IQ vs Emotional Intelligence - Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence Book Summary

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Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ by Daniel Goleman is an awesome book. I really believe that it is a must read for everyone who wants to become successful.

Emotional Intelligence really helps to understand that success especially financial success is not about your IQ (even though many people believe this) but that it is about your EQ and Daniel Goleman states a lot that Emotional Intelligence is something that you can train something that you can get better in.

I think that especially the findings of some studies about IQ vs Emotional Intelligence are very interesting.
They found things that really blew my mind:
"people with average IQs outperform
people with high IQs 70% of the time"
"Emotional Intelligence is the single most important factor
to predict life success, that it has zero correlation with IQ,
and is the strongest driver of leadership and personal excellence."
“You can be a top performer without emotional intelligence, but the chances are slim. Naturally, people with a high degree of emotional intelligence make more money— an average of $29,000 more per year than people with a low degree of emotional intelligence. The link between emotional intelligence and earnings is so direct that every point increase in emotional intelligence adds $1,300 to an annual salary.” [Quote from a Forbes article]

Also, I am a little bit confused and wonder if there is a reason why Emotional Intelligence isn't taught in any schools. If you know why please let me know in the comments. I read every comment.

Emotional Intelligence is one of the books I recommend to read back to back because there are no filler stories and it is really dense with Information (unlike many other books nowadays)
You can listen to the whole book and another book of your choice for free using this link:

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Everyone knows that high IQ is no guarantee of success, happiness, or virtue, but until Emotional Intelligence, we could only guess why. Daniel Goleman's brilliant report from the frontiers of psychology and neuroscience offers startling new insight into our "two minds"—the rational and the emotional—and how they together shape our destiny.

Through vivid examples, Goleman delineates the five crucial skills of emotional intelligence and shows how they determine our success in relationships, work, and even our physical well-being. What emerges is an entirely new way to talk about being smart.

The best news is that "emotional literacy" is not fixed early in life. Every parent, every teacher, every business leader, and everyone interested in a more civil society has a stake in this compelling vision of human possibility.

★★★ Other great books from the Daniel Goleman ★★★
I read Emotional Intelligence something like 8years ago, loved it and read some more books from Daniel Goleman:

►Vital Lies, Simple Truths: The Psychology of Self Deception - [Awesome Book! Read this if you like books like "Thinking Fast and Slow"]

►Primal Leadership: The Hidden Driver of Great Performance - [definitely a great read for Entrepreneurs and I highly recommend to read it BEFORE you hire someone]

►Social Intelligence: The New Science of Social Relationships

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Рекомендации по теме

💡"High level of Emotional Intelligence can ensure you to get the job more easily: 71% of top managers find Emotional Intelligence more important for business than IQ, and 59% would immediately reject the candidate with high IQ, but low EQ!" (Freedman, 2014)

Thanks for watching guys!


Very impressive…persons with High EQ views situation and try to learn and also make people understand why they act the way they act to make them better. They are more interested in making people discover there inbuilt abilities instead of allowing them remaining the way they have always been for years.
They can predict a lot.
Good job.


I have been doing a lot of research lately on how to better myself successfully and how to grow as a better person and Emotional Intelligence is something that I believe is extremely amazing. Watching your video has truly showed me that Academics isn't everything. I am currently 19 now and a sophomore in college and one of the biggest things my father has done is attempt to show me that there's more to success then just school. That most successful people did not make it using their degree or acedemic knowledge. So with that, I'd like to thank you for helping me understand more about this topic and understand what I can do now to better myself, and to help make my goals a reality.


This is such a great video on so many levels Minion
I wish you a million views!


Mad respect for this one, my friend. Subscribed.


This video is AMAZING!!! I am currently taking a Human Intelligence course in which we discussed EI/EQ and this did such an amazing job at explaining and demonstrating scenarios that apply to the different domains. Thank you so much for the hard work put into this video. So great. I am going to suggest its use to my professor because it is a shame this isn't already a resource that they have integrated and included for students. Again, this is SO GOOD!!!


I believe this emotional intelligence he’s speaking of is your ability to manipulate and capitalize on the emotions of others. This is great! 👍


This is so true
I have a High IQ got me nowhere
Due to ALOT of abuses neglect as a child, My emotional intelligence was at a 10yro level, I was stuck in childhood emotionally,
I used Emotional intelligence to heal myself from CPTSD ...PTSD... SEVERE ANXIETY...HYPERVIGGILENCE... Depression few other nasties,
This completely changed my life, I now teach people Emotional intelligence for a living, specializing is teenagers (That had Adverse Childhood Experiences) teaching them to Re-parent themselves with Emotional intelligence
This helps them tremendously & changes thier lives into the Positives & changes the cycle they were repeating from thier Parents/environment
Great video explaining this ✌⚡💖


Would like to understand more about social and self management


thank you so much for this video it has helped me in a big way


What are your sources for the graphs? And images you show?


Your vid got me interested in Emotional Intelligence
Where can I take an Emotional Intelligence test?


I guess it is going to be a life changing lesson. Well done


Not many people understand what eq is. Solution solver, understand the people you are working with, utilize skill set of certain individuals


THIS IS SUCHHHH A GREAT VIDEO and explains much of what I have been questioning about myself especially lately. Thank you for your break down, your visuals and your video attachments. Really, I got tears in my eyes how grateful (and surprised lol) I am for finding your video. I appreciate you 🙏🏼


thanks for the video! really nice work


EQ is excellent for personal emotional management. However, I doubt its success in an organizational setting. Working within the emotional framework as a group increases the likeliness of a consensus based resolution, based on present state instead of analytically sound decisions. Moreover, it becomes a question of fairness to all rather than clear-cut Merritt based benefits. Most importantly, EQ is often communicated within groups by way of an analogy, though highly efficient at setting resolve and declaring behavioral expectations, it can also be the cause of failure if not readdressed or modified in order to keep the competitive edge.
Emotions in general can be changed with a cup of coffee or a pack of sugar.


A very helpful, so thankful and will use some of its information


Oh man i have a very low EQ. And i suffer most of my life. My very high IQ makes me suffer even more because of the imbalance. Im not very successful in life. One more step and i could fall away. But if it happened would it matter? I cannot tell if i should go or stay. Same old picture feels so hollow. And I always wonder how can anybody knows whats best for me. It is just another page i turn in shame. My decisions brought me to my knees. I always needed someone to blame. It just feels so hollow. However, it is time to do what is best for me. I believe i can change. Thanks for the video


Eq is taught in School, from positive education programs or being taught not to lash out. and "stop it I don't like it" I learned that in school. most schools don't have a subject for it but, to say it isn't taught is overstating. we learn most of our social skills in school, including Eq.
