6 MONEY HABITS THAT CHANGED MY LIFE 💰 How I Save 25% of my Income

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Believe it or not, but just a few years ago my husband and I were over $70k in debt!! But, we finally buckled down, got smart with our money, and paid off almost all that debt in just one year and by the next year we were debt-free, parents, and purchasing our first house! None of any of that would have been possible if we hadn’t made some big changes to our lifestyle including some smarter financial habits. These are money habits we've adopted into our life that save us a ton every month.

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Hi I'm Kallie Branciforte from But First, Coffee! I'm glad you found my video! I'm the content creator for the blog and YouTube channel But First, Coffee.


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Music by licensed by Epidemic Sound.
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I'm 46 and in big debt and renting a home. I wish I had found this years ago. To any 20 or 30 somethings reading this comment, pay attention to this video! Her advice is priceless.


Staying in your own lane - 100% the best tip! Sometimes the hardest too.


Don't compare your financial journey to someone else's. So important for people to be reminded of.


I treat my credit card like a debit card and always pay off the balance every month. Also, being debt free is the BEST FEELING EVER!


Such great advice. My husband and I live debt free as much as possible. We paid our house off in 7 years. Was it hard? You betchya but is was worth all the sacrifice. We literally bought nothing extra for all that time. It was hard watching my friends get new everything and go on vacations and update their homes. But we did it. Then we saved and paid cash to do all the updates to our home. By living debt free my husband retired when he was 57. Me a few years later because I liked my job lol. It can be done folks!


Also, tracking spending & my PMDD/symptoms helped me to identify impulse shopping/high spending likely due to Mania or in search of serotonin boost. Seriously, neurodivergency and chronic illness can really impact how someone spends their money and budgets


Whenever I am tempted to buy something, I wait a week. If I still want that item, and it is still available, then I know I’m okay buying it. For the most part, I forget what I was even looking at, and I don’t spend the money at all. My dad taught me that when I was a young kid. To this day, I still use that trick. However, I’ve also put that money aside, and then when I don’t spend it, I put it into savings instead of back into my checking. It has helped me grow my savings even more.


I tend to be an impulse shopper when I’m at the grocery store, so I take advantage of curbside pick up as often as I can. It’s saved me sooo much money. Also, when I do go into a store, I try to spend cash instead of using my debit card. The change I get back goes into a coin jar that I cash in once or twice a year. It really adds up 😉


the best thing about waiting is often you get new info and save yourself from a terrible purchase


I tracked my spending for a year without changing my spending at all. After a year, it was EYE OPENING to see where I spent money. I spent a ten day all inclusive vacation at Starbucks in a year, and like a nice resort, not a 3 star Cuba resort. 😳 I also overspent at Christmas. It was so much easier to make changes when the cold hard numbers were staring me in the face.


AARP said that a number of seniors get into financial difficulty because they try to keep up with their more well-off friends. Hearing that, we stopped trying to keep up with them. A lot of it was going out to dinner and entertainment


Fellow lefty here and this is totally off topic but I wanted to thank you for your videos! Because of you, I no longer have dishes in my sink ever. Who knew such a simple thing would help me get my act together in other ways?! Looking forward to learning more from you.


Being patient with your money is such good advice! My grandparents saved for YEARS for their dining room furniture and my grandparents described the feeling of satisfaction when she finally got it. She tried to instill that patience in me and I’ve struggled to maintain it in our current social environment. Thanks for the reminder. All great tips!!


Don’t increase your standard of living, increase your standard of giving!


I always ask myself before making a purchase "Is this a want or a need"? This has helped me stop before spending money. TFS


Whoa 705k subs congrats! Been watching since you had 20k and your money saving tips have helped us dig out from 40k in debt in the last 3 years. We are now debt free (other than a small mortgage) and my husband was even able to quit his job to stay home for the last 5 months and take care of our daughter. We now can breath much easier and enjoy our life! Thank you! 😊


Kallie, you're a gem. Just fantastic non-judgemental advice all around. Thanks for being you.


I am so impressed by this video. It was very approachable and didn’t “money shame” but it was also really direct and matter-of-fact about how money can slip through our hands. We have put almost all of your tips into practice over the years, and those priorities have served us well!


Back in 2008 when the economy tanked I learned a valuable lesson. I was determined to pay off all of our debt so that we could live a better life. We even paid off our house when I was 56. Today we have one car payment and that's all. It feels so good. Your tips were so good.


Need this right now. I'm a vet student with loans, just moved, getting married soon. Everything is adding up and we are stressing about money.
