service was nominal at best, and possibly more detrimental than anything.

We won Ramadi. 3/8 won Ramadi. The Army armor units won Ramadi. The Army Infantrymen to our east won Ramadi. The translators and MIT teams won Ramadi. 3/8 Sniper Platoon won Ramadi. 3/6, when they took over from us won Ramadi. Task Force Punisher skull had no affect on Ramadi.

I look forward to hearing back from you, and thank you for telling uncomfortable truths about your fellow SEALs.


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We all find out at some point in our veteran experience, that we were pawns on the chess board. We realize this global operation thrives on DARK TRIAD personalities to be effective. Pure hearts, with warrior minds can only go so far within ranks. At some point, a few of us start to blow the whistle and end up sounding like lunatics. But hear this, the truth will always find its way. Never stop speaking it or providing space for it. This is the next battlefield. This is a war of consciousness and conscientiousness. Only the fiercest warriors put their life on the line for TRUTH. My son is in 82nd and I share this wisdom with him to stay on the righteous path.
Many Blessings gentlemen.


When Goggins said he was a Navy Seal, but not part of the brotherhood. It makes sense.


Does this mean I don’t have to get up at 4 AM anymore?….


The Red Sea incident is even worse, they falsified the training logs and wrote that they did the training when they didn’t. They also didn’t conduct a dip test with their gear prior to deploying. It’s sad that men have to die and pay the price for poor leadership and lack of accountability.


When protecting the institution becomes more important than the truth the institution becomes bullsh*t.


240 gunner with 1/8 Alpha in November 04’ battle of Fallujah here. The Bronze with “V” and Silver stars that mainly went to the platoon/company commanders (and even most of the platoon sergeants too) was WRONG. Most of them did not actually warrant those medals. Nothing of true valor. Just a general good ole boy-network handout. Mainly squad leaders and below killed the enemy.
Yet I had an enlisted squad mate who volunteered every time to be point man in the clearing stack ..who got chewed up by terrorist machine gun fire once entering the room until he was killed…and he got ZERO medals for valor. I won’t name his name out of general respect and the lack of need. But..Expose the horseshit.
I commend you for what you’re doing with the antihero and green beret chronicles podcasts. It’s necessary. Keep it up.


I can see why Goggins was outcasted from the seal community. They would always say he was a good “athlete” but not a good seal. It was because he chose not to be apart of the toxic corruption that the organization is soaked in.


I was in Ramadi in 2006. Flew out of shark base. Very true about the corruption on the awards and promotions. Thank you for your efforts here. Great job from a former Green Beret


It makes one wonder if that Marine that shot Chris Kyle had lost friends in Ramadi


Whoever is guilty isnt gonna come forward cause there making millions of dollars.


I am Job Price’s sister . Thank you for trying to get answers for my brother.


If these things are true people need to be held accountable and face the consequences.


As Katt Williams said all will be revealed in 2024


Hour long conversation and I learned nothing other than “look into to it” bullshit waste of time thanks


Around 45:00 Eric address instructors favoring guys that were on steroids. I was at BUDS in 2017 and the instructors made it a point to tell us multiple times that you don't need PEDs to get through. However, a non-insignificant portion of the class (my estimate would be 25-30% of the guys that started phase, and 50% of the guys that made it through hell week) were on PEDs. A class or two before mine allegedly had someone get caught with them in the barracks, this spiraled up the chain and they searched everyone's cars. Nothing was found in the cars, but they did find PEDs in the parking lot. Since it couldn't be attributed to anyone there was no action taken. For my class it was an open secret that if you were using that you either kept it in a cooler in your car or in a fridge off base. I don't think that the instructors favored the guys that were on gear, I believe that they favored the strong performers (who happened to be on gear).


Pg 153 (tword the end of Chapter 9 the Hatchet if your listening to the audio version) of Matthew Coles Code Over Country is where it talks Ramadi, Jocko, Chis Kyle, and Task Unit Bruiser. It supports in depth what Eric Deming is saying. A team 6 sniper saw what Chris Kyle was doing and didn't want to do any work in the future with him. He was only on an observation mission. It sickened him that Jocko had no control.


I want these seals to come to this show to explain themselves .please call them out.


There was incompetence at all levels in Iraq and Afghanistan. With people you’d expect to be squared away. Some were more concerned about reflective belts than getting their jobs done. A lot of overconfidence and arrogance. That of course includes the people calling the shots in DC. No matter what unit it still comes down to the individual and their leadership.

Roberts Ridge. Overconfidence. Lack of planning. Improper use of assets at many levels. Underestimating the enemy. Poor TTP. Chapman assessed the situation as soon as he got off the Chinook. He chose to charge that bunker as opposed to running down that mountain and giving up the high ground. He had no time for indecision. Why the others chose to leave is only something they can answer. The leadership should answer on why they went through with a shit plan. The truth should be given.

I feel a lot of the same applies to Redwings. Overconfidence. Poor utilization of assets. Underestimating the enemy. It takes time in the woods to be good in the woods. Same applies to the mountains. Its not something you just pick up in a course. Thats why the SOG guys worked with and learned from the indigenous in Vietnam. If they didn’t learn to move through the jungle quietly and efficiently they didn’t last long. When they came into contact they hauled ass. They had the King Bee’s on standby to extract them. They had good comms to call in air support. They had good TTP’s to maximize their success. There should have been the same or similar for the guys on Redwings. The Afghans have been fighting in those mountains forever. They live in the mountains. They have an advantage in the mountains. The plan was weak from inception. Why no ISR support or air support for a four man mission? Weak comms negated getting help. This plan had disaster written all over it. As for Luttrell. Once they were under fire only him and his team knew what the situation was. Three PKM’s on the high ground and outnumbered does not sound like a good situation. How much cover was there? I’m sure it was overwhelming. He made the decision to run as opposed to die I’m assuming. Only he was there. He admitted to being overwhelmed when he said he covered his ears. Three PKM’s raining down on you probably doesn’t give much room to return fire. Or even move. He made his decision. Only he knows what the situation was. After that who knows pushed what narrative. Maybe he will clear this up.

The whole Jocko thing needs to be addressed. If extreme ownership is the theme then maybe he will come forward.

Men are men. Men will make mistakes. You’d just like people to come clean or clear things up so others can learn. So next time the outcome will be better.


Well, his response is up. Would like to see a follow up. He's named some higher ups who were in charge at the time. Would have easily been able to spot and clamp down any sort of war crimes easily and squash that Task Force. So were all Chains of Command, Iraqi Army, Marine Corps, JSOC, SF ... all behind this Task Force? hiding their secrets? That's the claim. Also, the count on Marines KIA from that Unit. Doesn't match up. That's a strike on the accusers who claimed that a specific number were killed, spread that word, and didn't even bother to look up the actual recorded number of KIA dates and times. When an accusation is answered with recorded contradiction, someone is wrong, either by willful omission or ignorance.


I wonder if these allegations are the reason that Shawn Ryan hasnt had Jocko or Marcus Luttrrll or Leif Baban on his podcast?? Cause he usually has all the top seal guys on his podcast
