FASTEST WAY TO LEVEL UP TO LVL 30 - League of Legends Leveling Guide vs Intro Bots - Tryndamere

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Some questions you might ask:

1. Why don't you go for herald?
- Herald spawns at 8 minutes, by that time I am already in their base destroying everything, it would take me longer to go for herald and move back to their base. This way is simply faster.

2. Why do you start the game in their base and then TP to bot lane?
- Because you can get extra dagger and xp from 8--9 minions in their base before waves on bot even meet, and you go bot lane because first turret doesn't have damage reduction like it has on top and mid.

3. Why is Tryndamere the best champion for this?
- Because of Tryndamere's kit. He has passive that gives him more crit the more rage he has, his Q passive gives him extra damage and active heals him, so he can sustain a lot in the lane without dying or having to go back to base multiple times. On top of that his E is really good for clearing waves and his R makes him unkillable. He is perfect for this because you can build Guinsoo's and Nashor for attack speed, so then he will deal AP damage to turrets which does more damage than his standard crit build.

4. Other people move to mid after first back, why don't you do the same?
- Whenever I tried to go mid after my first back, I always finished the game around 10:30 - 11:00 minutes, I could never do it as fast as I can do it by only pushing bot. It happens simply because you have extra first turret on mid to destroy, which takes reduced damage.

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What I didn't mention in the video is that this tactic is especially good if you are still a low level account. XP gain works like this -
Level 1-9: Bots grant 100% XP.
Level 10-19: Bots grant 90% XP.
Level 20-29: Bots grant 80% XP (65% after 180 minutes each day).
Level 30: Bots grant 75% XP (55% after 180 minutes each day).


This guy is an absolute gigachad. 6 years without uploading anything and then he just drops this xd.


Thanks bro, I was just about to start leveling up new League Of Legends account. This helped alot!🔥🔥


Nice video, very informative and well composed. Do you mind if I ask you, what text-to-speech software do you use? Thanks and happy New Year!


for those who don't want to spend money on boosts or want chests, aram is a more enjoyable way to level than bots, but it takes a bit longer


introduction unclear..
"RAYOOT" knocking at my door.


so stacking boosts isnt 3 times the exp. cause win boosts give a flat 216exp. Depending on the Time you spend ingame, this is either way more then double or less then double. But for an 7 min game, its more then 4times the exp u get.


Is statikk a viable buy to clear waves faster?


if i do this, will i get banned? i bought botted accounts before and i figured they are doing the same thing so im afraid i might get banned after doing all of that


whats the point of building AP after guinsoos? you say its for the heal but q has a 30% ap ratio. buying amp tome gives you 6 extra healing on q. better to build vamp scepter or AD in general, no?


well the xp you get scale with the time you spend on a single game i get 400xp on intro bot if the match is 30min


how to get the bot working? is there's a link?


"now we watch one piece" 😂 legend


If you had taken the rift it would have ended faster


So vs Bots is faster than playing normals and arams?


Sadly they changed how bots behave and even what champions they pick so this strat is dead, bots can even jungle now and i remember one time bot poppy invaded me on blue and flash combo killed me


What to take if there is no more lethal tempo ?


I bought an account once and as i know it wasnt botted because no games on yummi and the past 20 games were lucian tristan bombing the bots in ai matches and it got banned the second day


Is a winstreak against bots increase the mmr of league account ??


bought an account for £1 did ranked got 1 game from plat then perma banned for botting... wouldnt risk it, doesnt cost much but it will get banned
