PlayStation Sets New Record | Sony Doubling Down On Studios | November PS Plus | PS5 News

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Today we have more PlayStation news, rumors and leaks to cover starting with the November 2021 Ps Plus games lineup. Sony released their latest earnings report and there is some interesting info to go over such as PS5 sales reaching 13.4 million units sold and Sony planning to aggressively invest into PlayStation Studios. They also revealed a new PlayStation Pc publishing label. Apple music comes to PS5 and is the only console to offer it and finally we have a new PSVR 2 rumor to go over.






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PS5 is selling really well and PlayStation as a whole is continuing set new records for Sony, for those who love PlayStation games, this is fantastic news.


Finally got a ps5 during the invitation


Really excited to play The Persistence!


When we compare PS5 to Series, we don't count the 4 teraflop Series S, so 3-4 million Series X sold to 13.8 million PS5s


The numbers will bore most people but the thing to take away here is that Sony are doing what gamers want. Great hardware and great games. Content has always been king and Sony know it. You can track how MS have struggled at every stage. Sony offer extremely high quality content and have decades of expertise manufacturing electronic tech. MS have continually struggled with all of that. They have never matched the games in terms of quality and have always struggled matching Sony hardware when going toe to toe. The 360 gave them a lucky break when Sony made the more powerful PS3 too hard to programme, resulting in multiplats looking better on the 360. But generally, MS have to wait a year after the Sony console to see what they offer, then just boost theirs to make it better. But Sony keep winning because content is king.

MS decided to run with the XBSX toe to toe because they heard they had the tflops advantage (controlled leak to misdirect?), but Sony had simply moved the goal post with new innovative tech in the form of superfast SSD, rapid data throughput and superior data compression. The result is MS lost again with xbots not understanding why.

MS finally realised they could never win a toe to toe hardware battle with Sony or produce games of the same quality, so they changed direction to avoid fighting Sony. Emphasis was removed from the console and content was sold at a budget, when they created Game Pass with an eye to mimicking Netflix by streaming games to a new consumer base that Sony had not yet acquired. That meant going down market, but even this has not worked because content is still king. MS created the service and nobody came to the party. You need high quality content before offering the service. Sony are now in the position where they have a huge catalogue of classic AAA masterpieces that can be made available via subscription, streaming and porting to PC, in addition to their traditional console userbase that receives the new exclusives.

The conclusion here is that MS tried to avoid taking on Sony head to head and moved to a different corner of the market, but didn't realise that content is still king and applies to all areas. Sony just sat and watched as MS engaged on a new endeavour without the games to pull it off. Sony knew that any time they wanted, they could follow the same route and still beat MS in that area because they have the games to attract the new consumers. This is why Xbox will always be the runner up against Playstation in whatever corner of the market MS choose to stand and fight. Having the server tech does not guarantee a win because Sony can rent such tech from various sources. Even MS seem to be willing to rent their server tech to Sony because business enterprise deals are their main money earner, not the games division. Meanwhile, gaming is Sony's biggest earner.


Even software sales are shockingly good on PS5. Hitman 3 had the best sales on PS5, for example. I think Sony’s finally comfortable enough to stop making PS4 versions of games now. PS4 is 2012 tech, time to move on.


I'm not too into the standard games, but I'm all in for the VR. I've been wanting to play TWD vr big time


I almost bought Knock Out City. Very glad I didn't. I played the free demo. Was a fun game in short stints. Kind of like Destruction All-Stars. Fun for 30 minutes every now and then.


Mbg I am happy you joined the PlayStation family. I am happy with your videos. I am a PS and PC guy. Never an Xbox guy.


i want vr games every week but thats just me, why cant people realise other people dont just like the same old games, sony is good for variety and this is why i sold my xbox life for the sony one, if xbox done vr then i would stay with them but they are so last year, psvr 2 will be insane btw and i cant wait to play persistance, it has been rated very high


People saying Sony has gotten lazy or arrogant have been sleeping the past year


glad to hear that Sony is doubling xbox sales


I hope we can get a AAA fps or a new platformer from their studios. Sackboy was ok, but nothing too special.
I enjoy their games, but not every studio needs to focus on Third person action adventures.


The PS4 will be discontinued in a years time.

Also I bought the 13 millionth PS5


I bet sony would love to get rockstar but I don't think they would sell


Happy to hear Sony or Playstation is doing great financially. Meaning, more AAA games. But i do think they need a Japanese studio and I hope the rumors are true, Sony is assembling a AAA Japan Studio. Or, they can can just acquire Fromsoft from Kadokawa.


I don’t care about this PlayStation pc. As long as it does not includes day and date exclusives, what is wrong in Sony gathering more revenue? And potential ps consumers? And I’m sure that even when Xbox can run stream, it will exclude the PlayStation pc section


Even though it’s no surprise, I’m glad to see PlayStation 5 selling well and beating records. I think this will be the first generation I will skip out on a PlayStation console as I’m happy to wait for these games to come to PC. I have a big enough backlog as it is


104 Million active users and 36$ of average per user, i wanna see if this will stay hight as games come to PC, im from Brazil, and PC games here costs less, ive heard a lot of people migrating to pc, even friends of me, people like youtubers are already calling that in 1/2 years all Playstation games will come to pc DAY ONE, man i hope sony know what they are doing.


