Reinstalling PS4 System Software

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Here are the steps to take if your PS4 system starts up in Safe Mode with a message requesting an update file on a USB device. These directions are only recommended for PS4 systems that cannot start up normally, because following them will delete all data from the hard disk.
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honestly i wanna switch to pc. this is bs


I am not able to access to anything on my ps4 when I start anything it says an error occurred please give me solution for it please


I update it how its suppose to then when i do everything right it ask for the update again when i click ok it says their is no usb connected


Is this posted now because there is an issue with a recent Playstation System Software update? I haven't myself had any issues yet.


Absolutely useless system update. This update bricked my brand new PS4 Pro, and I can’t do NOTHING on it absolutely nothing... I’ve tried every way to fix this BS and nothing works. Rebuilt database, Reinitilized my PS4 (twice), made sure it’s clean, reinstalled software using USB, NOTHING WORKS. The system is slow as hell on the home dashboard interface, freeze stuttering, PS4 won’t even launch games anymore (not even offline), once it loads a game, it’ll show the thumbnail game background for like 5 minutes and the PS4 shuts down... I literally just pressed “Restart” PS4 and it’s not turning back on. What the fuck? UPDATE 7.02 CORRUPTS YOUR PS4 AND FUCKING BREAKS IT. I know Sony pulls shit like this to promote new products, like the PS5 that just got released, shouldn’t this shit be illegal? My damn PS4 Pro (1 year old) just went defective over an update... I know I’m not the only one with this 7.02 corrupt update, tens-of-thousands of others are experiencing the same, fucking patch this, Sony.

EDIT: I decided to shut down my PS4 and it’s taking 10 minutes to shut down and it’s STILL “preparing to turn off the PS4”... I don’t even know if I can do anything at this point.

2020 EDIT: Around 4-5 months ago, I purchased a $90 CA SSHD (Hybrid of HDD and SSD) and it’s working normally.


I just got this today, and I am not happy. I'm glad I'm switching to PC soon. I just lost so much money for the games I paid for. Playstation needs to fix this.


It tells me that "The update file cannot be used."
"Connect a USB storage device that contains an update file for reinstallation for version 7.02 or later."


It says cannot find update file but it literally is downloaded perfect


I know the folder stuff seems useless but for some reason you do actually have to do it


after update 9.04 PS4 stuck terribly and after some time stopped working (turns on, checks if the disk has not been damaged and then crash) good update Sony 👍


Thx so much after 3 or 4 years i can play now again 🙏🏻


Playstation support you need to update this video as you changed your web pages and the directions to find the system software NO longer apply to this video. I would encourage an update to help your customers!


It feels like I've tried everything. One day I just turned my PS4 on and it said I needed to install the latest update with a USB drive (I followed all the instructions on the PlayStation exactly, made sure I got the right thing downloaded and all the files were named correctly)

It didn't work, so I tried putting it into safe mode and attempting from there to initialize it (the last option when you go to safe mode). It starts initializing and then it gets to 99% and freezes for a couple of minutes, then says an error has occurred (SU-41335-6)

Anybody got any idea what I'm supposed to do? Is my PlayStation permanently broken?


Damn Sony after all the hours of non stop gaming this how u do me🙄 definitely switching to Xbox 💯✌🏾


This update ruined everything on my playstation and it sucks because quarantine


I've been having an issue with my console for over a week now, that started with no plausible reason except for the 7.02 software update. It started out with the screen going black (I've checked and double checked my cords and connections) when I wasn't in a game but in a party, I could also not hear any sound but others could hear me. I was unable to reset the system so I was forced to hard reset. When I powered on the system again it checked the system storage (which it never used to do before the update) then restart. Once it restarted it would show the first ps logo then go straight back to a black screen. Now here's the very interesting part is the fact that I've gone through all options in safe mode times over and to my suprise it fixed it...then it did it again after I shut off the system and powered it back up. After repeatedly trying everything over and over I was able to fix it temporarily and try to ensure the system just doesn't turn off but it seems that was also temporary. I feel like a victim to a malfunctioning software update that has not been addressed, and I've read the whole terms and conditions, I'm in my rights to sue at this point if something is not done. I refuse to be forced to spend more money to fix a error in the software that's absolutely not my fault. And yes I've done all my research on this problem and no ones said that they've had the same issues I'm having since this recent update. I'm looking forward to your response.


I did all that and it says the usb storage is not connected (SU-41333-4) and it’s a brand new hard drive any suggestions on what I can do next


What's the difference between this and a regular initialization?


I just replaced my HDD and put the latest update of 7.50 onto my USB to reinstall my PS4, but when I put the usb in it comes up as corrupt file SU-30645-8. I need help ASAP!


this should be a fucking lawsuit, refusing to fix people's consoles after their update ruined them LMFOA take responsibility for your fucking actions sony😔