SDA Pastor vs: Christian: The First Day Sabbath | Part 1
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00:00 - Intro: Jeff Dowell
01:48 - Opening Remarks
06:24 - Responding to Jeff’s Intro
10:53 - Answering Adventism's Mission Statement
11:36 - Are Adventists Christians?
19:02 - My Mission Explained
21:49 - My Apologetic on Sabbath
31:31 - The Sabbath Transferred
31:42 - Jeff’s Position Misrepresentation
37:04 - Adam Clarke’s Insights
41:18 - William Twisse's Contributions
44:27 - Understanding the First Day
46:00 - The First Day Discussion
47:50 - The First Day Analysis
56:45 - Jeff Dowell's Critique of Dr. Kayser
1:00:30 - Myles's Paradigm?
1:04:47 - Jeff’s Critique on "God’s Week"
1:12:57 - Understanding the Statement
1:13:21 - Answering Key Questions
1:15:27 - The New Creation Explained
1:22:40 - Adam and Eve’s First Day
1:25:11 - Mark 2:27 Discussion
1:27:57 - Sabbath Made for Man
1:30:05 - Understanding God's Sabbath
1:33:00 - Sabbath and Weekly Cycle
1:34:35 - Sabbath and Redemption Work
1:38:56 - Sabbath and Resurrection
1:40:50 - Sabbath and Heavenly Sanctuary
1:44:06 - Sabbath and Ark of the Covenant
1:46:25 - Sam Shimon Overview
1:46:44 - Jeff’s Questions Addressed
1:52:59 - Sabbath Made for Man Explained
1:54:50 - True Fulfillment of the Command
1:58:15 - Sabbath in Exodus vs Genesis
2:02:48 - Sabbath in Deuteronomy 5
2:11:50 - Sam Shamoun?!
2:11:59 - Sam Shamoun and Sabbath Observance
2:16:38 - Responding to Sam's Argument
2:20:20 - Correcting Jeff’s Misrepresentation
2:24:18 - Hebrews 4:1-10 Analysis
2:27:51 - John Owen on Hebrews 4:6
2:28:54 - John Owen on Hebrews 4:9
2:34:08 - Sabbatismos vs Katapausis Explained
2:37:26 - Closing Statement
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