Here's how doctors try to catch people cheating during their drug test

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Dr. Nuesse describes the different ways that drug testing facilities try to catch people trying to cheat or beat the test.

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Dr. Nuesse is a certified medical examiner in the state of Ohio. The advice provided is Dr. Nuesse's opinion and meant to be used for informational purposes only. Please consult with a medical professional about specific individual healthcare needs. Determination of "medically fit to drive" is at the sole discretion of the examiner performing the exam. Dr. Nuesse is an amazon affiliate and earns income from Amazon.
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Smoking weed doesn't destroy families, testing for weed destroys families.


its so silly that anyone is tested for thc in this day and time imo. it's legal in half the country but the rest of us gotta worry about losing our jobs because we smoke at home?


It’s so stupid, all these people who look down on us smokers, they all go home and sink a 12 pack every night and think they’re saving the world, alcohol is worse then weed,


I tend to think drug testers testers take their job way too seriously.


That’s pretty ballsy to accuse someone, no possibility of the equipment of the cup being defective?
Here’s my point. I’m 52 and I’ve never done drugs, I’ve been to the same process at the same quest diagnostic for many years. I’ve never failed a drug test in my life. Most being random
I go and I’m told about temperature being out if range. So I get threatened, that I have to be observed, so I’m waiting 3 to 4 hours in the waiting room and I can’t leave, I can’t eat, I drink more water from there cooler. Now I’m shivering with all the cold water and than diarrhea comes, I had to beg to use the bathroom, 2 times this happens while I’m waiting. Finally the guy comes and I let him watch me
This is pathetic to put someone through what I went through, I felt like a criminal, fuck DOT, fuck the government and fuck everyone who disrespects truck drivers, Im the last person in the world to do drugs, I hate the smell of weed


I’ve done this many times. The person just asks you to empty your pockets, puts you in a restroom to do your business and walks away to do other stuff while you are producing the sample.


Why don't politicians, stock traders, military contractors, etc., etc., people with power over other people and our world, not have to take drug tests, but the rest of us do? Please explain. It makes no sense to me.


I lost so many job opportunities from 2000 - 2006 just because of thc. Once was denied because my credit was bad. Oh the days. Oh and because I couldn't find employment I started robbing banks. Yes I did time.


I had to take one of these for a hospital job that scanned for freakin nicotine, they said they didnt allow any nicotine use as they wanted their employees to promote a healthy lifestyle. Which is hilarious as every day our cafeteria is full of very obese employees lining up for fried chicken and Mountain Dew. But they ended the nicotine ban after George Floyd died, when all the big corporations were going woke that summer they put out a statement saying "in the wake of the Floyd tragedy we've come to realize our nicotine ban denied minorities job opportunities, therefore we are lifting the ban on nicotine use by employees in their free time. Medical cannabis is still prohibited." Yes, this actually happened.


Sad we have to pass a drug test. Why not a work test??


I gotta say I totally disagree with drug testing. It is a incredible invasion of privacy whether someone is using drugs or not. You might as well put cameras in every room in my house to make sure there is no unauthorized activity. My view is a employer has no right to police me in my own home. I've never felt good about taking a drug test. It makes me hate my employer because it feels too much like servitude.


I have had a medical marijuana card since I got my CDL, it's funny that they don't check such a simple thing such as that, but I guess having the card doesn't necessarily mean that I'm actively using it. I've been able to successfully use synthetic urine for 5 plus years without a single failed test by keeping the temperature within that accepted range of 90 to 100, I generally tape a small bottle to my upper thigh and attach a hand warmer. They have a temperature strip on it so I could verify before I hand it over, The biggest deterrent to this in my experience that has almost gotten me to fail was them timing me and putting their ears to the door listening for anything out of the ordinary. One time my bottle started leaking a little bit but I still managed to get enough into the container everyone thought I pissed myself🤣 Close call!


Why would anyone want to be a driver when they are treated like this.


In the 10 years of testin, only once did a tech take a deep sniff and say this isn't urine give me another sample.


They should Have Doctors and Nurses and Pharmacists also Drug testing too Lets all play by the same rules !


If someone is performing their job as expected what they consume in their personal life should not be other, s business. That's so invasive! Its like a person is a criminal


I remember some of the labs back in the day asking me to lift up the back of my shirt and pull up my pant legs, but that was like 2009-10 ish. I'm not 100% positive but I think it was Quest or LabCorp. But the last couple times I've had to go they've been pretty laid back, I think even the drug testers is sick of this nonsense by now.


This is so this be a form of invasion of privacy?


Out of all the drug tests I've ever done I've NEVER had someone sniff the piss 😂


If the cheating is done correctly you will never catch me.