5 Beginner Landscape Photography MISTAKES to Avoid

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In this video, I share the 5 Mistakes I have made in the past. Things that I have learned to become a better photographer. Maybe a few that I am still guilty of for my landscape photography. Not only do I share a few tangible tips here, but also a few mental tips as well.


0:00 - Intro
0:41 - TIP #1: Not getting to know the landscape.
2:01 - TIP #2: Shooting everything wide.
3:17 - TIP #3: Letting others control your art.
5:04 - TIP #4: Comparing your work to others.
6:36 - TIP #5: Not getting enough help, when you need it.
7:57 - What is YOUR biggest mistake that you have made?

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What is the BIGGEST MISTAKE that you have learned from as a photographer?


Not stopping and taking the photo when you see it! Multiple times I had an opportunity to take an image and thought I’d get a better one and never did, then spend the day thinking “if only I’d”..


Some of my mistakes: Leaving too early after a sunset and inevitably the light will be at its best after I packed up. Also, going out shooting with a dirty sensor and having to spend so much time in post to clean up the images. Also, not turning the image stabilization off when shooting on a tripod, resulting in blurry images!


My biggest mistake was getting frustrated with the traction I got at the beginning of sharing my work on social media. I would see other peoples posts, that seemed inferior to mine, getting more likes and shares. After awhile I realized that I was missing the point. It is SOCIAL media and you need to take the time to create a genuine community of friends, colleagues and fans that not only connect with your art but also with you, your process and your journey as a photographer or artist. Great video!


My biggest mistake is not having the confidence in myself. I have a tendency of holding on to my photos, thinking that they’re not good enough or worthy to post. The biggest mistake is trying to please others. Just because they don’t get a lot of likes, doesn’t mean they’re not good. Social media is a game.


I often get asked how I keep my inspiration, and my honest answer is always seeing what others are creating. it's really amazing what another set of eyes/mind can bring to a idea or location.


Self-criticism is very important, you have a great personality. Thanks for the advices.


One of my mistakes that Im learning is NOT completely knowing my times i took and ultimately missed the image because of a settings issue I was unaware of. Now I sometimes spend rainy days walking around the house taking pictures of everything using every setting to know what my camera can do.


Michael you're such a sensitive man ..love your work..always stay true to yourself...I absolutely love your photography. Your sensitivity shows in your Art...so talented


Good day Michael. Last January I decided to take my photography to another level. Before that, I was a part time photographer who didn't know anything about the settings of the camera, composition, rush to take photos and more. Therefore, I decided to take a virtual photography course. On top of that, I follow numerous professional photographers on Youtube. This answers some of your questions as what was my mistakes and what I did to improve them. My photos have improve a lot.


First of all, great video Michael. The biggest mistake I have made is when I first started I loved to take photos because I liked what I seen, a small flower by itself or a large grand vista, small waterfall or whatever got me excited. I then tried to take photos that made other people happy and I eventually lost my spark for what I liked and photography. I reverted back shooting the things I like and also processed my photos the way I like to. My spark has been started again.


Man that Death Valley image at 6:33 is sooo awesome and powerful..!!


Rushing. I find if I’m out on my own I tend to take better photos. If I go out with my photography buddy I feel like I need to rush. I’ve always been like it, like I don’t want to keep people waiting. Always thinking of others before myself. This is why I enjoy going out on my own but is also something I’m working on as it’s hampering my growth as I don’t like going out in a group where I could be learning from others.
The other is not stopping for the shot. 😁


walking past a photo opportunity, thinking that I came come back to it. But when I do the light has changed and it is not the same as the first time I saw it!


Biggest mistake is impatience; needing to learn to slow down enough to think things through and not living in a fear that I'll miss out. I've probably missed out on more because of the lack of preparation. Thanks for great content Michael.


I also live in San Francisco, and you have always inspired me to take more photos of the Bay Area ever since I started photography as a hobby in 2012. Thank you for your hard work and great videos.


I’m very guilty of the mistakes in this video Michael. I certainly scout around a great deal upon arriving but I certainly am guilty of rushing my shots. My fault totally. Not thinking things out enough. Thanks Michael for slowing me down and making me think. Steady, steady. Great advice.


Number 4 is me! I'm trying hard not to compare what I do to others especially when looking at Instagram.


The first point about getting to know the place, I think it's applied to all kinds of photography. Roughly once every 3 month, I found myself walking around my garden circling the house and still find something new to capture. And also depends on which time of day too.


Aloha Michael, such awesome advice for pros and newbies alike. What I particularly liked (as a newbie) was your advice about taking others' opinions on. Such as what they would do differently. In the past, I would have let people's personal opinions undermind my own creative instincts/perspectives, not just with photography, but with decorating, my choice in cars, clothes, etc. That would put me in self-doubt, leaving me always second-guessing my "creation." While I value others' thoughts, and may make a change a two, I've learned that my own sense of style is unique and special. Thanks so much!!
