FALL LAWN SEEDING // Step By Step with the Yard Mastery Seeding Support Pack

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Fall lawn seeding with the Yard Mastery Seeding Support Pack.

Recommended Grass Seed - Germinates FAST, makes a Double Dark green lawn:

Here is a PDF with detailed instructions on the entire process of fall lawn seeding (or burndown) including mechanical aeration considerations, seed labels, cultivars, grass types and everything else you can think of.
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This was a great one! Felt like an old school Lawn Car Nut video!!!


Great timing.
I'm planning a dethatch, aerate and Overseeding in NW, Indiana labor day weekend.

I looked at DBL dark and decided to go KBG because I don't want the brown stalks that come with Rye .

I like a 3.5 -4" cut . No TTTF.. too stiff and crunchy to me.

Thanks Allen for the video


Love the info and always entertaining - love the comment "always keep it lubricated, she will appreciate it" 😂😂


Great video. Thank you. Love my tenacity and blindside!


Thanks. Plan to put down flagship. It will be 2 weeks this Saturday. Will cut next week.


Going to do a low cut, dethatch, mechanical aerate, and reseed. Picked up a 25# bag of Johnathan Green Black Beauty Ultra for reseeding. Received my 4 quart package from Yard Mastery, RGS, Greene Punch, Greene Pop, and Air 8, planning on reseeding some time mid next week. Only have a 2000sq ft. lawn up here in N.J., but really looking forward to seeing the results. Been watching here and other channels. Been hearing a lot of "good" recommendations about these Greene County Fertilizer products on many channels. So, going it give it a try, looking forward to this Halloween with positive result as well as next spring. FYI: picked up my products through Y.M., one, like the channel, two, you folks were running a special.


This video is very detailed and the app is pretty good. I am going to order a bundle package that comes with all listed in the video.


Next time you come to NWI, let me know. It would be awesome to come out and watch or lend a hand. I have a peat moss spreader!! Lol


Excellent video! Thank you so much, from a noob!


I noticed you mixed the Meso 4sc 1 tsp per 1, 000 sq ft. But the directions call for it to be mixed .5 tsp per 1, 000 sq ft. What is the reason you went higher?


Righty tighty
Lefty loosey
That was my nickname in college.


@yardmastery I followed this great video last weekend to overseed my yard. After 5 days, I already have sprouts. My question is i read your pdf and you mention a 2nd starter fert app around the 15-21 days after overseeding, i used scotts built for seeding fert could i apply your starter fert for the 2nd app or could using the 2 different starter ferts cause damage ie too much nitrogen, etc ? Thanks in advance.


awesome video, thank you!! i have the field king 2 gal battery powered sprayer, i was told all of these can be mixed in that and sprayed, is that not true? i was going to use that in a few weeks for my project but if it doesnt work i should find a new plan, thank you!


I’m over seeding fescue. Lawn looks good. Just some bare spots. How low can I mow the lawn for overseed?


Thanks again brother always a great show


Northwest Indiana? I'm in Cedar Lake and a self proclaimed novice lawn care enthusiast. lol


You recommend air 8 and d thatch products all season long or just certain months. I believe i hsve for some reason bent grass and i onky use Jonathan green black beauty or their solor green grass seed. Hope you can help and guide me. Thanks


QUESTION: I am overfeeding my lawn.

Tenacity instructions state not to water lawn and to keep "dry" for 6 hours after application.

You are putting down seed 1st. Then spraying wet with fertilizer, then spraying with tenacity, then watering.

On the one hand it doesn't make sense to put down the seed, then tenacity, peat mass, and wait 6 hours. He'll the wind alone could blow everything off lawn.

I thought about putting the tenacity down first, waiting 6 hours, then putting down the grass seed. Should this work?

But your not waiting 6 hours at all. I would also like to know why given the 6 hour instruction. Thanks


It's been over two months without rain here in Crowley Texas and 100-115 degrees everyday here. Should I use any fert on my Bermuda


I plan to be using a bio stim pack, green punch, d thatch. However after watching this I also am going to overseed my SC centipede with perennial rye. Do I need to use the starter fert or am I okay with the green punch and green effect I ordered
