Destroy Insecurity With This Simple Navy SEAL Technique | Jocko Willink

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Jocko Willink lays out a simple way to rid yourself of insecurity...

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Not everyone you fight is your enemy, and not everyone that helps you is your friend. - Mike Tyson


One of Jordan Peterson's concepts I live by is, every person who stands in front of you, knows things you do not know. I have been in the aviation industry since 1980, and even today, when a young college engineer hires in, I try to live with that idea in mind. Each of us knows things the other doesn't.


“When you’re hiding your insecurities, everyone can see them. When you open them up and expose them to everyone they disappear”. This is so true. What we resist persists.


Be humble
Ask for help
Hold judgement
Be consistent
Admit mistakes and faults


"When you hide your insecurities, everyone can see them." Brilliant.


Former professional firefighter here (Canada). Great talk. So accurate. Through my career I worked with hundreds of men and was under the leadership of many. I ran into every personality under the sun as you can imagine in a career like that. Big city department, lots of action. 100 years of tradition. Despite the wild variance of personalities I can list a few things that come to mind that were consistent between the best leaders, despite their personality differences.

The best leaders:

1. Knew their job very well, and took that seriously. (We had to trust our officer 100 percent in that world, we all wanted to go home to our families after shift. Big responsibility). If you screw this part up and are incompetent, we literally don't care how, "cool" you might be. Job number 1, know your job.

2. They did not feel the need to give orders for orders sake. It's tempting to make a bunch of guys do what you say, but the best leaders avoided making work that wasn't necessary.

3. Had the crews back. The best ones always protected us from any public or city scrutiny for maybe a mistake or something like that. They were like a Father figure. Doesn't mean you wont get spanked or yelled at (I've had my share of spankings and yellings) haha. But that was out of love, not hate. No matter how mad they got, they never left your side or threw you under the bus.

4. They took responsibility when things went wrong. They never ever pointed at the crew because they knew it all started from the top. After that we would follow the chain of seniority down the line making sure everyone knew what role they played in the mistake. Ruthless accountability. And of course invariably it always ended with us turning to the rookie and explaining to them that literally everything is there fault, including every problem in the world. Which always ended in laughter (if you know you know).

5. Humility (often shown through humor). Literally almost every great leader I worked under had some sort of sense of humor (not all, but damn near close). Humor is an interesting window into a persons' attitude. After seeing so much I truly think there is a direct link between humor and confidence. If you can't make fun of a situation, or better yet yourself, you might be a bit too tightly wound. Even better, was the ability to lighten the situation with a comment when things might be going south or getting harry. It really calms the crew and is reassuring.

I could keep going but I'll stop there.

As for the "bad leaders." They almost always seemed to be the guys that looked like they got wedgies in high school. Once they get a stripe on their shoulder, it's payback time. Some would come in hot right through the door in the morning before you could get your first coffee in. They needed to make sure everyone knew, "The boss is here." Yuck. The crew would look around at each other with the look of, "and here we go with this guy." Every person on the job knew about this person, talked about this person, and didn't like this person. They were radioactive. And every single one of them had a, "less than flattering" nickname given to them behind their back. DON'T BE THAT PERSON.

Hope this was helpful or insightful for any future leaders or current leaders.

Cheers (from Canada).


My father-in-law had a great comment when I was complaining about a pretty high tradesman bill. "You are not paying for what he does, you are paying for what he Knows". Absolutely true! Good video thanks.


I've found that self-taught people are generally more knowledgeable, better, and more insightful than people who learned stuff by just taking classes. This is because they have a strong genuine interest in the subject, and they not restricted by the rules and boundaries academia often places on students.


I work in IT with a 1 year diploma. I learned a long time ago its best to sit down, keep your mouth shut and observe and listen. When it's your turn to give input or try to fix something, its ok to admit if you don't know something... but when you do know, the best thing to do is just get the job done and walk away without drawing additional attention to yourself.

If you are good at what you do, people will see it. There is no need to tear down others or to blow your own horn.


Extreme ownership is: I don't like Jocko typically, but man if this isn't excellent advice. I have a newfound respect for Jocko. Got to call balls and strikes and this is a home run. God humbles the proud, and he humbled me using a man I didn't fully respect.

Thank you for sharing this wisdom.


Every single person on this planet can teach you something no matter how much you know or think you know.


Humility is a virtue. You will be far less concerned with what other people think of you when you realize how seldom they do.


Holy Shit, Jockos example is literally me! I work in IT. I am one of the few that does not have a degree but I have a decades of experience. That experience landed me a job that, when I showed up on day one, I knew that I would be fired in 6 months or less. I knew that I could not do the job. That was 5 years ago. I am still there. In the words of my manager "everything that I need you to do is already on your resume. You do not have a skill issue, you have a self confidence issue." So, I continued to give it my all. I work day in and day out Masters and PhD grads. I am thankful for the Blessing of the hard work that came before it and I am thankful for the hard work that I have now. I am ever thankful to the Lord for the blessing of my job.


Ego causes the greatest social problems on earth 👌


A quiet man is strong and secure.. his actions are his words.. being confident and secure speaks for itself


Everyone is a teacher, every experience is a lesson; you pick and choose what you keep and discard.


I found that at work, clearly stating when I don’t know something or that I am ignorant about a topic has earned me respect. Being honest and forthcoming when I get defensive allows me to get my point across and reach a solution much quicker.


Beautifully described someone I work with. Very difficult to work with bc if an idea isn't HIS, it's idiotic, shot down, doesn't know what they're doing, etc.. Won't speak up in meetings, but pops off behind everyone's back. Looks like such a little man but he's a legend in his own mind.


I've been in IT for 25+ years and I am constantly learning new things. The lightbulb clicked for me when I realized years ago that, no matter how smart or experienced a person is, NOBODY knows EVERYTHING. Having this attitude has helped me so much in my career and like Jocko says, those who have an ego problem stand out like a sore thumb and nobody wants to help or work with them.


Humility is a good trait to have. Evreyone is insecure about something.
