Is Sonic x Shadow Generations ACTUALLY Good!? Well...

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With another year almost over, that means we have a brand new Sonic game! Sonic x Shadow Generations. Sonic Generations is back and remastered for modern platforms alongside the new Shadow Generations campaign. Is the remaster good? Is Shadow Generations good!? Well, watch and find out!

Intro Bumper Visuals by @ExoParadigmGamer

Intro Bumper Music composed and arranged by @ThatSoundDesignGuy
00:00 Sonic Generations
16:27 Shadow Generations
#sonicxshadowgenerations #sonic #shadowthehedgehog
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I strongly disagree with the idea that Radical Highway shouldn't have been where it was used.

The first time Shadow went through Radical Highway, he went through it holding Maria's wish in his heart, "Revenge".

Now, he is going through it with Maria's true wish, to make everyone happy, and quite literally flying through it.


Shadow did actually have something to say about chaos island and Sunset Heights but it’s tucked away in a text only dialogue with Gerald when he responds to shadow saying “oh so you’ve seen places you don’t recognize? then perhaps you’re seeing the future as well as the past.”


You clearly missed the point of the story in both Shadow the Hedgehog and Shadow Generations.

Shadow's character arc in Shadow the Hedgehog was about trying to figure out WHO he is and what path he should follow. Keep in mind he still has amnesia through most of the story, and only at the end does he come to terms with his identity and his past. However despite realizing who he is, he knows there isn't anything he can really do with that information, so he elects to move foward and save the world because he believes thats what Maria would have wanted. The end cutscene where shadow leaves behind the picture wasn't him getting closure, it was him just acknowledging that there is nothing left for him to do and moving on with his life.

Meanwhile in Shadow Generations, Shadow's character arc is different, NOW it's actually about getting closure. He is literally presented with the chance to change the timeline and save Maria and Gerald from their grim fates. This time he CAN actually do something, hence why he's so emotionally vulnerable this time around. You can literally see it in his body language. At the end when Gerald and Maria are vanishing back to their time, Shadow could have easily told Maria and Gerald about their looming deaths and how G.U.N was going to betray them, why didn't he? Because even if he did it wouldn't change anything. The Maria in his timeline will still be gone, and he will still have to live with the grief. Maria did however give Shadow something he badly needed all the way back at the end of Shadow the Hedgehog and on the day Maria died. She told Shadow even if fate draws them apart, she will always be in his heart. That's the point of his arc, instead of trying to bury his past and trauma like in Shadow the Hedgehog, this time he learns that he CAN still hold onto the good memories he had with Maria, instead of trying to avoid it.

In a way one might even say Shadow did save Maria at the end, because now she lives in his heart instead of being forgotten or ignored. That's what makes this story so beautiful.


The best rewrite in the game IMO is Shadow saying “On your feet.” Just sounds a lot more in character and badass, granted the story is kind of ass anyways, but it’s a nice touch


Did anyone in this comments section make the joke about how Classic Sonic ate Angel Island when Knuckles asked where it is yet?


Sunset Heights is a WILD inclusion the more that you think about it:
It's a game in the remake of Sonic Generations, using Sonic Frotiers physics, in the setting of Sonic Forces, borrowing the plot of Shadow the Hedgehog, running on the gameplay model of Sonic Unleashed. There are so many layers going on here.


God PLEASE let this momentum keep going and not trip over and fall for another decade like Generations to Lost World


There is actually quite an important bit of new lore about Black Doom.

Black Doom is a *parasite* and the Black Arms are effectively a hive mind. Black Doom survived using the Black Leech used to create Shadow that was still alive aboard the ARK [and it's this that Shadow sensed at the start of the game so went to the ARK]; as Black Doom can essencially transfer himself to other Black Arms when he dies, but it took a while for that leech to basically grow into Doom again.

Doom's plan the entire time was to take over Shadow to become even more powerful. But Shadow has something no other Black Arms has; Free Will, and was able to deny Black Doom and fight him off.

Although this does raise questions to to why the Black Arms attack Shadow even when he's helping Black Doom in StH... if they are literally a hive mind with Doom. But I guess that's somewhat explained by Doom wanting Shadow to reach his full potential before taking him over to maximise Doom's future power.


Frontiers is one of my favorite Sonic games, it was a shame to me that you were not a fan of the game but I understood your criticisms even if I don't agree with most of them, but seeing you liking a 3D Sonic game after so long makes me happy. Your Sonic videos were building up to this game. We are getting one step closer to that One Way Dream.

Edit: I never said Frontiers was the best Sonic game ever made, I only said it's one of my favorite (favorite ≠ best). I know it has problems, but I love it either way.


I just hope this reminds Sonic Team that Sonic is better with an action focus. Sure, they shouldn’t be strictly linear, room for exploration is great and even a key ingredient, but I’ll always take tight controls and engaging set pieces over trying to emulate the open world without the radical changes needed to make that work with Sonic.


I think it’s telling that most people are talking about Mephiles in regards to the story, because it doesn’t feel like an exact redo of the Mephiles fight (tho it for sure has elements). It introduces Mephiles with new wants and desires and imples he wants to come back. This isn’t ‘fight Mephiles’, it’s Mephiles has an arc somehow lol. Hopefully rhey understand this direction going forward that you’re allowed reference somethinbf as long as you do something with it


Call it an overreaction. But I got a little emotional hearing that the og shadow game is more well liked now. That was my childhood Sonic game so it’s awesome to see it get love even if the games a huge mess lol


Amy Should be able to have a crush on Sonic tbh. But instead of making her obsessive, she should be more like a fangirl that wants to keep her cool. She'd gladly jump at any opportunity to be with him, but she's able to pull herself back before it goes too far.


I really appreciate that Sonic Team took their time and make this game feel polished. And yes I have a fun time playing this game, so many paths to take for speed running. Heck this is the first game that I have fun with and it makes me want to do speed run in each levels.


When the only real criticism you can make is "I wish there was more of it", you know you've got a real gem.

Add like 2 more stages (not counting the upcoming movie DLC stage) and this game would actually be perfect.

Small size aside, I like the stage roster quite a lot. Good variety. Nice to see Sunset Heights be a real level and Chaos Island was the most visually interesting of the 3 biomes in Frontiers so I'm glad that was the rep. Only wished there wasn't so much Radical highway rep. Black Doom coming in a basically doing a "domain expansion" and transforming the stage into something else is a really cool idea and as as well designed as those segments were, I just wish it was with other stage themes instead of only Radical Highway. Imagine if in Chaos Island, Doom brought in Sky Troops to establish a historical connection between the Black Arms and the Ancients from Frontiers or turned Sunset Heights into Westopolis since they're both war zones. Every stage could've had a parallel StH 05 stage come in. Rail Canyon could turn into Lava Shelter or Kingdom Valley becoming Cryptic Castle. Oh well. What we got is still great.

The proper Radical Highway is a good final stage, probably the 2nd best zone just behind kingdom valley though it feels like we should've brought back one of the Black Comet stages to close things out. Overall, just add like 2 proper StH 05 stages (Black Comet, Digital Circuit, or Lava Shelter would be good picks) and this whole thing would be the goat.

Pretty impressed with White Space as a hub here and I hope this is the general template that we follow for the Frontiers Sequel. Essentially just this but more of it.


One thing I will say about the rewrite is that I think it's more about continuity. Even in 2011 I remember people saying it felt like a stretch to have Sonic and Tails not even recognize Green Hill and Chemical Plant, but especially now that they've leaned so hard into callbacks that Sonic seems to go back there every other day, it just stands out even more. Especially now that Sonic Team is trying to get their worldbuilding much more consistent, I could imagine that being the deciding factor.


Overall, I think this game is fantastic and I'm really enjoying it, but my only major issue with it, is there is no ShThH 2005 stage.
I felt like there is 1 missing stage, when game's formula is basically 2 stages + boss.
They should've added something between Chaos Island and Mephiles. Something like Prison Island, Black Comet or Lava Shelter would've been an amazing addition.
And then Radical Highway as final level


34:17 If you talk to Gerald after Chaos Island he talks about how Shadow is experiencing worlds and memories of different versions of himself from different timelines


Man, it's great to see almost everyone really liking this game, including myself. Frontiers was just meh. Damn Sonic x Shadow Generations really made me happy.


I don't think the voice actors performance is the problem, it's the direction and what they're saying
