NASA releases new Webb telescope images showing Jupiter like never before

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The world’s newest and biggest space telescope is showing Jupiter as never before, auroras and all.

Scientists released the shots Monday of the solar system's biggest planet.

The James Webb Space Telescope took the photos in July, capturing unprecedented views of Jupiter’s northern and southern lights, and swirling polar haze. Jupiter's Great Red Spot, a storm big enough to swallow Earth, stands out brightly alongside countless smaller storms.

One wide-field picture is particularly dramatic, showing the faint rings around the planet, as well as two tiny moons against a glittering background of galaxies.

“We’ve never seen Jupiter like this. It’s all quite incredible,” said planetary astronomer Imke de Pater, of the University of California, Berkeley, who helped lead the observations.

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This is only the beginning. The best and the more amazing is yet to come. we are so lucky to born in this era of technological development and advancement, with the technology that challenges our previous perceptions and models, which will further improve our understanding of the universe.


Very clear evidence of intelligent design, beautiful. Amazing the mind that designed and created all that.


Om sound please read this bhagwat gita


You do realize it’s an artist rendition of what it looks like that’s photo shopped image that you’re talking about there they’re lying and you don’t know what you’re talking about or maybe you do and you’re a liar to..
