Will Betelgeuse Star Explode And Go Supernova?

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There is an entity in the universe known as Betelgeuse, and it is something that will explode one day. Join us as we explore everything we need to know about this force.

9. What is Betelgeuse?
Out in space in the Orion constellation, there is a very bright star in our night sky known Betelgeuse. To put it most simply, it is a red supergiant, and one that dwarfs many others stars in the sky. Such as the big star known as Rigel which it outsizes in a rather significant way. Mainly because this star is 1.3 BILLION kilometers long. That's basically three times the size of Rigel, which for the record is 97 million kilometers long. So yeah, definitely not a small star.
For a comparison, if some kind of cosmic event somehow dropped this massive star into our own solar system and replaced our own sun with it (which obviously won't happen but why ruin the moment here?), the mass of Betelgeuse would basically destroy everything from the point of the sun all the way until Jupiter more than likely. So you should be glad this isn't a thing that likely will happen...hopefully.
Betelgeuse is also the 10th brightest star in the sky overall, and it’s the 7th brightest star visible from most of the U.S., Canada, Europe and the majority of the Northern Hemisphere.
What's that? How big is Betelgeuse compared to the Earth? I'm glad you asked! The Earth is about 40,000 kilometers long in circumference. Which means that this supergiant is 32,500 times bigger than us. That's a lot. Like really, that's a lot of mass for a single star.
So yeah, that's Betelgeuse on a very basic level. But there is more going on here with this star than you realize. Including the fact that this is a star that is going to explode one day, and that's not something we should look forward to in one way or another.

8. The Star Will Explode, No Doubt
The life of stars is a very curious thing. As they burn very, VERY brightly in the sky, and that affects a lot of things around them. Take Earth for example. If our star burned less brightly, and thus less hot, our planet wouldn't be in very good shape. In fact, our star is quite literally perfect in regards to how far it is from Earth, the light and heat it emits, and even how much radiation it pumps out into space itself. But that last bit is another topic entirely. To burn like it does, it has a very particular balance of energy within itself. This balance is between the gasses it creates, and the gasses it burns.
This goes for all stars, but not all stars are created equal as you hopefully know. There are white dwarf stars, red dwarf stars, supergiants, neutron stars, pulsars, and more, there's a wide menagerie out there, but they work on very similar principles in terms of burning gasses for fuel.
For supergiants like Betelgeuse, the amount of energy that is needed to contain its massive size (1.3 billion kilometers to remind you) is a massive strain. Eventually, it's going to run out of fuel, and when that happens it'll start a process that'll very likely end up with it exploding in space. This is one of many "natural" fates that stars face, but for Betelgeuse, the things this could inflict are numerous.
And no, I'm not just referring to how our sky will be a little dimmer now that we can't see it after its .

So, when it comes to stars as a whole, they have a wait to "rebirth" themselves, or likely a more accurate description is to "recycle" themselves. Because a supergiant can go supernova, explode, and then the gasses that they leave behind over the course of many years can come together and create a new baby star. Thus throwing the whole cycle back to the beginning stages of star life. However, as I'm sure you've taken not of before, not all stars do this. Some stars straight up die, some even are able to compress themselves much quicker so that they become a new star almost instantaneously. And some are able to compress themselves in such a way that they can become new kinds of stars like Neutrons.
But will this happen with Betelgeuse? The honest answer here is no. There were a lot of people who felt that this could've happened to Betelgeuse given its life, size, and power. But eventually it was determined that after it goes Supernova and full-on explodes it won't have the power to become a brand new star. Still, it will be rather cool to see a SUPER bright star in the sky that is even more powerful than it is right now. But yeah, when it dies, it'll die. that's just how stars goes sadly.

Video Chapters:
00:00 Introduction
00:18 What Is Betelgeuse?
02:01 The Star Will Explode
03:35 Death And Life Or Just Death?
05:12 Will This Explosion Hurt Earth?
06:41 Comparisons To Our Own Sun
08:02 The Origin Of Betelguese And The Orion Constellation
09:56 Do We Have To Fear Sun Pulling Betelguese
11:34 When Will Betelguese Explode?
12:26 Star Power
13:00 Outro

#insanecuriosity #starexplosion #betelguese
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The real question is, did Betelgeuse already go supernova ?


Is English your second language?! How is a star 'long'?


who the hell edited your script? It sound like something that has gone through google translate, ,


So, exactly which star in Orion is Betelgeuse. I didn't see you point that out.


Please take this video with a big grain of salt. It is not very accurate.


Far too much inaccurate crap in this clip. Betelgeuse is around 570 LY away from us.


I think it’s already gone supernova, we’re just waiting for the light to hit us


Wow! In just a little over 2 weeks since this video was uploaded and Betelgeuse went from the 10th brightest to the 23rd brightest star in the night sky. That is a HUGE change in such a short time! Even before I heard about the recent dimming of the star I have been noticing the change for the past several months as I've been watching Orion rise in the early evening. I thought maybe it was my imagination or something.


Will Betelgeuse become a pulsating neutron star after passing the explosive supernova stage in a far out future?


damn, 600 times wider than our sun...she's a big one...


I wish this will happen in my lifetime or maybe it already did and the light will hit us at any time.


Sorry if it was a single light-year away from Earth, Earth would die. The Ort cloud is about 1 light-year away from us. If it was that close, it would tear our atmosphere away and the Earth would most likely be scotched about half a mile to a mile deep into the Earth's crust. I love this channel to much to just let them slide on this.
Now with the Sun being classified as mid sized yellow star. Well our sun isn't yellow, sorry our sun is a white star and for some reason they haven't stared changing this is texted books in public schools. I had an argument with my teacher about it being a yellow star. He said do me a favor and call LSU. Man I was in 9th grade at the time too. He said call and ask for such or such. I was waiting for about 10 minutes and this astrophysicist came to the phone. Now the phone was on speaker for all 30 of my classmates to hear me be corrected. He said the the sun is white and that we found out in the 1960's when man flew far enough away from the atmosphere that they saw it was a white star. I asked why the schools have corrected this in our textbooks. He came back with ( well then the Superman story line would be wrong from the start. ) Wow. I apologized to my teacher and say down with my head on my desk. Really as much as loved Superman and they didn't know that the sun was white and thought it was yellow. I know now why their planet was doomed.
I went to grad school and ended with a nice degree.
Look there is nothing wrong to believe what you were taught. Our education system is to be blamed for that. I don't win all my arguments but when I lose one I very politely shake the other person's hand and say nice job. There's no need of getting upset. Hell last month they said that we had discovered a huge blackhole in our Galaxy that should not exist. The mass of 70 sun's if I remember correctly. I said I just don't believe it but ok. That might be something I really need to look into. Well I was beaten to the punch. There were two teams that were thinking the same as me. Think they will retract that story now. Anyway everyone have an awesome holiday season.


The star could become a white dwarf...and let find the AMATIMAS BLINK by Richard Herbert. 1/31/2020.... maybe super Nova
This star


Why did you say we shouldnt look forward to it going supernova ????....there is no danger to the earth...it's nearly 700 lightyears away ?...it would be an extremely rare spectacle...What do you mean, goes supernova, then later on explodes?....thats one in the same thing, not two seperate events


This is a poor Badly researched video. The Facts a poorly represented and doesn't really explain this star or its facts with much clarity or accuracy. Especially when the guy says if this was a light year away from us it wouldn't do any damage to us ! Are you for real !! This could hurt us if it was up to 100 light years away . No mention of gamma rays then ????. And you can see this with the naked eye. Easily.


I dreamt it many years ago. Did not fully understand what it was. The dream showed a star brighter than the Moon, with a halo around it, like Saturn’s ring. Unlike Saturn, which seems like an eye, due to the viewing angle, this star’s halo was circular from the perspective of Earth. We were all looking at it, in the dream, and it was a sight to see. Something amazing. Just imagine a bright star with a circular halo around it. Everybody was looking at it in amazement for the halo, the ring around it was pulsating, becoming larger and smaller in its radius. It was beating like a heart, the ring increasing its size as it pulsated becoming larger, then smaller, as if it were a multistage implosion about to take place. It was an ominous feeling and people started seeking for shelter, running to their homes, trying to protect themselves from an explosion. Then, as the ring around the star collapsed for the very last time, and in an instant, as I was watching, I saw the bodies of people carbonized in an instant. The legs disintegrated and human bodies just fell on the ground, dark brown, unrecognizable. This event took but an instant, and the odd thing was how trees and homes were intact, as if nothing had happened. That’s the dream. I’ve kept the dream for many years, since 1981, when I had this dream I haven’t forgotten. Now that I hear everyone talking about Betelgeuse, I have come to understand that the Pyramids of Egypt were left there for us as a warning, so that we would look up to the sky, in the direction of Orion’s Belt. I am now convinced this great sign on the sky announces the end, the baptism by fire of Earth. When I see Betelgeuse dimming it reminds me of a tsunami, how water retreats before it comes at us with a vengeance. Yes, I am a Christian, and I believe we are living in prophetic times. Imagine if we are positioned right in the northern of southern axis of the star. The neutron star explosion would shoot a beam of gamma rays so strong it would obliterate Earth with its power. I am also wondering if the Sun has gone shy lately due to Betelgeuse electromagnetic influence, after all, it’s an Orange Supergiant with could end up creating a nebulae thousands of light years in diameter, putting Earth and our solar system inside that nebulae once it goes bye bye. Well, go to confession, repent before it’s too late. I’m sure once the phenomena starts there won’t be enough time to do it. We are in the Great Tribulation undoubtedly, for one fifth of humanity has been butchered inside the womb, 1, 500 million thus far, 61 million in the USA, in a clear attempt to destroy the human family. It all is happening as it was written in the book of Revelation, right before the second coming of Jesus Christ in glory, to take us to a New Earth, in a New Universe. Believe me you, the sky will look a lot different after this Betelgeuse even takes place. Imagine being surrounded by a sky filled in blue and pink colors, a super bright night sky, as it has never happened on Earth before. However, I doubt there be any to contemplate such a sight, which makes me wonder. Who knows, we might have to leave this planet and see a brand new sky, somewhere else in the Universe. Are you ready to board “Noah’s Vessel” the New Jerusalem, heading to a brand new planet in your brand new bodies, because I honestly doubt our carbon based bodies will be able to withstand what’s coming. Now you know. I said it. Let it not be said I kept this intel to myself, I did share it, to as many as I could. (Don’t kill the messenger of Betelgeuse).


Has anyone bothered to find out what are the ratios of atomic elements fusing in Betelgeuse. If the H and He elements fusing in the star are nonexistent. And the star has advanced to carbon fusion. Then it could supernova any year now. So why has no one tried to find out the proportions of the elements fusing in Betelgeuse ? It would seem to be a question of major importance to find out.


Yes it will after 100, 000 years EDIT: what the YouTuber called “what if” said it will explode after 100, 000 years


Where does this idea that stars can recycle themselves come from? I've never heard of it. How does one refurbish a star's core? No, I think this idea was pulled out of someone's nether regions.

Stars "constant shifting in orbits and bending of light"? If you don't know why there are differences of opinion about distances, don't make things up. "Regardless, if it (Betelgeuse) was a single light year away, it wouldn't have as much impact on us as you think it would." Dramatic statement - how do you justify it? "So times that by hundreds and we'll be quite safe as a whole." I'm supposed to trust this because you say it's so, with not even the pretense of a reason?

Back to covering the Hollywood airhead of the week, guys. I'm done for this one.
