SDA Pastor vs: Christian: The First Day Sabbath | Part 1

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00:00 - Intro: Jeff Dowell
01:48 - Opening Remarks
06:24 - Responding to Jeff’s Intro
10:53 - Answering Adventism's Mission Statement
11:36 - Are Adventists Christians?
19:02 - My Mission Explained
21:49 - My Apologetic on Sabbath
31:31 - The Sabbath Transferred
31:42 - Jeff’s Position Misrepresentation
37:04 - Adam Clarke’s Insights
41:18 - William Twisse's Contributions
44:27 - Understanding the First Day
46:00 - The First Day Discussion
47:50 - The First Day Analysis
56:45 - Jeff Dowell's Critique of Dr. Kayser
1:00:30 - Myles's Paradigm?
1:04:47 - Jeff’s Critique on "God’s Week"
1:12:57 - Understanding the Statement
1:13:21 - Answering Key Questions
1:15:27 - The New Creation Explained
1:22:40 - Adam and Eve’s First Day
1:25:11 - Mark 2:27 Discussion
1:27:57 - Sabbath Made for Man
1:30:05 - Understanding God's Sabbath
1:33:00 - Sabbath and Weekly Cycle
1:34:35 - Sabbath and Redemption Work
1:38:56 - Sabbath and Resurrection
1:40:50 - Sabbath and Heavenly Sanctuary
1:44:06 - Sabbath and Ark of the Covenant
1:46:25 - Sam Shimon Overview
1:46:44 - Jeff’s Questions Addressed
1:52:59 - Sabbath Made for Man Explained
1:54:50 - True Fulfillment of the Command
1:58:15 - Sabbath in Exodus vs Genesis
2:02:48 - Sabbath in Deuteronomy 5
2:11:50 - Sam Shamoun?!
2:11:59 - Sam Shamoun and Sabbath Observance
2:16:38 - Responding to Sam's Argument
2:20:20 - Correcting Jeff’s Misrepresentation
2:24:18 - Hebrews 4:1-10 Analysis
2:27:51 - John Owen on Hebrews 4:6
2:28:54 - John Owen on Hebrews 4:9
2:34:08 - Sabbatismos vs Katapausis Explained
2:37:26 - Closing Statement

#sabbath #sdasermon #answeringadventism
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SDAs are like that kid who runs around the playground randomly hitting other kids, then acts all shocked and offended when one of them dares to hit him back! It's perfectly all right for Sadventists to trash talk Christians, but if you make even the mildest criticism of the Sadventists, you're suddenly the second coming of Nero...


If Jeff really understood what Myles was saying then he would not have made a rebuttal video. Even better yet if Jeff understood the GospeI, but then again he is an Adventist pastor.


Speaking of SDAs not being able to read & comprehend plain Bible text, I read a white paper by Roy Gane defending the SDA practice of Sabbath keeping &, towards the end, he literally said one reason Sabbath should be kept is because it's earth's birthday.
🌎🎂 👀

Except WHOOPS the text clearly states earth was "born" on the FIRST DAY & not the seventh & besides wasn't God resting on the seventh day?

Plus why would earth need to have its WRONG supposed "birth day" celebrated every single week rather than annually (like Christmas)?

Gane is an intelligent man, but wow. That is a glaring mistake for a scholarly paper... &, worse, no one noticed it?!


Myles this organization of people are all on one accord. It is really disturbing. I attempted to enlighten my children after countless failed attempts to reach mom with truth about e.g.w and was meet by a very hostile spirited ex wife/kids mom yelling WHY YOU BASHING HER Referring to e.g.w Yet they can go to school and learn all about her distorted view of the gosple. For years all I heard was sda teachers bash "Sunday keepers"


You are not attacking. If it hadn't been fir finding you i wouldn't be out of sda wr are in a sunday church and very happy thank you don't stop 12.:15 sept 14


Well done Myles! Jeff is making a strawman argument because he knows he has no legs to stand with. Myles, you are speaking above his head, he will never get it in his stony head.


I spent a lot of time with ol' "Jiffy Jeff" back when I was trying to give myself a reasons to believe adventist doctrine. Hours and hours and hours of talking but he failed to convince me that his conclusions are correct. I didn't leave the adventist church with the mindset that I wanted proof it was wrong. I left after searching for proof that it was right and never got it. Thank you for dealing with this guy directly.


I believe the name of a church will not reserve for you a place in heaven. Scripture says that your name must be written in the Book of Life. The book of life is not a particular church. All doctrine is secondary to this. It's why heaven will be made up of people from many different churches and people who even never set foot in a church in their whole lives.


God bless you Myles! May many come out of satans cult of adventism to The Jesus of Holy Scripture through your work.


The devil is a liar. No weapon formed shall prosper keep exposing these wolves 🎉❤in Jesus name


Yeah Jeff's vid showed up in my feed a while back, but it was obviously an Amateur Hour hit job so I didn't watch it 🤦🏻‍♀️ Watching your response video is entertaining & educational though 😝


Adventists really don't understand the new covenant. Deuteronomy 5:3 was deliberately changed in the clear word bible because it states that the old covenant was not given to their ancestors. If they didn't change that verse, they couldn't teach that it existed since Adam and Eve, so the verse now says that it was also given to their ancestors. Adam and Eve were not working Sunday to Friday. I don't think they worked until they had to provide their own food after being told to leave the garden and their death began. If you show them Paul speaking on the first day of the week in the book of Acts (which the clear word calls Saturday night), they still want to see a commandment for it. Commemorating the empty tomb was not a commandment, it was something they started doing in remembrance of Christ. They use the verse about Paul going to the synagogue....yet do not understand he was going there to bring the gospel, telling them not to judge based on a holy day. The very thing adventists are taught to do... judge Sunday as the mark of the beast. I pray for my family members, to hear what Christ said, and beware of false prophets, and teachers. Do you plan on doing any episodes on the clear word Myles?


bro i get you lmao iv been trying to reach our to my family about this and read the bible and its like talking to a wall.


I think the hardest and saddest thing is that myles your willing to listen to the argument and debate them but when you go to their channel and see they’re comments they typically bad mouth, say that you lack the intelligence to debate, or other forms of disrespectful criticism. You hard see anyone that seems they’ve taken what you said and really debated with it. Its sad because they truly believe what the SDA church is spitting out and are so paranoid that its them verses the world.


This is a case of an advanced University student trying to explain an advance subject matter to a kindergarten kid. Jeff is not intelligent or knowledgeable enough to understand what Myles is saying. The problem with Adventust is that they were taught to see the Sabbath in one dimension. This one dimension mind set has them sounding very elementary to the point of being cringeworthy and downright embarrassing. The misunderstanding of the Gospel is the backbone to their misinterpretation. Most people who listen to Jeff will tune out after the first few minutes even if they didn't listen to Myles. Only his fellow misguided Adventist will feel a sense of relief and reassurance.


I mostly fast-forwarded through his commentary, but it seems to me that beyond just misrepresenting your position, he also parroted the usual SDA talking points. While I disagree with your belief that Sunday is the "new creation Sabbath" (as you probably know), it's clear that you've thought it through, and disagreement isn't an excuse for misrepresenting it (intentionally or otherwise).


Hey Myles, I really appreciate your ministry of alerting and educating the body of Christ about the false teachings of the SDA. Not having much contact with them and the few times I was able to interact with an SDA member I was given what sounded like a proper biblical response to the question of how one is saved from the penalty of their sins. Because of their obsession with the Sabbath and food, I thought they were just zealous health nuts who were confused about the real nature of Sabbath or Rest, that is not so much a day as it is a person, Christ Jesus himself. And so, I like many, including Walter Martin of years gone past, I took somewhat of an agnostic approach to their “side issues” teachings. That all changed when I was introduced to your presentation with Shamounian where you systematically laid out the history and the doctrines of the SDA using their own documentation. Yes, I watched parts one and two. But it was when I watched the first part of your response to Jeff Dowell’s critique of you that made the SDA’s misunderstanding of the Sabbath, in a New Testament setting, more clear. I also appreciated your exegesis of the related biblical passages that deal with the new creation that Christ established with his redemptive work at his first coming, to be consummated on the last day when he returns to resurrect his people in Christ and to set up His eternal Kingdom, the new heavens and new earth, in which righteousness dwells (2 Peter 3:13).
But I’ve got questions in light of what I learned from your presentations, and hopefully will continue to learn, (yes, I’ve subscribed). I’ve recently started my own YouTube channel, (Grow Up In Christ Ministries), where my emphasis is to teach in an expository way where I exegete the word of God in its context using a biblical hermeneutic. (Full disclosure: I am of the Reformed Camp). I’m presently teaching through the gospel of John and my next study will focus on John 3:13-15, that will include Moses lifting up the serpent in the wilderness, on which I have a question.
What I learned from your first presentation with Shamounian was how the crux of the SDA system is based on their teaching of The Great Controversy, something I had never heard of before, and how that system ultimately leads to the Investigative Judgement. Sandwiched in all of that information I remember the two of you concluding that the SDA’s understanding of these events will have Satan being the one responsible for bearing the sins of the people as a Scapegoat. Please forgive me if I have any of this out of sequence since it was all pretty much new to me. I didn’t take notes because the discussion went quickly. So, here’s my question; if Satan was the Scapegoat in the SDA system, and in practice he is the one responsible for bearing the sins of people, how would that play out with their understanding of the lifting up the bronze serpent, who could easily be made to represent Satan if they were consistent?
Thanks for all you do and may the Lord continue to bless your efforts.
In Christ, Drew Worthen


Just because we don’t agree with each other doesn’t mean we’re attacking one another. Myles and myself don’t agree on everything and that’s ok. Gods church is a diverse people.


Adventists straight up ignore what former sda have to say. Why? Because we pretty much all say the same reasons for leaving and yet they don’t consider the possibility of being wrong about anything.

There are probably millions of us by now. And they still want to be spiritual ostriches.

I knew that church was wrong since I was very very young.


It's interesting to learn about the contempt SDAs have toward those with degrees and the reasons behind it that stem from the history of Adventism. The more I hear about it, the more Adventism resembles its fellow 19th Century American cults, the Mormons, the JWs and the self-styled "Christian Scientists" (who were neither Christian nor scientific). William Miller's utter lack of qualifications to pretend to be an authority on Biblical prophecy is strikingly similar to the similar deficiencies of Joseph Smith, though Miller at least didn't write his own cheap and clumsy imitation of the Bible like Smith did...
