How Brexit Screwed Over The UK Workforce

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Four years after Brexit, it's time to evaluate its impact on the UK's population. Did Brexit bring the promised job security and higher wages, or has it led to economic hardship and regret?

In this video, we explore the effects of Brexit on the labor market, immigration, and the overall economy. We analyze data and expert opinions to determine if the UK's bold move to leave the EU was beneficial or detrimental.

Join us as we uncover the realities of post-Brexit Britain.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this video is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be considered professional financial, investment, or legal advice. We shall not be held responsible for any errors or omissions in the content. Any action the viewer takes based on the information provided in this video is solely at their own risk.
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Anyone that voted Leave in 2016 was gullible, naive and easily fooled. Anyone that still supports it today is just plain thick.


Leaving the EU was the biggest mistake we have ever made. It has been a complete disaster. The politicians who campained to leave including Boris Johnson, Mogg are no longer in power. Everyone else s picking up the slack.


Been debt free for two years thanks to Abby Joseph Cohen Services. So sad to see my friends in their 40s with car loans, mortgages and credit card debt.


The Tory leaders knew exactly what to expect:
"British workers are among the worst idlers in the world"
And on top of thet the UK has this nice habit of declaring work as unskilled in order to pay lowest possible wages.


I still feel the horror and anger for what these people did to my life. I live in Australia fortunately, but Brexit ruined my plans to live in Austria with my husband. Its hard t believe that this racist nasty action reached round the world and destroyed my dreams! I hope the UK suffers long and very very hard for what it has done to millions of innocent people! I will likely never get over it!


I've spent my vacations in the UK every year since I was young, but I haven't been back since Brexit. I also stopped ordering things from there due to the increased expenses. It's easier for me to visit other countries now. Initially, I planned to move to the UK after completing my studies, but now I'm considering Ireland or East Asia instead. This has been the only change for me, but I can see the immense and dramatic impact it has had on UK citizens. Brexit has completely changed the world. I feel sorry for those who voted against it, especially the young people who can no longer benefit from EU programs. It's disheartening to hear about the UK's developments. Many of the issues don't come as surprises and were bound to happen, which is why the Brexit vote was so shocking for me. It seems like the global influence of the UK is steadily declining.


Johnson was not staunch supporter of Brexit he was just an opportunist working out his daddy issues


Well you got rid of the Polish workers.
Thanks, Polands economy will surpass Brittan by 2035. I mean it. Thankyou.


Dear British farmers and farm workers. Your own country calling you "low skilled".


I rememver the results of the referendum morning. I took my kid to school and stopped for a cup of coffee in a small towns cafe. Two elderly ladies were reading newspapers and celebrating brexit. I choke on my coffee. I thought " who on earth would look after you in your carehome? Hospital? Who would pick strawberries? Who would work in all those jobs your grandkids would never do???


Several mistakes here. 52% of the population of the UK didn't vote for Brexit. Only 52% of the votes. Among them there were about 1 million Commonwealth citizens that were given a vote even with short residence rights, whilst EU citizens living in the UK for decades had no voice and even British citizens abroad had their right either denied after 15 years or severely limited due to issues with postal votes. Also, once May acted on art 50, the UK only had 2 years to leave. There were some extensions due to the UK's lack of preparation and COVID, and the EU was quite generous by setting up different timescales for the UK so it didn't fall off the cliff on day one. Now it is fully done, so new scapegoats are needed.


Brexit as cost this coutry Billions of pounds in lost Trade....and Tax Revenues.
A top level report shows.


The government had no idea what farm workers did because the workers were people who weren’t worthy of notice in the first place


Now it is useless to talk. - Brexit means Brexit. - The media should have dealt with it before, before Brexit, to tell THE TRUTH! Now it is late and useless. 😃👋

Greetings from EU! Friends as before! - We love doing business with you! 😄


I don't see any coverage about the fact that British workers without an EU passport are now second-class workers. They compete at a disadvantage against workers that do have an EU passport, because they can not travel and work as easily in the EU. That matters more in some sectors and professions than in others, of course, hitting especially hard in managerial and professional jobs.


Hello guy from Belguim here. Just want to ask you guys are still being busy with? Or is it not a big deal like in this video.


It is worth mentioning that the UK was hell-bent on getting more people through university. This left a vacuum at the bottom that EU workers were happy to fill, and the UK government failed to recognise such exposure. Even the farmers failed on this. They deserve coming to them.


In 2016 i voted Remain most people i spoke to said out out out . 8 years later there are no jobs what happened to them ?


maybe not...sinking with EU or sinking alone has not difference, but climbing up at least doesn't require dragging dead weight along...and I believe in the British stamina.


Just goes to show, the 'establishment' with Boris in power, could pull his strings like a puppet. He is the most embarrassing entity this country has ever encountered as a person with accountability for their actions...yet those actions were never addressed!!!
