Fastest Way to Level Up in Pokemon Platinum

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Do you wonder how to level up your pokemon fast? This is the guide for you! Bringing you the fastest way to level up in Pokemon Platinum, without trading, glitching or cheating in any way.

The best way to level up your pokemon is to choose the correct training spot for your pokemon. It really depends on your pokemon's level, strength and moveset. This video will help you find the right place, either you are in the beginning of the game or have completed it.

For a low level Pokemon, let it hold the EXP. Share while letting a stronger Pokemon do the fighting. If it's strong enough to battle strong trainers, let it hold a Lucky egg.

Level up methods in this video:

1. Route 222
2. Route 215
3. Route 225
4. Battleground - Survival Area
5. Rival Barry
6. Elite Four
7. Rare Candy w/ Pickup


0:00 General Tips
0:33 Route 222
1:14 Route 215
1:42 Route 225
2:01 Battleground
2:49 Barry
3:29 Elite 4
4:25 More tips
4:57 Rare Candy Farm

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Let me know your favorite training spot in Platinum!🤩


If you are training a Dark or Ghost type Pokemon, level 45+, there is a trainer called Psychic Abigail on Route 214. She is the first trainer at the north spot. She has a Gengar, Misdreavus, and Alakazam. I'm not entirely sure what the XP is here but it's good if you want to train one Pokemon. Gengar has Destiny Bond though so you need something that out speeds it. I don't know all their moves either but Alakazam has Calm Mind and Trick for sure.


Here's one epic thing that I've done before for extra gym leader rematches in one day is to save the game on the previous day in the house after already battling them and then, the next day, the same leaders will be there when you load up inside the house, but you can immediately talk to them again and rebattle the same leaders from the prior day. Upon leaving and going back in, the NPCs change, which means some new people can appear there who you can also battle. Sometimes some of the others are still there, even in different areas of the room, you cannot battle them again that day.


Personally im using the elite 4 strategy with switch training and a lucky egg. Level 100 Palkia with the minimal ev training and good moveset choices can 1 hit KO the entire league save for Cynthia's Milotic and thats just a 3 shot taking into account her full restore and it cant do much damage in return


I usually grind with Riley in the iron islands, since it's 2 pokemon at once, and he heals you after every battle


totally forgot about the vs seeker.... tysm


I don't know what I did wrong, I've got the 8th badge and my Pokemon are at lvl 40-50, I don't know if it's good or it's supposed to be like that, but the thought of facing Pokemon between level 50-60 scares me a bit.


I’m trying to get the earthquake tm with pickup I’ve been farming exp with trade inside stark mountain in double battles getting lots of experience with wild Pokémon got it up to 91 so it can get that Tm I’m planning on teaching my lucario earthquake cause bone rush is quite inaccurate


Thanks for the tip, even though this isn't helpful for fighting the Elite Four the first time.


im at pokemon league but before doign elite 4 i want my pokemon to level 55 or 60 so i went to route 222 and rich boy trey still has a level 45 luxray do i need to defeat heatran first to get a lvl 54 or 61 luxray or something else?


@MankeyMite route 215 the trainers are 24-25 lvl how to make them 44-45 3 gym badges still or do i need to complete the distortion world first just finding faster way to lvl up early


I am trying to do the route 222 method but I’m only getting 1k xp per fight? I have a lvl 60 torterra and trying to lvl up lvl 20 Pokémon. What am I doing wrong?


The route 215 trainers are on 44-45 for me even though I have catched Heatran? Can someone please help me with this?


Does this apply to diamond and pearl??


Any other spots for early game besides 215?
