Many Symptoms of Heart Attack and Heart Disease: A Complex Condition

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Heart disease covers a wide range of conditions that affect the heart, including coronary artery disease, arrhythmia and congenital heart diseases. Cardiologist Todd Villines, MD, speaks to the many symptoms of heart disease, as well as prevention measures and treatment offered by UVA’s team of specialists.

Heart disease is a very broad term. I think most people who think of heart disease think of
heart attacks or coronary artery disease, and that certainly is the most common form of heart disease. But it's certainly much broader than that.

It includes things such as diseases at the heart muscle, or heart failure where the heart doesn't either contract or relax normally. It includes valve diseases, diseases of the electrical system of the heart, and even diseases of the lining of the heart.

I think most people associate chest pain, chest pressure or chest discomfort as a sign of heart disease. That certainly is the most common symptom that we see in patients who present with coronary artery disease or heart disease. But it's broader than that. We know that many other symptoms can be a sign of heart disease. These include breathlessness, shortness of breath, the inability to do exercises that someone could once do quite easily, fatigue even, patients who come in with rapid heartbeats, swelling in the ankles, really just a change in their ability to do their routine activities.

Heart disease is really a complex condition that can be caused by many factors. Of course, coronary artery disease, which is a buildup of plaque in the heart arteries. It can be caused by high cholesterol, high blood pressure, being overweight, smoking, not being active. Genetics can play a role as well.

We know that treating those conditions not only helps patients with established heart disease, but helps prevent coronary artery disease from ever forming in the first place. When patients come in with new symptoms that are concerning for heart disease, not only can they see us in various locations, but they have access to the advanced diagnostic testing that they may need.

We have all forms of stress testing and all forms of imaging. We have all of the specialists that someone would ever need to evaluate them and care for them when they come to see us.
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I finally got cured, since after 2 years now I'm now Free❣️💓💓 I appreciate God


I've been feeling chest pain, heart beating too fast and sometimes shortness of breath. But I don't know if it is something wrong with my heart or just anxiety/panic. I'm also hypochondriac and not been able to go to the hospital because of covid is making me go crazy with my self diagnoses


March 26, 2019 the day of my heart attack discharge March 29, 2019, 70% blockage right coronary artery. Walking around with a heart attack for four years thing it was menopause… Yep little menopause... Stent put in big step two and afterwords when I was discharged went for lunch with my sisters and it’s from all that negative energy that hotness just leave my body and that was the most joy’s feeling ever imaginable. And now I have to live with heart disease, I’ll be 58 come March 2021, Canadian born Chinese heritage


for the past two years, I've been feeling a lot of pain in my heart like pressure/squeezing and it never stopped, and it gets worse when I try physical activity. Last time I went to the beach and swam a little my heart hurt so much It felt like dying I got out of the water to go seek help and my heart was beating so fast that I couldn't even stand on my feet I literally fell twice to the ground on my way home. I have many other symptoms like not being able to sleep on my left side anymore which used to be innate for me and sometimes heart stinging out of nowhere it feels like a needle pointed at my heart but every time I see a doctor they run the tests and find nothing they're like you're fine you're only 17, teens don't get heart disease and that's how my life became more or less a shithole. I'd appreciate any kind of help tho


I've been dealing with this. I'm 32 and drink heavily and smoke and eat what ever I want. I'm not scared of dying so I will continue to do what I want.


I am having chest pressure and breathing difficulties and slight dizziness?? Should I see a doctor


I dont know, but like 10 minutes ago i was perfectly fine and then randomly i felt a pain in the left side of my chest for like 10 seconds. It felt like i was getting stabbed in the heart.


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I’ve been feeling chest pain, shortness of breath, and whenever I carry something or run or jump for 3 minutes it hurts so much I don’t know if it’s mental or real, and my parents won’t take me to the doctor just because I’m “hallucinating”but should be covered or is it just mental I don’t enxieyy or anything though.


I just got diagnosed with inappropriate sinus tachycardia multiple sclerosis related cardiologist said


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I I’m soport person I m running 5 days a week At least 35 minutes a day.3 days a week a do fitnes 2. Hours each day Im fit Person.but I smoke not too much 10 cigarettes a day 6 months ago my blood pressure was always over 145 with 90. Know is good 130 with 80 But I am very afraid of my heart, sometimes I have chest or back pain like a sharp pain. It's not everywhere, it's just in one place and few minutes, not when I'm running or when I'm training, when I'm walking slowly, or when I'm sit down, I got it. I’m so afraid


Finally found something to ease my anxiety.


I’m only 12 and I’ve been having chest pain, left arm pain, neck pain, upper abdominal pain, shortness of breath and everything! the symptoms did start when my anxiety disorder symptoms Increased.. I’m just terrified it could be a heart attack.. all of this started while I was having an anxiety attack and now I’ve been having symptoms and anxiety attacks for weeks. Do you think it’s serious?


I'm 38 and have had two open heart surgeries and most of the bill was paid for. There are programs that will help if you need financial assistance.


EVERY single night for a few months now, I get palpitations, racing heart out of nowhere and sometimes light pressure/squeezing inside my chest on the left side. Some nights I get them all, some nights I either get palpitations or a short period of random increases heart rate at rest. During exercise I feel no chest discomfort, only at rest. But I am scared and panic at the slightest change in my body because I’ve had panic attacks before. I’ve had an ECG and 24 hour tape and it’s been months and haven’t heard anything. Should I be worried?


Heart attacks are not always super serious, if it’s a little Heart attack you can cure it at home. You can cure a heat attack at home by drinking water, relax, vomit, breathing exercises, watch asmr, try staying calm, don’t drink soda for a few days, don’t stress or panic because that can worsen it. I hope this helps.


Thank you for the information. Believe in your ability to overcome challenges and thrive despite heart disease


I am 13 years old I am showing symptoms of Los of breath and dizziness chest pain such as pressure my eye sight is going a yellow shade of blur and I get dizzy and have passed out twise I need advise someone please get back to me I'm really scared and if I do have to go to hospital what are the treatments for it


I am 13 almost 14 and I’ve fainted 3 times all times pretty recently and I’ve felt like and almost fainted many times. What could that mean for me?
