Why Did Pepsi Make a Phone?

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This Pepsi phone showed up and I was like no way this is actually legit…well it is. Pepsi, the soda company, made a freaking smartphone! Surprisingly this phone is really solid and works super well. I brought out my iPhone 6s to see how it looked compared to it and honestly for $119, this phone is solid as hell. I also taste test Crystal Pepsi and it's super good! GOOD JOB PEPSI!
About TechSmartt
Hey I’m Keaton and I make videos on the coolest tech on the internet. Yeah I know it sounds like my mom wrote that first part, but seriously I make videos on cool stuff! I like adventures and iPhones so my videos are pretty much that. Stuff like insane iPhone challenges to WTF and hack type stuff. It’s lit so you better subscribe!
comment 'do crystal pepsi bath challenge' if u see this ;)
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