STAY AWAY: 5 ways the Healthcare System will Screw You Over

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The best thing you can do is be prepared and do the best for yourself and your family

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My mother is in her late 80's. She was always independent but a few weeks ago she could barely walk and her blood pressure was around 180 systolic. Her BP meds didn't seem to be working. I called for an ambulance to take her to the hospital. They did blood work, CT scan and EKG and she was diagnosed with hypertension. After TEN hours sitting on a stretcher (rooms were all full) in the ER she was finally discharged with her blood pressure still at 175 systolic. The nurse gave my mother medication and said it was going down but it wasn't reassuring. The nurse asked if we needed a wheelchair and of course I said yes but after another 20 minutes of waiting I couldn't take it anymore and I carried my mother on my back out of the ER, walked across to another building, down an elevator to the parking lot. NOBODY stopped and asked if I needed help. I passed through the front desks, paramedics and various staff were just staring and talking to each other. This experience made me feel like I was actually living in a third world country.


When my husband was in hospital I got into terrible rows with the doctors; they were flabbergasted that I dared to challenge them - not to mention the “nutritionist”. What slop they served him! I brought a blender and made him nutritious smoothies with organic fruit/veg, ground flax, and quite a lot of other super foods. Because he was older and very sick, I felt that there was very little effort to help him. It was almost like they had given up on him from day one. Horrible horrible experience. Sadly he trusted the system but this didn’t keep him alive. I am totally traumatised by the whole system.


I'm convinced that hospitals are designed to keep people sick... NEVER let the patient sleep, feed them garbage etc... it's like being held a prisoner


Strange to say, but hospital is no place for sick people!


They certainly screwed my dying husband over royally. Had him believing they cared and knew what was best throughout his cancer care. Even when I told my husband not to take or approve certain meds he'd say "you're not a doctor, why do you think you know more than them?". I said, "It's not that I know more, but I love you and would never suggest anything I feel will harm you.". On his deathbed he said he wished he'd listened to me. He had so many meds pumping in him (2 IV trees filled and some branches overlapping on both). These doctors are legal serial killers. I fear when my hospital time comes, I really do.


Our healthcare system is an absolute corporate scam and and utter failure. Take good care of yourself as your best hope for staying healthy. Everyone should watch this video and take seriously what he is saying.


I saw all this with my parents. I have no faith in our medical system and avoid it at all cost. It's all about profit.


The supposed "mental health" system is even worse!!!


So happy to see a doctor who is has morals outside of the for profit system.


My mother just turned 94 years old. I live with her. I don't do anything for her unless she absolutely can't do it herself. I do her grocery shopping and driving for her and that's pretty much the extent of "helping" her. She puts her groceries away after I bring them into the house. She does her own bathing, grooming, cooking, cleaning, laundry, vacuuming, walking to the mailbox, sweeping the patio, etc.

I mention this because, in this video, Dr Dhand talks about how elderly patients admitted to hospital pretty much lie on their backs the entire time they are there which only worsens their general health. If you have an elderly loved one in your life, the worst thing you can do for them is pamper them to death. Make them get up and get on with their lives! Keep a close eye on them and only get involved when you see them beginning to neglect something due to their continued aging.

I know my mama won't live forever and I pray she dies happy and peacefully in her sleep during the night...


Right on Dr. Dhand! My husband went for a hearing test and before they would suggest a hearing aid, they wanted to send him for a $10K MRI of his head to make sure a tumor was not the cause of his hearing loss. Needless to say he canceled that test and went to Costco for hearing aid which is working out great for him. Pays to do your own research!


You are right on!!! I'm 70 yrs old, A retired RN, cardiovascular surgical nurse, worked in all areas of the hospital, with retiring from oncology/hospice, 4 yrs ago after 35 years of practice. Fortunately I also have a bachelor's of science in home economics education, which gave me unmeasurable nutritional information. I'm on one medication for blood pressure and found a great internal physician who is not connected to the hospital group. I have always eaten well, and was criticized for only going for healthcare when I was sick. The key is preventative lifestyle, but, I will get and take what I need if it becomes necessary. Thank you Dr. Dhand for your illuminating podcasts.


I work in the healthcare system. My advice, do everything you can to take care of your body. Eat right and exercise. Avoid doctors (pharmaceutical reps) and absolutely avoid the hospital if possible. The last time I saw a doctor, they tried to prescribe a statin. No thanks. The statins alone have made pharmaceutical companies rich. There is no real research to back up statins.


I was the executor of my parents estate as well as their caretaker in their elderly years. Both mom and dad worked hard, saved their money and paid their taxes on time not obtaining as much as a parking ticket as a reference to their character. They spent every last penny on medications, hospital bills and nursing home charges and died broke. Meanwhile in other rooms were the unemployed or illegal aliens that got the same standard of treatment, same medications and a no balance sheet from the state when they are taken to the nursing home. This is so wrong and I don't have the answer of how to fix it.


I had a knee surgeon tell me once: if I look at your knee hard enough I will find something wrong. I never forgot this comment. Be care people. This Doctor is spot on.


28 years ago I stopped going to the doctor. 68 and counting, I may be dying, but I have no stress over a health problem..


1. Pushing unnecessary meds.
2. Hospital bills/outrageous charges.
3. Probability of getting “sucked into the system”.
4. Admission to hospital/unhealthy food/medical error.
5. System won’t be there when you need them.


Thank you. As an aging RN I can tell you I've seen the profit motive destroy the U.S. healthcare system which was nonprofit when I was a child in the 1950s and 1960s. I've had some terrible experiences lately. Don't even want to go to the doctor anymore. It's 90 percent lifestyle.


Staying away from the "sick system" has been my way, as well.
Retired RN, living in the forest with couple dogs and a boyfriend😀
