How to Brown Butter for baking

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Browning your butter is a simple way to elevate the flavor or your favorite baked goods to new heights.
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00:00 Introduction
00:25 Place butter in a medium-sized saucepan. Ideally you should use one that is light-colored (like stainless steel rather than black cast iron) as this will make it easier for you to see once your butter has begun to brown.
01:10 Heat butter over medium/low heat until butter is completely melted.
01:44 Increase heat to just a notch over medium. The butter should begin to bubble, sputter, and pop. Use a wooden spoon or a heatproof spatula to stir and swirl the butter frequently (make sure to scrape the bottom of the pan while doing this). Do not take your eyes off of your butter.
02:40 Watch your butter very carefully and continue to swirl and stir. Once the sizzling/popping slows down, you will begin to notice bits of brown forming on the bottom of your pan.
03:05 Once you see the butter beginning to brown, remove from heat and immediately pour into a heat-proof bowl.
03:38 Use brown butter as indicated in your recipe, but keep in mind it is very hot after browning and most recipes will require that it cool back down to room temperature before using.

Рекомендации по теме

I was so nervous about browning butter for the first time with just enough left in the fridge for one try, and your tutorial made it super easy! No need to run back to the store!!


this is literally the EASIEST video to follow!! I've made browned butter using your technique twice now and it has turned out perfectly each time & just levels up my chocolate chip cookies and other recipes! thanks so much for making the video so detailed, thorough, and easy to follow!!! <3


I absolutely love your channel. I watched a few other videos on how to brown butter and came upon yours. Your video IMO is by far, hands down, the best tutorial for newbies to browning butter as it is very through and shows what the butter should look like at each stage. I did this today for a cinnamon rolls recipe that uses brown butter cream cheese frosting. Kudos and thank you for making this video. You removed my fear of browning butter.


Thanks! My recipe called for this but it helps to see what it's meant to look like :)


Tried this today for a cookie recipe (one of yours) and this video was very helpful! To note, I did see another video from a different channel that suggested pouring the browned butter into a heat-proof measuring cup and then adding water to get the volume back to what the original recipe calls for. I kind of met in the middle and used a half-tablespoon of extra butter prior to browning and then just needed a little bit of water to hit the mark I needed for the recipe. It smells amazing, can't wait to try out the cookies! Thank you, again!


Great point about the non-dark bottom pan!


Brown butter on burnt toast is amazing!!!


Thank you so much. I tried browning butter for the first time the other day and panicked (and stopped) when it really started bubbling. I thought I had messed up the process somehow! Now I know I was headed in the right direction but quit too soon. 😜 Headed to the kitchen now to have another go at it!!


Great video - didn’t know what brown butter was until someone showed me this video - thanks!


Found this video when trying to figure out the right way to brown sugar for making chocolate chip cookies. This worked like a charm, thank you!


Thank you so much! I tried this for the first time after a recipe called for it and I wasn’t 100% sure, so I watched your video and it was perfect first go! Amazing!!!


I'm making tasties ultimate chocolate chip cookies. Your guide to browning butter was very helpful. thank you


Made brown butter for the first time and absolutely loved your tutorial. It gave me the courage to make it 😂


If I use browned butter instead of regular butter in a recipe, do I measure by the amount of buttery I originally cooked? Or should I measure out the brown butter?


Can u freeze it for future use? I am going to try this today for peanut butter cookies.


Hey, thanks . Will this solidify if kept in fridge ? And can be used in cakes/ cookies ?


Can I put the browned butter in my freezer??, The recipe for my cookies need softened butter and not melted but I want it to be brown


Thank you, Sam. I was thinking about trying browned butter in your "Worst Chocolate Chip Cookie" recipe next time. That recipe calls for 1 cup of butter. Should I perhaps start with an extra Tablespoon (or more?) of butter prior to browning to compensate for the water loss?


This video is so helpful! I have a question though, can I measure out my flour while the butter cools? Or will the butter harden while it cools? Thank you!


I recently watched a video on Brian Lagerstom’s channel where he browns butter in as long as it takes for the butter to melt in the pan. He’s has formal chef training, so I assume that his technique is legit. He heats up the pan super hot tosses the butter in and stirs. The video I’m referring to is called “Fudgy Brownies 3 Ways” and his unusual browning technique happens at around 8:00. This probably isn’t a novice technique you would ever want to make a video about, but it may save you a few minutes when you’re doing your recipe R&D work prior to recording your amazing videos.
