Waking up after having a total laryngectomy

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How did you feel about having the surgery?
"I woke up from surgery feeling a lot better than I did before my surgery"
Hear Alan, who underwent a total laryngectomy describe waking up after the surgery.

#laryngectomy #totallaryngectomy #cancer #laryngeal #larynx #voice

Can you go back to your time when you found out that you ´ve got cancer and would need a total largyngetomy, I know we've touched a bit on this but do you want a bit more about how you felt and what you went through um quite simply your experience with your cancer surgery?

I mean other than what I've told you about you know about the fear of the future the fear of my family's future or not being there for them you know that all changed after the surgery because I woke up from surgery feeling a lot better than I did before my surgery you know especially when we know you're probably gonna ask me shortly but when I started to voice my voice was better after my total error objective than before my laryngectomy so on reflection if I look at my pre and post surgery wow my life is a thousand percent better after my surgery than it was before because I've got a voice.
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