The Silent Symptoms of LONG COVID: Watch out for these 6 WARNING SIGNS

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Dr. A dives into Long Covid (aka Post Covid Syndrome) and the 6 types of symptoms that are most prevalent right now.

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00:00 Intro
00:20 Please have hope, there are ways to heal
01:00 Chronic Fatigue, Decreased Mitochondrial Function
02:20 Thyroid Health
02:45 Adrenal Hormone Output
03:05 Male and Female Hormones
04:15 Increased Sensitivity to Toxins (MCS, MCAS)
05:10 Increased Inflammatory Markers
06:00 Clotting, Microclotting
07:22 Nervous System Symptoms, TBI, Brain Health
09:00 Find a Chronic-Illness Oriented Practitioner


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My family physician was very basic with me on my recent check up. He acted like a robot, just typing in his computer and never gave one eye contact. They stick with the protocol. I don't think that they let them think outside of the box.


I had IBS after Covid and cured myself with Intermittent fasting, and by cutting out sugar and grains and adding different supplements. After a year and a half, I have lost 150 lbs. and have normal bowel movements. I also no longer take pain medications ( arthritis gone) and I don't get sick. I continue to eat only meat, vegetables and nuts, during a 4 hour period, once a day and I don't get hungry. I am feeling very good at 70!


After I had Covid for the 3rd time, I began to have ringing in my ears, headaches, gastro upset, tired….must exhausted. Getting dressed was a struggle.
2-3yr into it I woke up and couldn’t stand with weight in my left leg. I woke up with sciatic pain….out of nowhere. I’d not had any trauma to cause it.
So 3 sports medicine doctors, a chiropractor, 3 trips to a GP….i got an epidural that didn’t work through a pain management doctor….i went back and got a nerve block….which worked!
So I’m sent to a neurosurgeon and while I’m going back and forth trying to figure out the legs I’m also seeing a gastroenterologist, scheduled with an endocrinologist and a rheumatologist. After an EGD, colonoscopy, pipida scan of my gall bladder, a trip to the gynecologist, o gist and a host of other tests they tell me I have pernicious anemia….my folate serum was like 42 and my b-12 was bottomed out. I can’t absorb iron all of a sudden? I got a b-12 shot and told to get one a week for 7wk and then once a month for life…..
After the first shot I felt like a different person. ALL my symptoms were coming from a vitamin deficiency. I’m also deficient in vitamin D.
I’m convinced all this was from Covid. I never had any of this crap before Covid.


Retired nurses here .. wow now this is a very educated Doctor ! Thank you for your education


My God! I gave up on traditional medicine after 2 years of this. Now at 4 years post I'm so thrilled to see at least YOU are on it, Doc ‼️


Since covid-19 was a lab leak and thus a bioweapon, shouldnt it be treated like one😮 If not, why? If the mRNA Gene-Therapy is not preventing infection nor reducing symptoms and it has shown to cause excess deaths, why is it still on the market and why are doctors injecting it, eventhough they know it is harmful?


Thankyou! I’m not going crazy. My fatigue and insomnia are through the roof.
Long Covid. Inflammation in the brain, thyroid, adrenals, hormones. Chronic illness.


Wow Doc!! You are more knowledgeable than the average clinician, I can tell you've been "in the books" and do a tremendous amount of research.You are a tremendous asset to your patients, wish I was one in your care!


I had covid back in early 2020, took me 2 months to recover and my energy le els were never the same again .
Everything is a huge effort
Feel tired and achy all the time .


I was given 1 day and a 20% chance to come off the ventilator alive after getting Covid and double pneumonia. Praise be to God that I made it through that HORRIBLE experience. It messed up my vocal cords and it has been almost 3 years and I still struggle with various issues from it. I now have bad neuropathy in both my feet and stay tired. Been trying to find help but no luck in my area.


This is the best explanation I have seen in two years of researching, of what I am going though,
I had a really rough covid for 2 weeks, haven't been the same since, slightly better now, very slow process.


It may be a mass event, but most doctors blow me off when I bring it up. Videos like this give me much needed information and validation. Thank you.


im in menopause, i lost hope because all my symptoms are blamed on menopause, im 57.
I havent felt good since my infection in 2021. I've had Covid 6 times.
Im miserable, i have had post menopause spotting, headaches, Migraines, i hurt with very little exertion. Im so tired, im depressed beyond depressed.
Thank you for this video.
im hoping to get answers, thank yoi


Your videos have been sorely needed.
General Practice Dr's can't be blamed for their inability to navigate these vastly complex illnesses. Rather, the combined industrialization of an insurance-based healthcare industry, and our GP's standardized training, that's reveled the gaping holes in the system.
With no industry consensus on the cause or validity of these complex illnesses, no chapter in the GP's diagnostic bible for guidance, or menu of what tests to order; there is now no established framework of care for these patients. So thank you for doing this.


I got Delta COVID in December of 2021 with double pneumonia. I was given Ivermectin, and didn't have to go the hospital. I was fatigued for 2 years until I went on Carnivore Diet of meat, salt, and water. 4 months on it and I'm in better shape than before COVID. MY Bloodwork came back great. My vitamin D is 102! My cholesterol is great! My fasting glucose is about 70 every morning. The Carnivore Diet is the ancient diet of people and it served us well for thousands of years.


Also it took me 1.5 years or longer to get almost back to normal energy. I found the sauna super helpful.


This sounds like everything that has happened to me. It has taken three years to get mostly better.


Long covid is the body continuing to produce spike proteins. Isn't that exactly what is happening with the covid jab and boosters? So why would people willingly inject Spike?


Do you accept patients? I am desperate for a doctor with your understanding. I have been desperately ill with long Covid/POTS, and it has all but destroyed my life. I was exceptionally healthy a year and a half ago ... now I am frail, feeble, and weak. You are an exceptionally smart doctor that gets it! I have spent numerous hours with various doctors that are baffled by my chronic health issues. I am certain you could help resolve the issues. My fingers are crossed that you accept new patients 🤞


Thank you for this. After watching this video I’m 100% positive that I have lung Covid. The brain fog is horrific.
