The FASTEST way to level your frames In Warframe 2023 [Updated]

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If you wanna know how to lvl your frames insanely fast in Warframe this is the best way! This is my updated and easier version of my Previous guide!

This method is still viable and still faster than lvling your frame in normal Sanctuary onslaught!

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As a relatively new player to the game (MR6, played first in about 2016), this was basically Chinese to me. Time to keep searching for a beginner-friendly frame leveling guide.


So one thing that's worth noting especially in light of the ammo nerfs. Ammo Mutation effects ALWAYS round up, so if absolutely needed you can go with an unranked mutation/Vigilante Supplies mod if your weapon only ever gets 1 ammo per pickup anyway, it'll round up to 1. Another useful thing is the Scavenger aura mods apply their effects AFTER the rounding from the mutation mods, however I don't believe these mods round up, so every ammo pickup you obtain for your Bramma SHOULD turn into 2 ammo. This will alleviate much of your ammo issues, especially if you can also tack on some effect to boost your max ammo capacity.


Feel like any warframe "how to level fast" vid should pay tribute to NoobShowteck


Killing eximus as operator won’t reset stealth multiplier since the buff affects the frame itself. So if worried just kill as operator. Doesn’t matter if you don’t one shot or they see you.


holy thanks for the guide it is incredibly quick to lvl up frames this way


For anyone seeing this a whole year later I'd say only do Telesto if you need Orokin Cells, otherwise go for Adaro. My reason is simple. Tileset is just whatever, it doesn't matter in the end and you'll get used to either the telesto or adaro tileset. What actually matters comes now. Telesto have magnetic door which means you can drop arcane nullifier from your build. Telesto have Nox which have overguard and don't get stunned and waste your stealth bonus. Telesto have rollers which don't get stunned and can make you lose you stealth bonus too. Adaro don't have any of that and is much easier even if the tileset is slightly worse. The only other thing that Telesto is better is because you can get Orokin Cells.


or alternative to have an specific infused ability with a specifc augment and specif build with a specific operator three and a specif weapon with specif mods with a specific playstyle, you can just join an SO and have fun


If you’re struggling to find ammo you can use a pet with fetch i used to get slowed down a lot of times but now i can max a frame in less than 10 mins or 6 if i get lucky


I am not one hundred percent sure but i think if you have one enemy that detects you, you can use the amp and it will not affect the stealth bonus, your operator has a separate stealth bonus so it doesn't have any effect on your frame, so you can get away with a detection scot free if it's one enemy!


This method just takes a while to set up. All those start up steps. Helminth, bramma, arcanes, silence, and all that. Its faster to just take 1 weapon and any frame and do hydron on sedna. Hit level 20 in mission and leave. Usually takes between 10 to 15 waves. Depending on if you have affinity booster on.


This is good if you're in a rush but I prefer just doing survival for 20-30 min and collecting riven slivers


It works! But since eximus dont get cc anymore, you have to kill them as fast as possible anytime you see them.


large range + max eff + a lil power str. Thermal sunder on 1 for SO is better imo. You mention SO is annoying, but It usually only take me 1-2 rounds to max depending on enemy type (2.5-5 mins) and its more brain off than this so I can pay attention to other stuff.


i don't understand why they keep detecting me


I'm just now watching this video and I also named mine Gonna name my kaif Juan when i get that intrinsic also


1 problem - Helminth resources for early players, hell, getting Helminth itself is a gate. Sanctuary Onslaught remains #1


Void fissure tier 2: Steel path. Ez grind + level


i have been using this before the ammo nerfs but my problem is i dont have primed firestorm and i think it affects the run
also i used to play on adaro so may be telesto is diff


well today i know what to do, thanks man 😎


Magus Lockdown helps on emergencies as well if you have it on operator
