17 Productive Things to do with your Free Time

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Learning, reading, and writing improve me much more than watching TV. In this video, I'll give you 17 things to do instead of watching TV.

0:00 Intro
1:05 Online Classes
1:59 Website
4:55 Meditate
5:43 Go for a Walk
6:57 Clean
8:31 Dreamline
9:31 Journal
11:36 Code
12:26 Yoga
13:07 Tourist
13:54 Digital Clean
15:33 Music
16:26 Finances
17:19 Blogs
18:15 Read
20:00 Shortform

Editor: Martino Gasparrini
Who am I:

Рекомендации по теме

1. Online Classes
2. Making a Website
3. Meditation
4. Go on a Walk
5. Clean
6. Figure out your Dream Life
7. Journaling
8. Learn Coding
9. Yoga / Exercise
10. Tourism
11. Organize PC / Email / Accounts
12. Play an Instrument
13. Read Blogs
14. Read Books


Just remember: we are not machines, we dont have to be productive all the time...spend your free time in a way that makes you feel good, nothing wrong with playing games, watching movies or whatever, as long as it doesnt mess up with your other obligations


I love your how you’re constantly looking for new ways to grow and evolve. Definitely taking notes! ❤


I only watch tv closer to bedtime with my blue light filter glasses to reward myself for accomplishing my other goals. I love it. It's a great way to end your night if you watched something uplifting, inspirational, or hopeful (especially in the kind of world we live in sometimes where it's easy to be despondent or disheartened by unnecessary cruelty, hatred, and evil).


Man this video is gold, so complete. And the way you talk about these activities inspire me to do them. Love your videos style


great video! totally agree that we often end up coasting through life- i've been finding too many small pockets of time that i'll end up giving up to social media or whatever pops up on my phone. this is a good list to remind myself of other ways i can choose to spend my time. another list that helps me is to have a list of small bite sized tasks that contribute toward my big projects or goals- oftentimes i end up coasting because i'm not sure about my next steps, so having a list of concrete actions help me spend time more intentionally.


What a great video ✨ it’s soo complex, so smooth, so informative and professional. Thank U Zach ! For so many information and tips, great job. Waiting for a new episode 🙌🏻


The video is about 17 productive things to do instead of watching TV during your free time. The speaker talks about how he started his YouTube channel by writing scripts during his free time instead of watching TV. He believes that learning, writing, and reading are better ways to grow as a person than watching TV. The 17 productive things that the speaker suggests include taking an online class, creating a website or a YouTube channel, practicing meditation, hiking, tidying up your place, cooking, volunteering, learning a new language, playing an instrument, practicing a new skill, journaling, practicing gratitude, spending time with loved ones, going to a museum or art exhibit, exploring new places, and exercising. The speaker also shares his favorite recipes for chicken stir-fry and vegetable curry.


Honest, just laying down without something in my ears, just breathing outside looking at the sky. Relieves so much stress naturally, makes me more motivated to do stuff later, but appreciate the down time I have. I ain’t a machine, I have desires, but also I can get stressed and tired and need that rest.

All that to say though, filling in time I would be watching something I know isn’t good for me I believe requires awareness of my activities, and time to evaluate what I want to do and be rn. Not because someone else tells me but because I want to be that. If you gotta hustle then you be you, but for others don’t let someone else’s hustle control you. Be with purpose.


Honorable mention at number 18 is call a friend! Likely they have free time too and it’s always nice to have an unexpected call from a loved one or a friend even if it’s simply to just check in on them.


thank you very much for the information and the positive vibes it gives. I don't know why after watching your videos I'm getting more and more excited to complete a lot of work which almost makes me bored and stressed because it doesn't work.


Feel blessed to find this video and your channel. Feels very natural to me, not selling sth or even yourself. And the tips are (for me) really healthy stuff to grow as a person, in my character. And people who let their character grow can certainly make a good contribution to society. So, thank you Zach! 🙏🏻


I totally agree with you those are some productive activities but sometimes we just need to watch tv, to feel a little bit relaxed or at least have fun and some sort of entertainment.


I love your videos!!! ✨ They help me improve not only my productivity but also my mental health 🧠Thanks Zach!


Yo zach man you're literally my favourite youtuber I just started 1st year of med and now the things you've been saying starting to make sense time management is key so is a simple life anyways bro keep doing what ur doing and can't wait for the podcast!!


Such great and inspiring tips-i do kind of feel like I'm coasting and this is helpful to try and spend time doing something that invests in me!


Zach, this was such a great video! Just like other YouTubers, you could have made 15 videos from the content you mentioned here. But instead you made a one single video where you briefly mentioned all. Thank you for being this efficient and helpful. All the advice you gave were really inspiring, and I am definitely going to follow your advice on creating a personal Website! Continue with such high quality content please!


Terrific, inspiring video! I'll be repeating regularly as I work my way through these awesome suggestions and recommendations. Thx from a still evolving 78-yr-old!


Great video, Zach! Thanks for the tips!


Really loved this video, Zach. Lots of great options there - it’s going to be hard to pick just one or two. Thanks.
