My Father Sold Me For S*x | A Child Abuse Story

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Today on Unfiltered Stories, Regina Morgan will share her experience of child abuse and neglect. Regina and her two siblings were raised in an abusive home where their father sold them for sex to his friends. So, how did she get out of this miserable situation?
#TrueStory #Survivor #Trauma

Our guests sit down with their loved ones to discuss their real-life secrets, difficulties and traumas for the first time. Here, we embrace vulnerability and we celebrate what makes us different, without shame or judgement. Welcome to Unfiltered Stories, it’s time to start healing. 🌅

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I am Regina, the woman in this video. I have to come and comment, and I hope people see this. This is my first time coming out publicly to tell my story. I have been able to tell people my whole life about certain things but never like this. So, bear with me in the video.
I sat for 2 hours in this interview telling my story from start to finish, and so much was cut out. One thing that must be said is that I was a baby when I was taken away, yes. So, of course, I don't remember everything.. but like I said, it was there subconsciously.
My mother underplayed everything. She painted herself as the good guy because she knew I was too little.. but deep down, I knew! I displayed behaviors that weren't normal for a child who hadn't been sexually abused. I knew things as young as the age of 2, and if you think hard enough, you can hopefully guess what I mean by that. I would also have these weird blurry flashback like visions in my head in times of high anxiety of men on top of me. I had anger issues. I would lie and manipulate. I was so sweet but would lash out. I was lucky I received love from a few people, and that helped me overcome and not turn into a psychopath essentially.
I got lice at the age of 9 and had it until I was 15 years old. I had a parasite called pin worms. I would eat out of the garage and suck on salt packets because of hunger. I was burned with cigarettes, thrown, and choked. My mother told me she couldn't help me and avoided it all. I emancipated myself at 16 and hated her. I held so much resentment towards her. When I was 18, I had my oldest daughter, and I forgave my mother. Not for her, for myself. I built a relationship with her even though she never admitted to anything. I kept my distance but still cared for her. I'm glad I did because the apology she gave me was loving my girls unconditionally. I want to write a book and keep on telling my story. I thought telling it this way would help me somehow. I hope it does. I will not die happy without being able to give back to other survivors and giving the voiceless a voice!
I will eventually start an Instagram dedicated to my story and helping. Please follow my Facebook Photography page so you don't miss when I make that account.


Hi, I was a foster mom for 25 years. I am so sorry the system failed you. You seem very resilient and I’m so proud of who you have become!


It's mind boggling that they gave her back to her mother.. The other kids are too traumatized from your abuse but here you take the little one back, she's still okay. Unreal.


Who’s the idiot that made the decision to put a 5 year old back to that mom. She wasn’t given the older kids because they were too damaged!? So that makes sense to give her the younger one to damage her too! Makes me sick.


I was molested by my stepfather for 7 years. The things he did were horrific. The damage he caused will be lifelong. Recovery isn’t easy but necessary. My voice was never heard but it is being heard now. One person at a time. I’m strong enough now and want to share my story to continue bringing awareness. Please choose to fight against molestation/ sex abuse WITH ME!, My fight is just getting started. This fight (for me) is no longer about my abuse, it’s about the society that failed me and my determination to bring awareness.
Stop Sexual Abuse,


You were severely neglected as well as abused. Be so proud of all you have achieved, you are amazing!


OMG the HORROR of this story and the fact she was actually able to overcome all she endured is really unimaginable 😔 She is beyond BRAVE and my heart goes out to this wonderful soul that has become a TRUE mother to her children in spite of never having known a mothers love herself. Her resilience is amazing 🙏


I literally clapped my hands for this woman. I hope she knows how great and powerful she is.


I knew a lady who's elderly parents used to foster kids for years. Most of them were under the age of 16. At the time, Most of their parents were in jail, awaiting trials or sentences in prison. Everything from prostitution to drug addicts I remember one little girl my friend told me about. She was about 5. My friend mentioned to me that she had been sexually abused by her father. The sad part is that I would have never known cause she seemed like such a normal happy child. She smiled at me and had such a look of innocence on her face. I would've never known. The abuse was so bad she had to have reconstructive survey and would never be able to have kids. My friend's parents were constantly in court testifying on behalf of the children. Testifying the night sweats and outburst they had on a daily basis. It was just so awful.


that "mother" needed to be in jail and not ever given a chance to get the kids back. Absolutely ridiculous


I am so proud of this young lady for overcoming her struggles and her obstacles! She's a dynamic woman! Nothing but blessings, favor and love!


I think we as a society need to bring more awareness to these things, I can’t tell you how many people including myself have some kind of abuse from older people sexually.
I’m starting to think there are way more predators than we think there is.


I appreciate you telling your story. It is luggage for life. I'm in my 60's and I still self medicate and probably will for the rest of my life. In the 70's nobody gave a crap. Now my teachers had to see me and my oldest brother's "war wounds". Thank you again beautiful reminds me that I am not alone. I'm so sorry that you had to go thru that. I love your strength.


My heart goes out to any children..people and animals


This was hard for me to follow... you can't mute bad words and then pan away. I get you don't want to be demonetized but at least let us see the person say the word. How am I supposed to follow when you bleep out "prostitution" and "alcoholic". There is too much filtering for it to be unfiltered stories...


My heart goes out to you. I'm a mom of 2 daughters I can't even imagine being like that . I'd never let anyone hurt my daughters.


I can tell you are still struggling...
I am so sorry this happened to you!
I wish I could have been your mom!! ❤️


The system sucks. I saw something and said something about my cousin's abuse and rape. My mother helped me write a letter to the Police. They removed her from the home while investigating but as she had some learning issues due to the abuse, she was not to be believed so Prosecution was out of the question, Police said no one would believe her. I promised to keep her safe, that I would never let her go through it again. She was returned to the home by Police to face the wrath of her step father who raped her and her mother and remained their for several years until she was 18 and they grew tired of her placing her in a disability home. I was a teenager, I begged, I cried I demanded, no one listened. Her Mother cut us off entirely when they learnt we had reported them.


The people who edited this stole and killed her story. If you can't deal with certain words you probably can't deal with life. This woman's story should be told. I suggest she make her way to Soft White Underbelly. Mark gets the best interviews by far and wide. Your story is important every word and inflection is important.


What a horrific childhood you had, I'm sorry you experience that. I'm really glad you're doing well now and have a lovely family and people that love you. You are an inspiration. Thank you for sharing.
