THE REAL WAY to do the Rice Water Hair Rinse | Yao Women's Recipe

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-1 cup of white/sticky rice
-4 cups of water
-Pomelo/Grapefruit peel (One full fruit)


-Rinse the rice to clean it of dirt, dust, etc. This step is optional, but recommended.

-Wash the rice. This is different from rinsing. Put the rice in a bowl of water and rub/scrub it between your hands like your are washing your hands thoroughly. (Don’t add soap or anything like that.)
-Discard the rice (or keep it and cook it if you like. I know that some people did that, so it should be okay), but keep the remaining water.
-Boil the water w/ pomelo peels (Pomelo isn’t common in the some places, so grapefruit is the next best thing. If that isn’t available, you can try orange peels or another acidic fruit’s peel, although she doesn’t say so in the video, I imagine it would be okay) and a few drops of herbal oil/essential oil (She used Lavender). Use all of the peel from the whole fruit.

Boil for about 10-15 minutes.
Once boiled, store it in a jar with the lid closed for at least 1 week. A closet would be a good place to keep it for the time being.


-Flip your head upside down over a bucket and rinse the water through your hair (Refer to 9:13 because I don’t think I explained as well as a visual could). Give your scalp a nice massage while rinsing for best results.
-Leave it in for 20-30 minutes. The more sensitive your hair to protein, the shorter you should leave it in for.
-Rinse everything out of your hair with clean water, your head upside down like before. (Again, refer to 10:12)
-Pat/Blot your hair clean with a soft towel.

The Yao women say they do this every 2-3 days, but because your hair is not going to be used to this method, doing this every 2-3 days may damage it. Use this method sparingly, maybe once or twice a month.

Feel free to screenshot if you need to :D


plain white rice, wash rice, boil with water, grapefurit peel boil it (10 to 15 mins), ferment 1 week
wash your hair every 3 days, leave it for 20 and 30 mins


As an Asian, this made me realize all of the rice water I left to waste🧍🏻‍♀️
Also many things contribute to these women’s hair care. Such as the climate, the water they use, the rice they grow, the oils, their diet, and of course- genetics.


My dad was making rice for dinner last night, and I asked him to keep the rice water, he asked why, of course and I told him it was for my hair, and he said, and I quote, “I know you like rice but you don’t need to drink the extra water as a midnight snack.” I couldn’t stop laughing after that. 😂


Don't forget... They probably eat a ton of fish which also adds to their healthy hair. Plus, they don't hot iron, blow dry or color their hair everyday.


As an Asian it’s surprising me how many people are throwing their rice away and don’t know how to make rice


I just did this, legit followed her recipe! I let it sit for a month and when I opened it, the smell was quite lovely! It smelt like grapefruit! I have kinky 4c Hair and the rice water went through my hair like butter.  I will definitely be doing this montly!


I meet these women not long ago in Guilin, China, and was so astounded by their beautiful hair.


I think your hair is looking so much more healthier even when it air dried love ya Isabella!


Ya'll commenting about being early.

How 'bout we actually appreciate the work and effort she put into making this video???



This is our Meitei's ancient method 🥰 we called it "Chinghi"😊 we can add lemon peel, pineapple peel, and some plants which is good for hair 🥰Love from Manipur 💗💗


Wow. I finally found a youtuber whose personality I like and also explains the science behind the method. Thanks for the help!!


_When she started talking about jewelry, I thought I was on a different video lmao_


I decided YESTERDAY I’d finally try this but couldn’t find a vlog that seemed to be correct UNTIL this just pos up !!! HOW AMAZING!!! And I’ll tell you I’m pretty impressed with your research and you made it interesting ( research is basically boring ) !!! So I’ll say this in my best British accent “ Brilliant and well bloody done !”


For anyone who’s curious: pomelos are like big grapefruits and they taste very good. They’re difficult to peel, but it’s worth it cause the inside is super sweet and sour. They come in a bright pink colour or white colour, with a white/yellow/green exterior. The fruits are usually found in Asian markets and pretty common.


It's almost 3 months since I started using it and it perfectly worked : my hair got longer, thicker and more healthier...Girls what are u waiting for!?


My cheap ass cooked the rice afterwards and it turned out great, in case you were wondering 😂


I am a cosmetologist, hair grows from the scalp! If this is going to work, it's because you place it on your scalp! The oil in the citrus will close the hair cuticles so that it lays flat. This will elongate the hair shaft making it appear longer. The average hair grows 1/2 inch per month. Should you see more growth than that, then what you are doing is working. I hope this helps. P.S. It doesn't matter what type of hair you have, any extra attention you five to your hair (extra brushing) will increase its growth.


I've been fermenting my rice with the water. I actually did a treatment just yesterday, but I do not use it as a wash so much as a treatment before a shampoo. I can honestly say it's improved the health of my hair over the last several years, as well as my new growth coming in darker than my previously silver hair. This method you describe makes more sense and I will be doing this method on my next treatment. Thank you for taking the time to research and share this!!
Love and Light!
