5 Things Empaths MUST Know! (To Survive & Thrive in 2022)

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Empaths need to know these five things moving forward. Otherwise, their energy is gonna continue to get drained. They're gonna continue to feel like they're obligated or responsible for everyone else's energy.
And they're really not gonna feel clarity on who they are and why they came here. So this video, I'm gonna show you the five things empaths must know right now, moving forward. And first off, more than anything, there's this idea of projection that I've become to realize in my own life.
And first off, what is that, empath? An empath is somebody that can feel other people's energies. Somebody that is also considered an HSP which means highly sensitive person, but in general, empaths are people that can feel other people's energy.
And the benefit of this is that many times healers people that are in some type of industry of like helping other people are what empaths normally gravitate towards. And there's many positive things that can come from being an empath. But some of the negative things that come is losing sense of self. It is feeling very challenging to set boundaries.
And that's why in this video, I'm making it because these are the five things you must know about that. Now, first off, projection. Now this is something I realized yesterday because I used to be, I mean, I am empathic I guess you could say, but I used to more so be on the shadow side of this where a lot of times people pleasers and nice guys are people that are just like overly nice.
This sometimes stems from being an empath, maybe growing up, you had a lot of like crazy childhood dynamics growing on going on and you decided I'm gonna be the peacemaker. I'm gonna be the bridge between my friends and my family or my family getting along or whatever it is, what ends up happening is then there's this exchange that goes on where it's like empaths don't feel safe unless everyone else is feeling good which then means that it's hard to feel good because you have to literally do a whole bunch of things and make everyone else happy.
And a lot of times that people pleasing mentality is actually a form of manipulation, because if I can make you happy or please you then I'll feel safe, good and complete. But then it becomes like an outside thing that the focus is. And I'm gonna share something in this video right now that will completely transform the way you look at this whole dynamic when it comes to empaths.
But first I wanna explain this with projection. Now, what I mean by this projection is what we do when we're in relationship with each other is based on our individual shadows, our individual desires, our individual expectations.
We project those onto other people. I've had it happen before. I'll explain this little example, for example this is like a small little example of it, but nonetheless it gets the point across. When I was, I had an ex-girlfriend back in like 2015 or something like that.
And with her, I remember there was this thing where when we were together, I was also very empathic and still am to this day, but I've known how to moderate it more now. But she had this thing where she did not like if she had this thing where her ex-boyfriends, I guess, would pay for dinner, but then have her tip.
And she didn't like that. Now I've never been like, that's never really been the way that I am, but with her, for some reason we were at dinner one time and I was like, well, I'll just continue to pay and then you could just tip. And the response from that was so much kind of not like trauma necessarily but it was like this big trigger for her because then she told me later, like that's what my ex-boyfriend did.
And she's like, if you're gonna pay for dinner, then pay for it, don't have me pay tip. It was like, she didn't feel valuable or like valued or something. But the weird thing is and not that I'm blaming it on her, but I never had that desire to do that before. But maybe because being an empath, I fell within the frame within the expectation of somebody else.
There's another aspect of my life that I won't go too deep into this but there's someone in my life that has had trauma. Somebody that I work with that's had trauma around having a boss or somebody that is a certain way is like narcissistic.
And sometimes what happens is this person can feel or get scared that that's gonna happen again. Which of course, I'm far from that. However, she may notice something like, ooh this part of it, this little thing over here this to the business over here reminds me of this.