Excel Magic Trick 1393 PivotTable Show Values As: % Column Total, % Parent Total, % Parent Row Total

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Start File and Finished File:
See how to use the Show Values As Calculation in a PivotTable:
1. (00:14) Introduction
2. (00:46) Build Pivot Table for Total Revenue for Manufacturer and Product
3. (02:13) Explain Parent Child Relationship
4. (03:22) % Column Total
5. (04:29) % Parent Total
6. (05:48) % Parent Row Total
7. (07:16) Summary
Reference Video:
Excel Magic Trick 1394: Excel Formulas for: % Column Total, % Parent Total, % Parent Row Total
Excel Magic Trick 1395: DAX Formulas for % Grand Total, % Column Total, % Parent Total
Start File and Finished File:
See how to use the Show Values As Calculation in a PivotTable:
1. (00:14) Introduction
2. (00:46) Build Pivot Table for Total Revenue for Manufacturer and Product
3. (02:13) Explain Parent Child Relationship
4. (03:22) % Column Total
5. (04:29) % Parent Total
6. (05:48) % Parent Row Total
7. (07:16) Summary
Reference Video:
Excel Magic Trick 1394: Excel Formulas for: % Column Total, % Parent Total, % Parent Row Total
Excel Magic Trick 1395: DAX Formulas for % Grand Total, % Column Total, % Parent Total
Excel Magic Trick 1393 PivotTable Show Values As: % Column Total, % Parent Total, % Parent Row Total
Excel Magic Trick 1394 Part 2: Formulas for % Parent Total using Wild Cards to Get First Text Item
Excel Magic Trick 1394: Excel Formulas for: % Column Total, % Parent Total, % Parent Row Total
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