How to use Microsoft Whiteboard | Essential Practices for Meetings

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Transitioned to remote work and missing in-person brainstorming sessions? Discover how to recreate this collaborative experience virtually using Microsoft Whiteboard in Teams. Ideal for teams looking to boost online creativity and interaction.

✨ Key Highlights:
▪️ Whiteboard Integration in Microsoft Teams: Learn how to use the Whiteboard app within Teams for real-time collaboration on a shared digital canvas.
▪️ Adding a Whiteboard to a Teams Channel: See how to add a Whiteboard tab to a channel for ongoing team collaboration.
▪️ Whiteboard Features & Tools: Explore the array of tools like different color pens, erasers, text boxes, and sticky notes for a comprehensive brainstorming session.
▪️ Control Editing Rights: Discover how to manage participant editing rights during a meeting to streamline the brainstorming process.
▪️ Preparing Whiteboards Before Meetings: Get tips on prepping a Whiteboard before a meeting to facilitate a more efficient session.
▪️ Using Microsoft Whiteboard App for Advanced Features: If you need more functionality than Teams offers, see how to use the standalone Whiteboard app for additional features like templates, image insertion, and document addition.


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Рекомендации по теме

I could listen to you describe how to boil water Leila. Your voice is soothing...and your content is great too!


Would love to see more features in another video. Thanks, Leila.


Thank you, Leila! This was great!! I would greatly appreciate a more detailed video on the Whiteboard app. No one explains Microsoft tools as well and as efficiently as you.


Leila, you are a lifesaver for me! Thanks for this timely and perfect video to learn about Whiteboard! Yes, please do a video on Whiteboard App, need it for sure! Thanks in advance! 😊👍


Thanx Leila. Great video. My teacher's often use whiteboard and sometimes me when I am assigned projects with friends. But after watching this there were lot of things that I learned that I feel going back to a meeting and doing it again. Great tutorial.


I think you single handedly convinced me to jump from GSuite to Office 365


Great and helpful Video, Leile! You have the ability to describe things so easily and right to the point. Please make another one for the additional features of whiteboard.


Hey there!
Thanks for your helpful and great videos.
The thing that I like about your videos is that you go deep into details.
That is so thorough and comprehensive.


LOVE it Leila! Thanks! I’ve *very* briefly played around with whiteboard but hadn’t taken then time to learn how to use it. This is the kick in the rear I needed. I’m going to start using it beginning with this morning’s 8:30 team stand-up.


Thank you so much, just can't believe you didn't mention the shortcut of Win + W 😉.


Great, simple tutorial on this wonderful app. Another video expanding on the whiteboard would be appreciated. I would be interested in how and when to use the different templates and how to create my own templates. thanks.


This was a very helpful video describing a feature I didn't even know was in a product I use every day! One question I have is, if a whiteboard is associated to a meeting, but you have multiple meetings on the same topic, can you easily associate a previous meeting whiteboard with new calendar events? I assume if you set recurring calendar events it would work that way, but sometimes that's not possible to do with many participants.


Thank you for showing how to use this feature! I was hesitant to use this before, but now I want to implement it into my next project.


Thanks for the video. Nice one!
Could you please make a video comparing between OneNote and whiteboard for meetings/online teaching presentations?
My mother is a Math teacher and she recently started learning and using both Office apps for remote teaching so I think it could be interesting to see pros and cons on using both apps that are also available through MS Teams.


Great video. Thank you. I'd definitely like to learn more about the advanced functions of whiteboard. Thanks again!


Thanks for a very good video (as always).. I am wondering if OneNote can also be used for similar purposes? What’s your view on OneNote functionality vs. whiteboard?


Thank you very much Leila, This was amazing app. Yes, please do more videos on Whiteboard functionalities!


Many thanks for this, need to jump in the deep and and use this live in a meeting tomorrow and this has got me started well to be ready to use whiteboard.


I would certainly like to see more content regarding the Whiteboard, both in Teams and the app.


Great video Leila. Good that people like you keep on posting latest trends around around Microsoft product`s and specially for these current work/meet from home situations. Keep going, I Will share this one on my linkedin 💪🏻🔥
