How we can learn to be happier, with Dr Laurie Santos

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Yale University psychology professor Dr Laurie Santos spoke with the South China Morning Post about her course “Psychology and the Good Life", which made headlines as the most popular class in Yale's more than 300-year history. Now her research and methods are finding a wider audience in online courses as well as a podcast The Happiness Lab, offering hope for people around the world, including in Hong Kong, where amid months of protests there has reportedly been an “alarming” drop in measured levels of happiness.

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You can be happier if you take responsibility and not pretend to be a victim and no get easily offended


Happy must be learn... WHAT HAVE WE BECOME... WE are UNHAPPY because of what society has become, because what we see, what we see become what we feel...


The dislikes are people with depression


People are annoying and rude. So that’s why many others shut them off by being alone.


One has to look at many multiple fact that influence happiness than just material things. Unfortunately in the US these are the baby Boomers kids that are truly unhappy.


Best tip I can give you: stop watching news and get off twitter


I usually have depression for one day and then i go back to normal for 1 months Weird


Hmm...Professor Santos looks rather unhappy to me. Cheer up prof!


I disagree too agree I have many reasons why? I am going to share them. And some are my opinions too.
Yes! I agree it's not real time because it's all around the countries which means different time zones and that's okay you can't change time lol for the contented that peoples post, they have to be responsible too tell there audience's that is not everyday contented, it's pre record some knows and some don't because of age they might be younger and it's a paying video too. Yes! People's online can become actually friends in real life if you allow it ..It's your choice. Life happens and sometimes you work with peoples you don't choose too work with that lead too problems and you get depression because of that ..listen there so many reasons why peoples can be depressed..but too singled out a person that wants a better living or want stuff too help themselves. In my opinion that's mess up, that's toward someone smh in her life ?? Know Doctor should give a advice like that. If someone has a obsessives with obtained items that's unhealthy they should go too talk therapy about that. Some peoples shouldn't believe everything they see online, isnt actually life for some because peoples likes to lie and trap peoples too the point to support them and thats very wrong I disapprove of that. People shouldn't live careless through peoples online either and if you really know that their life is what they say you should be happy for them and work hard too get what you want in life of have the upright peoples in your life. And if your friends help you and taken time out their life too do so taken it, if they doing that to really help you out for not for their own agenda that's not right. It's 2019 a lot of peoples is making living online which means ..It's their job but I don't agree in being deceitful online too get your monies, that's fake and if you acting tell peoples that you are. And the great thing about being yourself, you start noticing seeing how comparing yourself too peoples online is unhealthy and wrong for you mental state and some don't believe watch they seeing if reading and other so that's great =)
For Happiness you choice to be, don't let's other determined that for you.

P.s. In my opinions there're a lot of peoples that wants too help but being honest with them, that's the way too go. Some would help the best way they can. Thank for reading and taken too do so. Happy Holidays everyone for those that celebrate.


just don't have kids and keep your moral willness and done


ill be happier if i find a korean gf. lol


Sorry happiness cant exist in this world I don't believe it sorry to burst your bubble


China can be happier by not violating human rights
