How To Communicate With A Deceased Pet! - UYT147

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How To Communicate With A Deceased Pet And How To Talk To Animals Telepathically!
Today we look at how to communicate with a deceased pet as well as grief counseling for owners of lost pets. Most of us like animals and have pets that we love. It is sad when we lose these additions to our families. Wouldn’t communicating with pets in the afterlife be wonderful? We look for closure with human family members by going to channels. You can also visit mediums for deceased pets to do the same for your pets that have crossed over. It is amazing that you can communicate with animals spiritually just like people. Just like with people you can learn how to use an open heart and telepathic animal communication to understand who animals truly are. It is also our responsibility to treat them accordingly. Today our guest, Animal Communicator Theresa Wagner, will be sharing stories from animals both on the earth and from the other side. 

Teresa has had a deep love for animals all of her life and so when she began communicating with them it was no surprise. It is being with animals that brings her to the core of her soul while here on earth.  Being with and helping animals and the people who love them provides meaning, guidance, joy, and purpose in her life. In 1991 she began working as a professional animal communicator and has worked with over 12,000 clients in over 20 countries since that time. Teresa also specializes in grief support, and has worked as a pet loss grief counselor since 1986. She has a master’s degree in counseling psychology and founded The Animal Loss and Grief Support Institute which offers classes and certification in pet loss grief counseling.  

Here are some questions we will be asking Teresa during our interview:
-When did you first discover you could listen to the animals?
-What is animal communication and how does it work?
-Tell us more about telepathic communication?
-When should you use animal communication & how can it help?
-Can you tell us some stories about communicating with animals on the other side?
-How can you help someone who is grieving for the loss of a pet?
-Can you give us some examples of how you work with human and animal clients
-In communicating with animals, why is it important to honor each animal as an individual, sentient being rather than relying on archetypes about animals?
-What is the biggest revelation you have had about animals so far?
-What domestic animal is the most misunderstood?
-You have an animal communication training program – tell us about it.
-What is your personal mission – what would make you say your life was a success?
-Do animals have individual souls or a group soul?
-If you had some quick advice to give to animal lovers about how they can become closer to their animals by communicating with them, what would you say?

Whether you are a pet owner or just love animals join us on this episode of Unlocking Your Truth, How To Communicate With A Deceased Pet, when we speak with Theresa Wagner about how to talk to animals and understand them as well as communicating with deceased pets.

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Unlocking Your Truth is my weekly radio show where we discuss all things metaphysical like How To Communicate With A Deceased Pet! And much more! The show airs on CIVL 101.7 FM  at 7-8PM (Pacific Time) every Tuesday evening or live stream the show at During each of our Unlocking Your Truth episodes we also answer email questions from our listeners as well as occasionally do readings live on air for our call in guests. You can call in 604.504.7441  ext 4142 and ask anything you want. 

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Рекомендации по теме

I never felt anything from my dogs. it looks like they are completely out of existence. I miss them so much and love to know that they still exist.


When doing the reading, aren't the interviewers providing too much information - shouldn't the medium be able to get evidence without assistance? A lot of the reading with the cat sound generic, in my opinion.


Most animal communicators say that animals don’t incarnate as humans, this one says they do. Someone is wrong! So confusing. Which is it? Can’t be both!
