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Join America's Top Psychic Medium, Matt Fraser, as he reveals the key signs that indicate you might have psychic abilities! 🌟 In this insightful video, Matt delves into the telltale indicators, from heightened intuition to vivid dreams and unexpected spiritual encounters. Discover if you have the gift of mediumship and learn how to embrace your unique abilities. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more tips on unlocking your psychic potential!


Matt Fraser is America’s Top Psychic Medium and star of the hit television series Meet The Frasers on E! Entertainment.

His sold-out live events, television appearances, and spiritual teachings have allowed him to bring healing, hope & laughter to a global audience of fans and followers from all around the world. From heartfelt emotional readings to stunning revelations, Matt Fraser has audiences on the edge of their seats with his outrageous personality and unique approach to mediumship.

His readings lead guests through a rollercoaster of emotions from laughing to crying, turning skeptics into believers with stunning details. His dynamic readings frequently include names, dates, and locations he couldn’t possibly know, only adding to his long-established reputation. Matt’s uncanny abilities and extreme accuracy have allowed him to reach millions world-wide from A-list celebrities and influencers, to everyday people looking to get in touch with those they have lost.

A New York Times Bestselling Author and a psychic phenomenon, Matt has caught the attention of major media outlets across the nation including USA Today, People Magazine, CBS Radio and countless others. He has also been a sought-after guest on popular television shows such as The Real Housewives, Botched, The Kelly Clarkson Show, and many more.



We Never Die: Secrets of the Afterlife

Psychic medium Matt Fraser is back to unpack the number one question folks ask him: “What happens after death?” Although we might expect a complicated answer, it’s actually pretty simple: We never die!

Revealed through never-before-told stories and Matt’s conversations with the dearly departed, the wisdom in We Never Die is perfect for anyone seeking uplifting answers about life’s biggest questions. Discover the healing and fulfillment that await us and our loved ones in the afterlife—plus how these truths can bring us comfort, meaning, and guidance in our earthly lives.

When Heaven Calls: Life Lessons from America’s Top Psychic Medium

America’s Top Psychic Medium reflects on his life of speaking to Spirit and the lessons he’s learned along the way—from both the living and the dead.

People who are not in the habit of talking with the dead have a hard time imagining what Matt Fraser’s life is like. Based on the questions he gets, they seem to think he spends most of his time sitting cross-legged in a trance, maybe hovering a few inches off the ground, leaving his physical body behind as he journeys across the veil to the spirit realm. But it’s not like that at all.

The real Matt Fraser is just an ordinary twenty-eight-year-old guy…who happens to talk to dead people. Born into a psychic family, Matt carries on the legacy passed down from his late Grandmother Mary by connecting people to their dearly departed loved ones and delivering messages from the other side. His sold-out live group readings, television appearances, and popular private readings have allowed him to bring hope and healing to fans from around the world.


He’s Unfiltered, Over the Top, & America’s Top Psychic Medium. Meet Matt Fraser & His Family!

Matt Fraser is his own biggest fan – and for good reason! The 28-year- old is an intuitive psychic medium with a sharp wit, brutal honesty, and a wicked sense of humor. The self-made man believes he has all the answers – and no one, living or dead, can convince him otherwise. Impeccably dressed, well-groomed, Matt’s image can be seen around town blown up to billboard size and plastered on his Cadillac Escalade. Some might call him vain, but Matt just knows what he likes, and how he likes it....and he usually ends up getting it!

TAGS: #PsychicMedium #PsychicReading #MattFraser #Afterlife #Medium #Mediumship
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I asked my Dad, up in Heaven to make a change in my life, because I work myself to death, and all over sudden everything has changed for the better😊🍀🍀💙Thank you Dad 💋💋💋I love you xxx


My ex wife saw dead people all the time. Sh saw her grandmother one night. And also after my daughter was born she woke up and saw a procession of people walking through the hallway past our bedroom door. One woman even stopped and smiled at my daughter in her crib. It freaked me out at first but I got used to it.


I know I'm a medium. A medium i met also told me i am. Love my gifts.


I not only believe I have strong psychic abilities that started when I was a child, but have continued throughout my life as an adult. Also, I have a strong belief in reincarnation, because of memories.


I m a medium, talking with dead people, I have premonition and I can read the soul of living people. I can see what’s wrong in them life, sins, feelings, ecc. My great-grandmother had the gift too( medium), my grandma read the people soul too.. I think this is in our DNA..


I get feelings about people, place and situations


I'm autistic, and was brought up catholic. At 20 I thought I saw a ghost when I was about to fall asleep, but, being sceptical, I thought it might be a dream. About ten years ago, I went to a spiritualist church to support a friend who was doing mediumship on the rostrum for the first time. I "saw" a lady, who had come to see a stranger about 2 or 3 rows in front. It was just a split second, but I got information which I passed on to the stranger and asked if she could "take her" and she could. I never went back to the spiritualist church. I used to want to be a medium some years before this, but that was my ego 🙂. A cat I was fostering "spoke" to me, when I asked him a question, again, in a split second. I think I translated his "message" into a phrase, the answer to my question. I have a lot to learn about mediumship, as I know it can be dangerous if not done correctly and by people, like me, who are not yet spiritually evolved enough. DISCLAIMER this is just my view on it.


I did the same when I was a child, staying awake until first light of day and run under my mom’s blankets to get some sleep, its not only that I could hear crystal clear screams and rasps and bad mouthing (not from the same room I was into), but also 5 to 7 huge tall with hoodies like gate keepers ghosts made a circle around me every night and whispering with a very bass voice and in a language I couldn't understand anything and continuously (both was happening at the same time, screams from other parts of the house and those ghosts chanting something around me). At the first daylight these huge, tall ghosts moved away. My mom took me to a doctor, and he found nothing wrong, but then she learned that the house we lived in, was built upon an old cemetery. We moved to another house, and it stopped. 38 years have passed and very recently a very young man (soldier) died suddenly inside that house, I read it in the local news and they found him petrified on his couch and in a sitting position. I bet it is related. Bad mojo this block of houses... I could see and I could hear, but also touch when I was a child, I saw horrible but beautiful things as well, it stopped when I got 13-14y old, and after a vivid dream at the age of 19, it returned like a bomb and in a form of whispers. But sometimes I get images too. Also sometimes I may see a ghost but they are so materialized, and I don't understand the difference between the real thing. I have an experience at the age of 30s in Bulgaria which I visited for a couple of weeks, I saw a man inside a house and I greet him!! But nobody knew the existence of that man! lol... I had 2 paranormal experiences in 3 days there, so I left in the 5th day.


I remembered being in my mom womb when I was 2. I literally showed her telling her everything. It was strong connecting to the dead when I was young. I knew every family secret I shouldn't have.


Matt - I have always had contact with the spirit world. My first NDE at around 4 years of age. At around age 7 I told my mom about things I saw, heard & felt. She gave me a talking to that I had to keep it to myself or people in white coats would take me away.

I didn't tell people about it, however, I still stayed tuned in to the spirit world. Even now, I hear conversations as if people were speaking to me & each other right outside my bedroom door.

Recently I was told that my first love had passed on. I was so devastated. Having always felt him near me, I still feel him with me & all around me. 2 weeks ago I began finding Blue Jay feathers, everywhere. I have always found feathers, never Blue Jay Feathers.
I feel him talking to me inside my head, constantly.


This was me. And now at 49 I am trying to figure out how to use it.


After my father passed he used to visit and dim the lights. And there were white orbs. My daughter was afraid. But I told her it's our loved ones. Sometimes I see people who look like him or doing things he loved to do (fishing) or a memory is triggered of our time together


My son, now 18, always says how he remembers being born. I also have recollections of myself as an infant and both of us have abilities.


OMG! Everything you said is totally ME! OMG I'm in tears right now😭 I tell my mom it's like I'm listening to a radio station😂 I'm 49 yrs old and recently I've been experiencing some crazy sh*t. Thank you I thought I was going crazy for real


I believe, kids do see and hear a deceased family member, I remember my cousin was either 3 or 4 yrs old when her dad passed tragically . She came too spend the night with us . Looking back into our dark kitchen she stood up and said her farther calling her in the kitchen, Omg we were 12 to 14 yrs old, we scrambled into the bedroom telling her no it’s not him . She stayed quite, but we were soo afraid and we lived in the country side in Trinidad, I never forget that, my grand mother always say to us do not be afraid of the dead they can’t do anything . Be afraid of the living they can hurt you. And that’s soo true, any way I love listening too you, hoping to get a reading from you . Lots of love and blessings too you and your family. 🙏🙏🙏.


Hi Matt! My mom and I will see you August 17th! We are very excited! I had a medium a few weeks ago tell me that I’m very psychic and I’m trying to navigate it! Can’t wait to see you :-)


I went to a psychic years ago he told me I had psychic abilities love your channel sending warm vibes from Ireland ✨🕊️☘️


... Love these vids (and your books!) Thank God so many resources and testimonies are these days available online and our inherent ability is spoken of and presented as the accessible part of all of us. Told them that I'm gonna have to learn all of this at my own pace; they're very friendly, very chummy (loving and very patient: there's so, sooo many people there); still figuring this out, thankfully the right lessons and the right teachers come when needed (always have): all I had & have to do - is ask - and really mean it. But this changed my life (whole perspective on everything and everyone) completely 100%, had to re-think great many things and attitudes - to the point of feeling and even sensing differently - and am grateful, and, hopefully, respectful. Life and living is so AWESOME!!! Lessons here can be tough, but it helps having a channel open with those who already went through it, always appreciate a good advice, when they can (or are allowed to) share it! And they know that if I'll be able to help someone over there and/or over here (after all, here and there are just a letter apart ;P) - provided I have the guts and the knowledge how to - I will. Same goes for when I get to the other side (one hopes!) Abilities vary from person to person, being such a tremendous newbie, got told to ''Just practice having an open mind'', so my entire attitude is: let's do this and see what happens! One of these days might pluck up the courage for a group reading with you ;) right now just going by intuition and go to where they point and learn wherever I can (will pick up your new book too for sure! :D) Hearty greetings, keep doing the good work, Matt, and take care of yourself and your family. And THANK YOU!


Matt I've been Psychic all my life. Premonitions, seeing people who have passed, hearing voices . Smelling spirit. You are half my age Matt but so ahead in wisdom. You're adorable I will try and have a live session with you. I will definitely come to see you if do a UK tour. I've got to get your books!!!💛🌻🙏
