The Blackwater Massacre and What Really Happened in Nisour Square

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Everywhere you look on mainstream media, you will see statements made about what occurred on September 16, 2007, in Nisour Square. This event is often referred to as the Blackwater Massacre. The men of Raven 23 on that day—Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty, and Dustin Heard—were wrongly accused and vilified for their actions and spent time in prison until they were later pardoned by President Trump in 2020. What you don't hear is the real story from the men themselves and the founder of Blackwater, Erik Prince. Footage was nowhere to be found and many other things that would have justified the actions of Raven 23 after they were being fired upon by enemy forces. This is a mashup from the men of Raven 23 (SRS EP. 011) and the founder of Blackwater, Erik Prince (SRS EP. 029).

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Shawn really is a great interviewer. Not only does he really listen, but he almost immerses you into visualizing the story


It’s so refreshing to have somewhere to go and hear the truth. No spin, no lies, just facts from Hero’s on the ground. Sir I’d like to thank you for your service and your platform.


Shawn conducts his interviews very well. He doesn’t over-talk his guests when they recount their experiences. He subtly interjects only to clarify for better understanding. He’s compassionate but most importantly professional. Hands down one of the best podcasts out there. Salute to these brave men for sharing their journey.


Yo! Nick was my cell mate for about 6 months. So glad to see him out now. He didn’t think he was EVER going home. Really good dude.


Thank you for giving these men a platform to voice their story and experiences on. I respect the hell out of each and every one of you.


In Mosul my sniper team observed Iraqi police place what looked like an IED. We called it in. One of our Strykers came by to check the area with thermals. Said they couldn't find anything. After our guys left ING drove past our hide. Backed up dismounted and came looking for us in the junkyard we were in. We got small. They were within 10f ft of us. It looked like they knew someone called in about our report. We got picked up thinking we were comprised. Next day IED went off right where we said it was. I'd rather be in a fire fight then go through that again.


This has become my favorite podcast to listen to. From specific clips of existing episodes, to new episodes, they are all very interesting to listen and watch.


I give you much respect Sir! Not only for your service, but for your skill in your interviews! You don't interrupt to hear your own vice. but only to clarify a point, and you let the interviewee tell the story. EXCELLENT


Dude… it is amazing that you were able to put all these perspectives and people together. This one is 🔥


Ryan, you may be the most important interviewer of our time! Thank you for what you’re doing!


The Shawn Ryan Show is undoubtedly the best talk show format on social media. He doesn’t make it about him…. He allows his guests the time they need to talk through their story. Bravo Mr Ryan 👏👏 thank u for all the work that goes into these videos. (And Katie.. thank u)


My mortar platoon had a gun at the Bayji CMIC (formerly the police station) in 2003. We worked with the IP quite a bit but were certainly aware that some of them were on the other team. It doesn't surprise me too much that that issue continued and grew later on.
Iraq was a mess with all the internal factions and politics from the start of OIF. Oh, and some imported foreign fighters just in case it wasn't enough of a clusterfuck.


I was part of the Response force with 4ID when this happened.

I had always wondered for years what really happened. I heard about what happened on TV, but come on, we all know there’s another side to that story.

I’m really glad to hear this. This brings closure to a lot more people than you’d think.


As a 59 year old... lifelong Outdoorsman and worker in the gun industry. These are mesmerizing. As a 6'1" 195# guy, I was going to go in the military right out of high school, but my father wanted me to follow him into his business in the gun industry, which I did. I participated and lot of AR platform matches. Successfully. But do not think for one second I think of myself as what you guys do. My hat is off to you guys as I have mad respect for those who fought for our country in this military. A lot of my family did. From the Civil War up until modern times. How exactly do I become a patreon member? Keep It Coming Sean, you keep it as real as anybody. I'm mesmerised at night before I turn in for the night to listen to these. Thanks again to all the guys for being so brave for this great country... ...respect, bro...


It’s utterly disgusting the hate these men get when the people making the accusations won’t even listen to them speak. I pray for you guys that all the video footage comes out one day.


My Friend Don was Part of that Black Water Convoy.

In the U.S., we ( his family and myself) recieved a call around 1.a.m. telling us that they've been restricted to base. That he's o.k. and alive, but there's been a serious incident that he could not tell us about, but that we'd find out on the News in the following days.

He eventually told me of the story.

He fought for his life both that day for nearly a decade in court after the fact.
At the time of this engagement there was a sort of grey area regarding contractors and rules of engagement

In following years successful prosecutions against the 1st contractors for violating rules of engagement occurred. The 1st one being a British contractor and was charged with murder.

Because of the length of time since the incident, the D.O.J. kept trying to prosecute Don - which would have been a life sentence.

He ultimately was free from all charges.

Thank God all of you guys made it home.



There's been some episodes where I'm trying to remember what the other dude said to fill in the story. EVERYONE should do this to get people to understand 100%of a topic. THANKS KEEP EM COMING!


Thanks for all your videos. I never served but I’ve been a LEO for over 32 years and have such a great respect for our Military and the hero’s that protect our great Nation🇺🇸 Jeff


This is such a good channel the interviews as a whole and these clips are making me watch me the show twice and I pick up on things I missed the first time


Love this channel, i got out the Marines on May 31, 2003, if i had any idea it was gonna be as bad as it became i would've definitely stayed n reenlisted, in 2005 i did try and wasn't excepted due to back injury (3 ruptured disc). I was severely pissed, even tried army and navy with no luck!!! God bless all my Marine and other military brothers and sisters, love u all!!!
