Crazy Life Of Pope Alexander VI

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When it comes to excess in 16th-century Rome, nothing compares to the Banquet of Chestnuts. During the early 1500s, the great Renaissance city of Rome was ruled by Pope Alexander VI and his son Cesare, both members of the powerful Borgia family. The influential clan epitomized the misconduct and debauchery of the era with their entertainment. Every Borgia party and banquet was a lavish affair catered to a privileged social set. One such occasion arose the night of October 30, 1501, when a huge banquet was organized in the Papal Palace. The guest list of this Borgia banquet included nobility and senior officials of the Catholic Church - but courtesans and prostitutes as well. What began as a carefully choreographed ballet of manners soon devolved into a wild party with naked entertainers and sexual games. The infamous Banquet of the Chestnuts has gone down in history as one of the wildest nights in history. Although historians disagree on whether the event actually occurred, there is a firsthand written account of the night. That document shows how the scandalous feast shed light on the morality of the papal office, particularly the negativity surrounding the Borgia rule. Salacious though it was, the party illuminated the duplicitous and flawed nature of religious authority.
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I can see Berlusconi as this Pope in a previous birth.


There were several hyperbolized stories of Pope Alexander VI. And for that we don't know what is true. Error on the side of the church because most of the stories you hear nowadays are hyperbolized. So I would go with what I can observe and learn from.


The drawing of the nun in bikini underwear is crap. Woman, except perhaps for that time of the month did not wear underpants or anything down there in the western world. I did not bother to watch the video going by what I saw in the drawing/painting


only pope alex (so called by friends) 6th? 🤣
if you take a look, even lightly, at history, you will discover that the "physical" relationships of the ecclesiastics were a common thing practically until yesterday and until the Renaissance and beyond it was common and normally accepted that priests had a woman in the house, which was not called wife only for bureaucratic problems but in reality it was such.
and this is also the main reason why prostitution has been officially prohibited in Italy since 1958 and the so-called "houses of tolerance" no longer exist, because the main customers of the "welcoming ladies" were the priests.
but a lady senator, bigoted to the core, protested until the law forbade this and since then priests have had to try to vent elsewhere and formally in secret.
