Hack a Cheap RPWF Filter to Replace an RPWFE Filter in a GE Refrigerator

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I demonstrate how to remove the RFID chip from a GE RPWFE water filter and affix it to a cheaper RPWF filter.

AQUACREST RPWF Refrigerator Water Filter, Pack of 2 (Amazon Affiliate)

Alternate filters, look for RPWF (Amazon Affiliate)

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Thanks for the guidance. I used the oscillating tool similar to the one you showed to remove the chip from a filter bypass. Coarse sandpaper worked well to clean up the plastic around the chip and painters tape adhered it to the refrigerator instead of the filter. The entire job took about 10 minutes. Simply set a calendar reminder to change the filter every 6 months. Saves me 75% off of the filter replacement. Thanks again!


Someone may have already mentioned this, but the RFID is what recognizes when the filter needs changing. Using the old chip doesn't cancel out the alert on the fridge door on models without the touch screen. (New filters have new chips that recognize the filters and resets the 6 month date.)
To hack these, you need to get the 'bypass filter' and remove the chip from it. (it's a 'forever' chip) Tape this chip with packaging tape (in the proper location) inside the filter compartment (not on the filter). When in use, the fridge might say 'not filtering' but you know it will be. (A small price to pay for the savings.) Write the date of the filter change somewhere so you know when it was installed and possibly even squeeze out an extra couple of months of usage if the filter isn't heavily used.


I don’t even have a GE refrigerator, but appreciate your willingness to share and help others.


This absolutely worked!! Thank you for making this video! You saved me a ton of $$$!


Thanks for the video, I used the hair dryer to get the bypass chip out then tape on new RPWF because my fridge did not take the old RFID chip


I would recommend cutting stuff never takes more than 15 seconds of your video. Thanks for showing us the internals!


Thanks. Worked great! Took the peel off method but understand why it can be “iffy”


wonderful, instead of paying $ 40 for RPWFE filter, I just pay for $18 RPWF filter, Thanks you so much


Just buy the right filter, a trip to the emergency room after you cut your hand will cost more than the correct filter.


Thanks a lot Rick. That was the exact same issue I was facing.


Thanks Rick! I wound up using a hacksaw and miter box and cut the chip/plastic backing as you did. Question about the chip, is each unique? I had a 9 day countdown, installed/ran the bypass, did the hack, and then installed a generic filter, all within an hour. The 9 day countdown is now gone, but my question is will it come back? And if so, will the chip be blocked? Mine has the digital panel, no screen. (Plan B of course would be hacking the bypass filter, and taping the word 'NOT'! Thx!


I rarely used the water dispenser, so I just let it expire and when you get the alert, just ignore it. The water still works and all it does is tell you how many days it's been since it expired. I can live with that. Just write the date on some tape outside the filter cover to remind you to "eventually" change the filer.


how about taping the cutout piece directly onto the refrigerator where sensor is located. If that works, you don't need to bother with changing the chip to the new filter.


How do I remove the Replace Water Filter message? I did the transfer of the water filter, but not sure how to remove the error message. I tried cycling power as well.


Great video! I was wondering if I could use a chip off one of the original filters! Now I have my answer. I think this is more convenient than bypassing! Thanks!


Worked for like 2 cups of water then filter pops out and warning comes on that filter not in place. I think it's because the tabs are different and standard filter will not stay in place due to pressure from water.


Did you try and read the tag, in some cases the reader just needs to see a tag (any tag) present. I wonder if the tag could just be copied and written to a new one.


Great hack. One question for you. I noticed the style of the locating tabs on the GE filter are different from the Aquacrest filter. Did you have any issues locking the AQUACREST in place?


Question. If my fridge says replace, and I put that chip on an after market filter, will it still say replace?


Unscrew the inside wall where everyone is taping the chip to and pull that plastic inner wall part out. Behind that plastic part is the circuit board that senses the chip. There are three wires plugged into that board, a Purple wire, a Black/Red wire, and an Orange/Gray wire. Who here knows the correct combination to splice those wires together, to bypass the chip altogether?
