Can synthetic urine (fake pee) beat a drug test - The facts!

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Can synthetic urine be used to beat a drug test? Let's look at the data to determine if fake urine can help pass a drug test.

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Dr. Nuesse is a certified medical examiner in the state of Ohio. The advice provided is Dr. Nuesse's opinion and meant to be used for informational purposes only. Please consult with a medical professional about specific individual healthcare needs. Determination of "medically fit to drive" is at the sole discretion of the examiner performing the exam. Dr. Nuesse is an amazon affiliate and earns income from Amazon.
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Drug Testing for Weed should be Criminal.


You can't smoke weed but go ahead and get blackout drunk every night and come into work hungover. That's the American way.


Sucks for people that work hard, have families, DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL, dont use hard drugs just weed. Shouldn't be this way but it is


To the people that say you shouldn’t be high at work, we’re not asking to be high at work. We can’t smoke in a 3 month window around work. If they tested you for caffeine, alcohol, porn whatever drug of choice you enjoy that you use outside of work and you couldn’t do it in a 3 month window outside of work you’d be upset too.

For those of you that just white knuckle it through life always sober from everything I salute you.


I’m 28 been using it since 18…nothing wrong with using synthetic urine if you’re a hard worker that smokes weed….if they ever did find a way to stop this I’ll just go back to using my sober family members..always feel like I beat a mission when I use it lol….main thing is to make sure your bottle temperature is good 94-100…..keep in your drawls to keep it at body temperature (Nike tights) ✌️


There are currently over 5000 active lawsuits against urine collection and laboratory companies for incorrectly accusing clients of cheating.


I used synthetic urine for 5 court ordered urinalysis & it WORKED, heck the judge even congratulated me lol 😄😄


I did a mouth swab test and tested positive for thc and I don’t even smoke weed . They called me back 2 hours later and said it read negative now . Can only imagine how many people get fucked over cause of that


This is criminal, my man looks so baked out his mind, yet will get us failing the test 🤦‍♂️


Synthetic urine is what they use to zero their lab equipment


Thanks man, i feel 10x better about the near future😂😌


Synthetic urine sure can beat a drug test and I do it all the time! Doctors will try and lie or make it seem like a lot of things can go wrong using fake urine but they are just trying to prevent you from doing it.
I've used fake urine for every single job I've ever had the requires testing you just got to be sure to heat up the specimen to a little hotter than it needs to be and let it cool down until the heat strip is in the right range. Then use a heat pack to keep it warm and voila. If it's an observed test there is something called a whizzanator (for men) it is a fake penis that comes in different skin tones and it works phenomenally.


if my coworkers can go home and get heavily drunk but i cant legally go home and smoke a small amount, then the whole entire system is a violation of privacy. what is more dangerous to public safety, someone who was high the night before or someone that had 12 beers the night and yes i do know truck drivers that get that drunk outside of work


if a urine collector watched me piss or smelled the cup after I handed it to him.. I would probably die from laughter..


I’ve tried quick fix 4 times n passed all tests


I used upass. Did everything right. Got sent to lab for pre employment dot. MRO called me 16 days later and said it came back as a refusal cause there was zero creatinine and low SG. They’ve smarted up if you’re testing for a safety sensitive position. It’s put me in a real bind after just getting my cdl out of line school and now have a violation in the clearinghouse. Offer of employment was taken off the table and now going through the return to duty process. I have my doubts I’ll ever become a lineman now. All over some smoke. Talk about dream crushing.


I use quick fix synthetic urine, I just had a drug test last week and passed using this method. It works every time! ( I’ve used it twice now )


Was bout to go drug testing for a trucking job. Using quick fix… after this video IM GOOD, ima stay right here where I’m at


I drove truck for 13 years. Used fake pee for 6 of those years after switching to weed from ptsd pills for a better quality of life. Worked like a charm, but it's been years.


I've never been pat down. They just say empty your pockets but they don't check
