Power Apps Attachments for SharePoint - Files, Images, and Signatures

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Learn how to upload attachments to SharePoint Online List Items using PowerApps and Power Automate flow without forms. You can attach files, images from the camera control, and even signatures from the pen input to your SharePoint items thanks to this technique.

00:00 It Starts
2:01 Demo of attaching a file to a SharePoint list item using power automate flow
5:18 Demo of attaching a signature from the pen input control to a SharePoint list using power automate flow
5:43 Demo of attaching a picture from the camera control to a SharePoint list item using power automate flow
6:41 Creating the PowerApps inputs, including choices, for creating the item
7:56 Get a PowerApps Attachment Control from a form
13:08 Create a flow for uploading attachments to SharePoint. Create Item and Add attachment actions.
21:44 Attach an Excel file to a SharePoint list item via Power Apps
22:52 Use a Peninput to capture a signature with Power Apps and attach it to SharePoint
24:45 Take a picture with the PowerApps camera control and attach it to the SharePoint item

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Thank you for your videos Shane. I was in a meeting with a Power Platform customer experience manager from Microsoft last week and he said there was an aknowledgement from within that your videos are in part responsible for the uptake and success of PowerApps. Keep up the good work :)


Holy crap! This is exactly what I was struggling with today! Thank you Shane, but get out of my head.... Well, maybe not totally out, because your videos are what have kept me employed 😄


This video helped me upload pictures to my sharepoint list from my powerapp. You sir are goated! Gracias!


Thank you very much for your videos. You helped me a lot. In my job I am asked to create applications in PowerApps and I had problems at the beginning. Thanks to your videos, which make sense, the applications I created are admired by my employer. Thank you very much and I apologize for my English:) Best regards from the Czech Republic (Central Europe).


Hi shane! I love your content and have an absolute Joy learning from you. I was wondering if you had any ideas on how to attach multiple files to one parent list record based on a matching list ID. Except for step my Solutions can identify a match but can never transcribe all files together


Hey Shane - another AWESOME video! Thanks for posting. Follow-up question for you - did you say there was a way to PATCH the attachments to a new item in the SharePoint list instead of using Power Automate? If so, could you provide a little more information as to how that could be done? Thanks again!


Thanks Shane, this is very nice for adding attachments. Could you please show how to edit/update/delete the attachments in a SharePoint list item in a similar way?


"It turned sideways, we don't care." sums up my PowerApps experience perfectly hahaha. Thanks for your videos!


Hey Sean! Thanks for this video. This flow works perfectly, but I want to add more than one image to Sharepoint Attachments. Can you help with this? Would be much appreciated.


As if you read my mind... I was just thinking about how to do this. Thank you!


Thanks Shane, , Just wanted to pick you brain on the attachments when it comes to non image files (ZIP, word, excel, ppt, PDF) what are the changes that I need to be aware of? cause this is working for me for non image files too


Amazing work, thanks a lot! just how do you get rid of the "unsaved" label in the attachement control after a successfull uplaod to SP?


Great videos as always Shane. Trying to use this code in a simple Issue Log - where details are provided that were previously were patched to a sharepoint list. Bosses now want attachments which as far as i can see this code would do. We have Power Automate (o365). I have made the flow and added the attachments finder. mirrored your code. ONly slight difference was that i didnt need to use a button to get the flow as part of the app? and it doesnt appear as a data source? but the final submit code does find the flow to ask for the variables to pass to it so i can only
assume its a change with PowerApps. Everything looks good but the flow refuses to instigate when i test functionality? no error is presented either - looks like its doing it but nothing shows up in list - any ideas


Hi Shane, are you planning to add this in the curated library - can't find it and was hoping to download the app to follow along. Many thanks


Great video Shane! Is it possible to attached multiple files to the same item at once?


@Shane Young, I have been trying to figure out how to automatically increase/decrease the height of the attachment control when someone adds/deletes files. I know the control is very bare-bones and does not offer a lot of options for the developer, but do you know of any way to accomplish this? More than that, would you share any undocumented ways to manipulate the control in general? Good luck. :)


Shane this video is amazing! I am struggling with including a date picker and a person/group columns. Any suggestions? I’m also guessing this replaces the need for clearcollect or patch?


Hi Shane, did you already tried to patch a collection with attachments for reach rows inside the collection to SharePoint list? Thank you.


Hi Shane, have you ever automatically added an attachment to the control. I create a PDF via Power auomate and save it to a SharePoint item as an attachment, but it will not show up in my power apps form, even with refreshes etc. Wondering if you have come across a way to do it. - thanks


Hi Shane, Thanks a lot for the wonderful session. this is what I have been trying to find out as we use PowerApps to build custom applications at work and daily shopfloor reporting. Can this technique be used to click images from Mobile Camera too using the same PowerApps as this example showcases using webcam, would be great to hear your comments. Thanks again.
