Graco Ultra Handheld Paint Sprayer Test & Review

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Is the Graco Ultra Handheld battery operated sprayer worth buying. Powered by a Dewalt battery this airless sprayer is awesome.

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I would like to take this moment to thank you and your family for providing me with so much incredible knowledge on painting and in a friendly and warm way. I spend my nights watching your videos and during the recent weeks during the days applying the all the new skills. I bought a new graco 395 and spraying doors and trim 310 and 210.  Your videos are getting better and better. I am going to start purchasing from your site. thank you so much and wish you and your family all the health and happiness you all deserve.


I've listened to all this man's advice and I have not been let down so far tomorrow I'm going to purchase this prayer


Thanks for the commentary! I feel good about buying my DSP model today. 18 years ago, I had to help my great grandfather paint the soffit board and we did it with a brush. I have so much respect for the old timers and the way they did that. That said, diluting it 10% and running one of these with a lanyard will make things so much easier.


Graco is making some nice improvements here. The flexible/disposable containers, Triax triple piston pump, and new DeWalt battery make the all the difference with the cordless. I've used it on three smaller jobs that wouldn't be worth the setup time for my graco 390.

Chris, I want to stress one important detail on cleaning the Graco Ultra handheld. Users have to be extremely careful when they remove the two pump plugs from the outlet valve assemblies. They are made of plastic and can be stripped very easily. Mine were trashed after the third cleaning and was a bitch tapping them out. Called the folks at graco who hooked me up with new ones right away. Graco rep told me that they don't have to be taken out every time, but Im not sure of that. Thanks for the the great home improvement & mountain bike vids!!


Brought one back in March of 17, Have had some minor issue with it, How ever Graco has addressed ever issue, awesome customer service, Graco customer for life.


I bought an airless Graco to paint my tool house which had sheeting on three sides that were already primed. It laid down a coat of paint that coved on one pass and took no time to spray and looked great. That Graco I bought that had the cord, not the battery. I knew it would sit for a long time before I would use it again. I am glad I bought it. I had a professional airless with a long black hose but a pain to clean.


i managed to talk my company into getting one for me. I work at a large independent retirement facility, It is fantastic for doors and baseboards. It amazing that there is not need to thin out paints. They do make a larger cup (about 1/3 of a gallon) but it tires your hand out fairly quickly. The batteries last surprisingly long (about a gallon and a half in my experience, i wouldn't recommend using it for anything more than 2 gallons at a time, as he said the changing gets old quickly. It is also very quick to clean, With experience and a good cleaning regiment it can be under 5 minutes for the whole machine.


Watched this video this morning before work and tried out this sprayer, set up was fast thanks to you Chris! Sprayed commercial steel frames and a few doors with Sherman Williams acrylic primer, turned out great! Top coat tomorrow, you are the Master! 💪🏻


I've been thinking about getting one for an office building that's looking for touch ups, around 100 scuffed up walls that'll be a continuous job. I've been waiting for a video approving it, you've become my trustworthy source. thank you!!


I just got one of these sprayers, It works fantastic. Great review Chris!


Your videos have been gold in my small painting business. Thanks Chris


I bought the corded A5 version of this one and I love it. Best purchase I made in a long time.


I have got this on my shopping list. I only do domestic work so will come in handy for all the jobs which are slow by brush, Louvre doors, radiators, & spindles.


you are very privileged for getting these products Chris...i have to say i am jealous.... still my entries and can't wait till it reaches 2000... keep up the good videos..


I do a lot of maintenance on my fathers apartments. Hand made cabinets were installed. Every once in a while I need to resend and re urethane the cabinets. This seems like a way better option than spray cans. These are rentals afterall. Would love to get my hands on one.


Great video once again. Thanks for the demo and explaining how to get rid of the stepping created by the pulsing of the sprayer. That was the main reason for me not to pursue this type of sprayer until a good review was done. Thanks Chris!


I know my comment is coming a long time after the video but ive been subscribed and following for months and lobe the content. Im a disabled vet trying to do some paintimg to make up for what my disability doesn't. I cant do a lot but people have asked me to paint little jobs and if you still have one of these to give away it sure would be forever appreciated. Even a used one. Thanks and keep up the good work.


I really like this new gun. My local Sherwin Williams is offering $200 for a trade up. Its about time they come out with one that has a normal replaceable tip, and Dewalt compatible. Thanks for the video


I just purchased this about a week ago. I paint furniture as a side job. This rolls through the paint extremely fast. I changed out the 514 tip to 212 and I’m still having the same problem, blowing through excess paint and it applies it so thick I still have to use my paint brush. Can you offer any guidance? Should I be using a different tip size other than 212? Also I’m using chalk style paints in it.


Dude I love your videos! I opted to paint my new home and your tips have been invaluable! One suggestion, purchase a cheap lavalier mic. It's often hard to hear you. Keep up the great videos though!
