Muslim woman asked are you oppressed wearing Hijab?

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Muslim woman asked are you oppressed wearing Hijab?

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My brother and I wear shorts and shirts 👔 🩳 at home while my sisters wear hijab and fully covered. I have never heard my parents tell me or my brother anything about covering, but when my sisters don’t wear hijab fully I can hear one hours shouting. This is not oppression, this is Islam values. If you don’t believe then next look at a Muslim guy clothes in the summer and a Muslim girl. I am sure you will be sorry


There's this time, when I wore abaya (a cloth the full cover of body) and hijab, I feel very calm and I cried.


Modern Jewish women who cover their hair ascribe various meanings to the act. For some it is a sign of marriage, for others it is a symbol of piety and humility, perhaps an act of deference to the will of God. It is also thought of as a sign of modesty. In Biblical times, in the Middle East and the ancient Greco Roman worlds it was customary for the hair to be covered, at least by married, respectable and free women. The Old Testament (Torah) mentions head or hair covering only briefly but these few words have evolved into a complex hijab ritual practiced by devout Jews across the globe.
1 Corinthians 11:5, says that “Every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonours her head, for that is one and the same as if her head were shaved.” The early Christian women veiled their heads in church and anytime they were in public and Christian women continued to maintain this practice to some degree throughout the centuries until the 19th and 20th centuries when the practice rapidly declined.
A Christian woman who becomes a nun is said "to take the veil". This is said in reference to her head covering. Nuns throughout Christian history have been recognisable by their distinctive head coverings many of which resemble Muslim hijab. In medieval times, across the western world married women normally covered their hair outside the house, and nun's veils were often based on secular styles, reflecting a nun’s position as “a bride of Christ". Nuns were said to give up a secular life in order to serve God but nonetheless were due the respect and honour given to a modest married woman. Salam!


People are always seeking God.
That's why the people with the nasty comments are here.
They are just trying to prove to themselves that they don't believe.
But the still find themselves on videos about God.


May it be possible, that there are women who are forced to wear hijab, based on islamic teachings?


Easy to say this in a resort in Boca Raton...go say this in Yemen! Lol
