Learning to Solve a Rubik's Cube with No Experience

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i literally thought you had at least a million subs from the quality of the video, you’re gonna blow up bro❗️


as a speedcuber, i have massive respect for you. it’s awesome you followed mike’s tutorial which is definitely more advanced than what most beginners learn. it’s crazy how you learned f2l so quickly. the learning curve is steeper but if you decide to continue with speedsolving, you will have a big advantage. loved the video :)


2:17 I love how there’s just a random banana laying around XD


This channel just gets better and better. Keep on going, and post more vids at a time if possible. Awesome channel.


Here before he blows up like mike boyd😁


Very impressive! I’ve been into cubes for awhile, my current record is 17 seconds, once you memorize the CFOP algorithms your time should drop significantly! You learn fast so I bet you could drop below a minute pretty fast! Your videos are awesome! Keep it up!


Who else had a heart-attack after finding out he didn't watch Jperm tutorial?


Just want to ad something. There are more than 4 methods when solving the rubiks cube. You just showed the more popular ones. It is really awesome that you have done a lot of research when filming this video which a lot of people aren’t doing (they are doing less research than you did). Good job man and congratulations on solving the Rubik’s cube (you are officially a cuber).


I love how you always show progress in perfecting it n you don't leave out of any failed attempts AND that you ACTUALLY don't know how to do it from the start . Some Youtubers make videos where they attempt doing something that they already know how ... which makes us viewers (beginners) think that it's not possible for us to do so. Best to say your video actually makes me motivated in trying things that i thought i'd never could. Never change mate!


It's funny how I actually started learning just because I was sick and tired of having our Rubik's cube at home unsolved so I searched up a tutorial and solved it then I was like this is fun and showed it to my family then scrambled it and did the same process a few times.
I then went down and wrote down how to solve it on a sheet that I understood and for quite a few days I would literally sit at the table with the sheet and time myself while listening to music. It was so fun for some reason. I started out with a time of 10mins and was able to bring it down to 3min in like 1 week (it was so long ago I can't exactly remember) At that time there was like 1 thing I was bad at and still used the sheet until I got 2 minutes but I knew everything by then and I would lower my time until about 1min (I think) using beginners method. I had then hit a wall so decided to learn the "yellow" cross OLL which brought it down to around about 50s then I learnt intuitive f2l and then I really saw my time drop to around 40s after a few weeks then 30s after a month and then I learnt full PLL which over about 2-3 months (can't exactly remember) I brought my time down to 20s and then brought it down to my current pb which is 15s. It's kinda funny how I went from looking at a sheet while solving to get like a 5min time to getting 20s times consistently.
The only reason I started was to solve the Rubik's cube at our house that has been bought like 3 years prior just sitting there unsolved and I end up with a 15s time lol


This man just skipped the beginners' method and learn advanced cfop directly...legend 🙏


ngl I've always been amazed by how fast some people can do it, it's crazy lmao, good job bro, I'm proud of you, every week you bring something new and creative af


Thank you for your insipiration. This video helped me to solve the rubik's cube in under 2 minutes. It really helped when you've explained how to use intuition in solving the rubik's cube.


I actually thought its something you are born with or born without.

Like either you can solve it naturally, or you cant. didnt know i can learn to do it DEFINITELY GONNA TRY


I am proud of you. Where are my cubers😂


You motivated me to learn it. SO thank you that you uploaded this video! I'm really enjoy cubing, and I'm averageing like 26 seconds now. SO THANK YOU AGAIN!


I just found u yesterday and now I have almost watched all ur videos and I have also subscribed . U really deserve a lot of subscribes because ur content is amazing and I can really see how hard u work for ur videos 🥰


I love how in all his videos he never gives up and he doesn’t get frustrated


The dedication in these videos is on another level. You need a lot more subs. Subbed!
