Muslim Mum warns about RED FLAGS in Marriage 🚩

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Excerpt from Episode 2 of the College Diaries "Red Flag Romance".

In this episode we cover the struggle of young people getting to know one another for marriage and the clear red flags they need to be wary of in a potential spouse.

We also capture the important questions to ask when getting to know someone, and how to identify your values and boundaries before venturing into marriage.

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My advice as a guy who's married for 4 years. Don't think about Divorce. Try to fix your marriage, don't focus on other woman. The grass isn't always greener on the other side. Water the grass that you have now.


I lowered my standards to a point where I don’t even want a wedding, just the halal marriage and still no luck. 35 years old and no man in sight. May Allah grant me Jannah! This is tough!


As a Christian woman, I feel exactly the same as the mother. When I met my spouse he felt like family, he was someone I could see raising children with him as well as getting old with him. He makes me laugh, calms me down and is a great care giver, as well as having shared values and goals. Life and marriage is not an event, movie or a fairytale.


The advice that this Wise Lady is stating is very important. My Grandmother used to tell me that the Honeymoon is not 1 or 2 weeks but, a lifetime. I have taken her advice and I have been married for 33 years. She also said that respect, understanding and communication is essential.


when she said : khadijah I'm just reminding you
felt like she was talking to me, I had a strange feeling deep down my soul . Subhan Allah !!!
May Allah grant us ease and mercy . Amiin


The greatest explanation on married that I've ever heard.
We should make marriage as simple as possible, then focus on future life, not the wedding party. 😊😊😊


The best of marriages begin with the most humble weddings


I wish I had listened to my gut before getting into such an abusive marriage…May Allah swt make it easy for us 😢❤️


The bit she says next is just as important. How your future spouse treats his mother, sisters etc is an indication of how he might treat you.


It’s easier to cancel that one event than to live years of your life being miserable


Marriage is not only about one night, it's a whole journey on planet earth. That spoke to me.


May Allah bless all muslims with righteous spouses.


This dear lady gives wise advice that ANY woman or man should follow regardless of race or religion. I'm not Muslim but I know that she speaks truth!!!!May God grant her a long and healthy life.👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽💝🌸🌸🌸


Great advice, those who want to tie the knot should watch this. It's the love, peace and understanding that keep the unity strong. Marriage is much more than a beautiful dress or fancy reception.


My first relationship didn't work out specifically because of this. She wanted a grand wedding simply because she want to one up her sister. Every single thing from the wedding ring, attire, venue, food etc, she pick the thing that is more expensive than her sister's, even when she hated the design, even when I specifically said I dislike them.

It got exhausting, draining and the entire wedding purposes shifted from celebrating us to become some kind of statement and object for her to brag and lord over her sister. It makes me question our future together so I break off the relationship and move on with my life.


I don’t have any knowledge about what it means to be a Muslim but my faith is deep, experienced & based on my trials & sins & tribulation. My weakness & strength as I see it my limited capacity as a flawed human. The more I learn about the faith the more I listen to Muslims like this & the beauty & depth of these principles & the wisdom this fills me with tears & anxiety, joy & a determination to be a better person with gods help. The Muslim faith these teachings & brothers & sisters are a true blessing from Allah. I’ve started reading the Quran & trying to understand where this path will lead. Thank you wherever this leads I will be a better person.


may Allah bless us all with goodness and righteousness.


That's a wise mom. Thankyou for that. My mom passed away before i got to ask these things with her. Being a wife or a mom, i always wanted to, but I'm absolutely terrified of the idea that i have no one to guide me on that.


You know there's something wrong when a ring is demanded at the time of the wedding. as this involves following another religions culture


I could listen to this woman all day and never get tired.
