Abilities That Were DELETED From League Of Legends (2)

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By EXTREMELY popular demand, we're diving back into the history of League of Legends by looking at some abilities that were drastically changed if not removed from the game altogether!

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I still remember when you could ult Jhin as old Mordekaiser and if he had 4th shot ready, he always shot that 4th shot on every auto


Only Veterans remember that the Maokai Ult he shows in the video IS already an Updated Version.
I remember when the Zone was local, and didn't followed him. Kind of trundle W.

Btw Kindred Ult was a targeted Ability too^^


The anachronism of seeing old pre-rework champs on updated Summoner's Rift is so strange. It's like those history posts where woolly mammoths were still alive when the pyramids were being built.



Let me correct you, he was not the only juggernaut, but ONLY CHAMPION IN THE GAME without any CC, or mobility.


Fun fact: Mordekaiser at one point was the only champion in league of legends with simultaniously not a single stance of mobility, not even a movement speed buff and not a single crowd control ability, not even a slow.


Number 1 is Riot removing my ability to feel joy.


I loved that Morde's ghost would invisibly capture altars on Twisted Treeline.


Mordekaiser's old ult will always be my favorite ability.
So many times i 1v4/5'd surviving each and every time because the ghost would keep my passive up JUST enough, allowing me to draintank through their damage.

Caitlyn ghost had her passive headshots, Jhin ghost could perma 4th shot if he died while on 4th shot, Rengar ghost could jump around, an Udyr ghost in bearstance could stun people, Ashe ghost would slow with her auto's, etc. You had alot of variety for funny shenanigans with Morde ult.
(plus the satisfaction of just walking up to an adc if you had liandri's+rylai's, pressing R on them and walking away, with you both knowing the dude is dead 15 seconds later and there's nothing he can do about it.)


Remember that Maokai's old ultimate didn't always used to be centered around Maokai, at the beginning you used to place it in an area near you and you couldn't move it, felt pretty lackluster until they changed to always be on Maokai's position


Its so fun and hurts to see all these "old" things.
Nunus W a Rabadon, yes I remember, but it was so short in this form, that I even forgot it. I mostly know Nunus W for giving Attackspeed and Movementspeed.
I play LoL since neary 12 years now.


I loved how you could Old Morde Ult the enemy carry, then Old Yorick Ult the ghost to make a 7v4


I almost forgot about Eve's 2-second stun. You're basically dead when she catches you.


Galio's old w was a really fun one. It would heal him for every instance of damage he takes. If you used it against any damage over time, you would heal to full from it.


Talking about Vengeful Maelstorm.
If my memory is correct, there was version where it was just static area, not following Maokai. Ig that time by making his ult follow him not just stay in one area ended up making that skill very powerful.


I'll definitely be here for the next installments of this series. So neat to look at how the game has changed over the course of the last decade. There really were some nutty abilities


I started playing DotA 2 recently (last time I played was dota 1 in cyber cafes before LoL), and oh boy old league really is such a different game, you can see a lot more dota in it, then in later seasons Riot started really refining their distinct vision besides ‘approachable dota’.

If you feel nostalgic for design elements of the old league, I really recommend giving dota another try, the original vision has come a long way too, but kept the direction of letting heroes have incredibly broken fun abilities. Imo the biggest reason why that works is the item system (and more strategic options in general), where instead of being mostly stat sticks, items let you bend the game in major ways, so you rarely get stuck without counterplay.


I used to main old mord, initially as a joke, but something about the combination of the jank in his kit and the genuine skill expression with his passive, 3rd Q prep and kiting as a high burst melee mage was really fun.

It was fun to play, and fun to surprise enemies who dont know how to fight you, or try to all in a full AP mord (who deceptively tanky, but the tankiness is the reward for skill expression)

I played him for the longest time before they reworked him. He is like a Juggernaut that plays and builds like a mage.

I love the new mord, but a lot of the charm he had with that jank was gone as a lot of his abilities are very streamlined. I just dont play him anymore.

Old mord had a unique playstyle, and new mord quite literally plays like every other juggernaut. It was so satisfying to play a champion so confused and charming like old mord, and actually win.

Btw, I feel that way with a lot of reworks and new champions, most of them have unique abilities, but play in very similar ways overall. (Nafiri is a breath of fresh air, but her design isnt too far out there as any other assassin)

Yes, new mord had unique abilities, but he doesnt kite, he doesnt have a big macro game with dragon, his tankiness is not tied to AP and landing skill shots (the W cooldown is too long). He just runs at you until you die to Q or passive, or he tries to catch out enemies with his E, like a Sett or Darius.

Its not quite the same 😅

I currently main Jhin as although he's very modern and streamlines to not have jhank, he plays so uniquely from any other ADC and is very rewarding.

I wish there were more champs like Jhin and old mord.


one should mention that kog'maw didnt just get a lot of attack speed with his w back then...he also gained a huge amount of range on his attacks (far more than currently)


Urgots ult feels like such a loss because it's a really cool support/tank ult that was slapped into a mess of a champ and therefore was classified as bad because it didn't work on him because he made no use of being in the enemy team.


Old Fiddlesticks E was my favorite. Especially managing to get it off between two targets with no minions nearby. I get why it's gone, it was annoying as hell to play into, but still one of my favorite removed abilities.

Runner up would be old Xerath W. Pre-rework Xerath was, in my opinion, much more fun to play than his current iteration. Rooting yourself for range was an interesting concept, and those instant max range Q's were really fun to snipe enemies with. Overall I feel like that version of Xerath captured the esthetic of "raw arcane power" much better than the rework
