What If VEGETA Learned The KAIOKEN? (Full Story) | Dragon Ball Super

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The Full Story for what if Vegeta learned the Kaioken?

It's been a question that nearly every Dragon Ball fan has asked themselves, what if Vegeta took the time to learn the Kaioken technique and how would it change the story moving forward? When would he learn it? How would it change future battles? Would the end result be positive or negative? All of that will be answered in today's Dragon Ball What If video!

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Рекомендации по теме

I honestly feel like kaioken for vegeta would be a great training tool with a sparring partner and sensu beans to get more zenkai gains as he’s intentionally putting strain on his body to sweeten his gains in healing.


I really love when these what if you tubers do full series instead of parts though cliffhangers are fun I enjoy laying back and watching a full what story unwind, Great job Innovative


I'm not gonna lie, you should continue to make what if stories


The only thing Vegeta struggled to learn kaioken is the first trial. You know telling jokes to king Kai....

Great what if by the way. Please make more


When vegeta first saw the kaiokan attack he told Goku he encountered something similar in the past. It would have been cool for them explore that further.


WOW man, i thought this vid was like an 1hour long. That's good though, means a lot is in here. Feels full.


Just Checkedout your channel and man I am impressed. You cut straight to the point, you take at a normal pace and didn't purposely lengthen your video. Voice and video quality was great and I rly enjoyed this, was planning on making at myself!


VEGITO BLACK!? I would have never even thought of that! Awesome what if, dude!


I think Vegeta could have taken time to learn Kaioken during the three year pre-android training arc. He might have assumed it was a necessary step to reaching Super Saiyan.


Dude this is surprisingly high quality
I have never watched your videos or even seen your channel but this video made me automatically subscribe


Your way smarter than death battle.I love your content keep it up.I'm subscriber


I absolutely love your story telling, you should do more of these, no rush though.


They shoulda used Dende to wish back The Future Z Fighters & Android victims,
Before the past Z Fighters went back to the past.


Not gonna lie, but the ending of your version of the future trunks Arc was heartwarming awww 💖💖💖


I have found another what if creator that's has god tier voice/commentary thank the heavens 😭🙏🙌💘


Hey dude, excellent first what if. Perhaps we can work on something in future 👍😎


They should have wished back the android victims, and Supreme Kai as well.

Bringing a group of Nameks to Future Earth, would help as well.


lol I like you documentary narration what if style great video please do make more what ifs


Personally, I'm not that big of a fan of this What If scenario in particular, at least not the way it's framed here. Kaio-Ken just feels way more of a Goku technique than a Vegeta technique when it comes to their personalities. That is, until Ultra Ego rolls around and feels like a match made in heaven.

Edit: Nevermind, this framing is way better placed than I thought. After all, the beginning of Super is the point where Goku rubbing off onto Vegeta really started to show. Still, I could probably more see Kaio-Ken being used by Gogeta or Vegito, although that might be influence from fan animations making Kaio-Ken Blue Evolved a fusion staple. But I could see Kaio-Ken UE Vegito occurring in a similar way, since we can't really have UE UI due to the whole "one consciousness" thing.

Edit 2: Alright, this is absolute fire. Did you just say Instant x10 Final Kamehameha???


I think Vegeta in the Buu arc after being allowed to keep his body could theoretically already use a higher multiplier of Kaioken than Goku did once he gets used to the technique. Think about it; mastering 10G's on King Kai's planet allowed Goku to use it up to x2 safely, but x3 & x4 at the cost of wearing his body out. Adapting to 100G's in the gravity chamber allowed Goku to utilize up to x20. It's never been established if the safe number increases with mastery, but for all I know up to x2 may still be the safe number even after being able to go x20, and I like that idea.

Vegeta in the Z manga during the Android Arc asked Dr. Briefs to upgrade the gravity machine because he said he could handle 3x what Goku trained under. Whether or not he actually trained under 300x is a mystery, because in the Buu arc we can see he dialed it back to 150g despite 300g being the limit of the machine. Even so, that's 50g more than Goku's feat; which in theory could also mean his body could theoretically handle a higher Kaioken multiplier than Goku. Even more so if he really did train under 300g's when training for the androids a few years prior.
