Quitting Social Media Changed My Life

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I Quit Using Social Media... This is what I learnt.
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I quit Instagram and fb two weeks ago, and I feel so much calmer, a lot less noise in my head. When people mention the word 'FOMO' fear of missing out, i think people should have more fear of missing out on reality once you realise the amount of time, days, weeks, months and years wasted on these platforms. Im in my late 40s, and remember what life was like before social media, and I'm starting to feel like my old self again already. Im definitely gone for good!


Whoever said you can never go back to the 90s is delusional

It all starts with deleting social media


Bro, the amount of mental clarity and confidence I have in myself after deleting my social media is insane. It truly changed my life and I really can't go back. Great vid brodie


Start small. Stay away from social media for 30 days (delete completely off your phone) and see how different you feel.


I been off social media for over a month and I accomplished getting over 20 things done since I had so much extra time. And after being stood up on instagram by this one girl, I decided to finally delete my instagram account after 6 years of having it(had it since I was 17). Gained so much peace and happiness and getting my sanity back


I've spent 8 months without social media. And I can tell, there's nothing better. I've been living my real life, my real world. Not worrying about something in the other part of the world is doing. It's hard. I've changed the phone with books. There's nothing better!


I have really become tired of social media. I used to really like it, but lately it's so hard to see the content you actually enjoy, especially in Instagram you get bombarded by suggested posts of things you don't necessarily want to see and not only that, there is sooo much negativity on social media lately. So many arguments and hateful comments on posts, I am just over it. I don't even think it's helpful for businesses, I have a business account on there and get very few likes on my posts and no clients whatsoever. The only way to make a business account successful is to post daily which I honestly don't have the time nor energy to do.


Just did this over 4 months ago. Deleted everything from fb, insta, twitter, tiktok and sold my smart watch; just kept yt. Just in a better headspace now and it is so much worth it. Go out, talk to people and live your life undistracted.


Detaching from that world liberates you. After prison (false accused) I deleted all socials and focused on understanding myself. I spent about a year developing myself, ripping apart my personality, and becoming myself. I re-entered society, and I found that being disconnected from the rest of perceivable society was not a lonely thing, not feeling popular like in school where it was the most important thing for me, I found that I could find better people to be around. And more importantly, I knew I didn't need anyone to be happy. Now I have an Instagram account for personal, and I do not check my feed, I have about forty followers, I just post stories on it to see who is free, and just work my ass off as a writer and love life and workout and date around


Going on almost 4 years without social media and don’t regret it AT ALL!!! People always have the same reaction “wow good for you!” Or “yea social media is toxic” but never delete it themselves lol no judgment- I was fully addicted, but I am so much happier and more peaceful without it.


“Fake friends” so accurate. We can have 1k followers on Insta or something like that and have no one come help in a situation. Thank you for your video


I had large accounts (80k TikTok - 75k instagram and another insta with 9k) I deleted each account. I can’t express how much of a relief I’ve had. A peace, an inner stillness. Tho, my friends think I’m mentally unstable because of me leaving. 😅 I think in a couple years they’ll have a better perspective perhaps. ❤


I went home after a long a time and I was surprised how empty the street was. No children playing outside. We were always outside playing with the neighbours, every single day. Moving and forming social bonds. I met one of my childhood friends and it was as if we saw esch other yesterday. I had a very nice, deep conversation. Please do not underestimate the power of person to person interactions and do not disrespect your friends by checking your phone/watch all the time... ❤


I think social media is becoming a slow poison...


I deactivated Facebook and instagram and then deleted both a year ago….i’m much more intentional, I’m more productive, more creative and just happier. I love seeing the looks on people faces when I tell them I dont have social media too lol . In saying that I’ve become more frustrated on walks, driving, etc as everyone’s heads are down looking at their phones…. Look up people! Social media and consumerism is destroying everything ….


I quit all social media two months ago and I can honestly say I haven't been in this good of a mood in over a decade... I had no idea how I was getting drug down with all the noise from people whining and complaining or from all the "scare tactics news headlines"... Now I focus on my family and share things via texts w/ those I love and those who I know love me. Just as it should be.


8 months since I quit social media, it's been great. Very worth it


Quit instagram/snap chat a few days ago and on the cuff of quitting FB I’m 41 and I remember a time before phones. Life really was so much better. It’s insane the amount of time wasted on these apps. I love YouTube for information so I’ll be keeping that.


I quit SM a year ago, I’m now living my best life offline. I’ve noticed that my mental health has improved. I love this life🥺🥺❤️


Thanks for this. So true. I permanently deleted all my socials except YouTube in December 2021. I feel “lighter” and I smile so much more. Life is that much simpler for me. I love it here.
