THIS One Question DESTROYS Christians? | Pastor Reacts

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Hey friends, let's take a look at the one question that destroys Christians... stops them dead in their tracks. Let's analyze my friend Greg Koukl's most viewed video of all time and let's be ready when this question hits us :)

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At the end of the day our commission as Christians is to proclaim the truth in Love. I used to be steeped into apologetics but after many years I came to realize that, while apologetics has its place in religious discourse, the discussions were mental one-up-manships. I realized that the most appealing characteristics of Jesus were love, compassion, graciousness, long suffering, truth etc. I have always endeavored to be filled with His Spirit and proclaim His Truth with His guiding, truthfully. Amen


Acually its the OTHER way around.

EVERYONE is already going to Hell.

Jesus is offering Salvation. Turn back from Hell and be saved.


Just found Jesus a few months ago and really enjoy your videos. Thanks for them.


How about this question. Adam and Eve only disobey one time sin against God ate the forbidden fruit and they got kicked out from heaven what make you think you will make into heaven with multiple sins still with you and you don’t think you need Jesus Christ?


Jesus Himself answered many questions with a question.
I have found that by walking in the Spirit He gives me the answers at the time I need them because of knowing scripture. I haven’t memorized very much scripture but know scriptures.


One response I’ve used to answer this “is God going to send me to Hell “ question is…”Do you think you deserve to go to heaven?” Followed up with…”On what basis do you believe that?” and “What does the Bible say?”


Nate, I’ve been watching for about 12 months now and love your content. I’m super excited by your summer ( my winter ) series.
Craig from Melbourne


A great life skill to develop. Jesus had an interesting way of answering folk. Often answered with questions. If they were opposed to him and he knew they would never respond to the gospel and were verballing him, he would use sarcasm. It is noted that he framed the word in parables, so that only the enlightened would come to understand. May we always aspire to handle the word with wisdom and care for those who are ignorant of the Lord. It is through the foolishness of preaching the gospel, that folk are saved. Gods wisdom is far above man’s.


This is what Ray Comfort has always done.

It is a very effective method of discussion with non-believers.


It's always fascinating to see how different perspectives and challenging questions can lead to deeper discussions and understanding, especially in matters of faith. Engaging with tough questions is a great way to explore one's beliefs more thoroughly and to appreciate the diversity of thought within any community. It's inspiring to see open dialogues that encourage respectful and thoughtful exchanges! 🌟🙏🌟


Ray Comfort came to mind when I watched this! Are you familiar with him? Love to hear your take on his method too. This was a very helpful video Nate (as all of the ones I’ve seen have been). I really appreciate this ministry God has lead you to. Keep up the great work for His kingdom!


Just shared the gospel to an immigrant who had never heard of Jesus Christ, come on church, let's fulfill the great commission


I can't wait I've always been told I could argue a tree down and now I'm getting professional training this couldn't come at a better time in life or human history because we're in the last days that's for sure


Looking forward to that series you mentioned. I’m trying to learn more about apologetics and how to answer those difficult questions.


I will be 62 years old this year. I’ve been serving the Lord for about 35 years. I try to be that light shinning on the hill but never really reach out to lost folks for that fear of not having the right words or approach. Thanks so much for taking your time to reach out to folks like myself, and I feel your channel has helped me to become a more effective Christian. Don’t know if you left a link to his book but sounds like something I need. Thanks for being a blessing. God bless.


Thanks for this Nate. I like that you brought it around to the assumptions made by the person asking the question at the end there. I’ve been finding myself question those assumptions more lately and finding that they’re often the reason why some people will arrive at a negative view of Christianity. Great Job! Also, wanted to recommend a video analysis. The video is pretty long, but it’s floating around on Youtube and the last time I checked it had close to 1, 000, 000 views. It’s called, “Satan’s Guide to the Bible.” I saw Mike Winger talk about it a little, but it would be interesting to hear your take since you focus more on Debate and the formulation of arguments. In the video they present a lot of “evidence” refuting scripture and on its face, it seems pretty convincing. Probably why it has so many views. Anyway, thanks again and God Bless you and your mission here on Youtube.


Dear Nate Sala. I got a Video showed on my youtube from a Channel i dont know. MindShift. He said, Jesus teached hate. Made me sad. I already wrote a comment, but i would like to See a Reaction from You or an Interview between him and you.
Him seeing saying such wrong stuff makes me sad for his and his community souls....
God bless you


Point them to Jesus & scripture...
John 14:6
"I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except though me"


Just as a small counter point to the tone you took at the beginning "warning" Christians that just simply saying the truth isn't enough because it might not communicate the desired end... From a humanist approach to apologetics, you are absolutely right. But the end result of this kind of thinking is only "seal team 6" Christians should do evangelism. But we are not responsible for the results of evangelism / apologetics, we are only called to be faithful to where God has placed us and then to trust the Holy Spirit that we will say exactly what the person hearing needs to hear. BTW I love this video and learned from the content, but be careful the tone because being obedient AND not using this method is not sinful.


Long story short: In theory Deepak and everyone can enter in heaven without Jesus. There is only one "tiny" problem. Only the perfect, or in other words sinless people can enter there. Now since no one but Jesus is perfect, He is the only human who enters righteously. The rest of us will enter if He -Jesus, the Judge allows us, however He is too good to force His salvation on anyone. We must choose freely to repent and accept his secrufice in order to become clean again.
