Abilities That Were DELETED From League Of Legends (6)

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Sorry for taking so long to complete episode 6 but here it is! Hope you enjoy :D

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5:19 "Yet I don't recall ever seeing AP Tristana before, like ever."
This man has clearly never watched the glory of Darkk Mane's glorious guide on how to play AP Tristana.


Yes, infuse was point and click, and it could also originally be used on her. Meaning that as long as she didn't let her mana pool get low enough that she couldn't cast Infuse, she and her lane partner both had infinite health and mana.


seeing that clip of scarra on old swain laning against a midalee gave me temporal whiplash


AP Trist and AP Yi were some of the most fun I had playing when I first started playing. Watching someone melt away with a Trist Meatball was hilarious and Yi Alpha striking a team to death and became basically invulnerable when he pressed his w. I also remember going Soraka Brand bot when Soraka still had her point and click silence/Give Mana. Old League was something else


I used to play old soraka back in the day. Riot said they changed her because her style of play was literally stand in the back and feed heals and mana restoration, and that was completely true. There was very little interaction between her and the enemy team. Remember, her old heal didn't cost health, so there was no drawback.

What's less known was infuse worked ON YOURSELF, further disincentivising interaction with the enemy team. There were many times when I would actively choose to level up infuse over healing because it would essentially let your adc spam abilities with no drawback.


Morde’s unconventional sustain and defense was his best trait, and healing his teammates was gratifying af when you made a clutch game winning save.


Soraka was actually reworked mainly because of how oppressive her kit was midlane, believe it or not. Her Q was an auto target, multi target, MR shredding, auto-pushing poke tool on a VERY short cooldown. She had a very strong self heal that gave you armor for ganks (most junglers were physical damage). And her E was an instant targeted damaging silence. This made her SUPER annoying to any mage in mid and people hated ganking her because she could just silence one of her opponents at the press of a button.


AD Trist was strong because of just straight raw stats, and her W. Her safety early game made her one of the harder adc to shutdown. Most champions didn't have gap closers like they do now, so she was an extremely rare breed. Even Caitlyn didn't have that level of safety, range, or mobility. She has innate push that made it hard for enemies to keep waves to harass or dive under tower. Her passive giving her more range over other adc made her ridiculously strong late game at sieging and outpositioning other adc. Her Q being an attack speed steroid meant that she could potentially go more damage items before attack speed. Most importantly was the W reset on kill. This meant she could go in with her team at a moments notice, dive the adc(who was the most important target back then most times since mages couldn't push towers), and then get out or push the lead after it resets.

AP Trist was an abomination that circumvented her late game power gating by just having ridiculously high AP ratios, one of which resets on kill. Old League was basically a game of stat sticks, and who could abuse stats the easiest.


12:20 "i'm getting old, man", but i never saw anyone use the monstrous AP tristana that killed ppl with just 1 spell, neither a pentakill starfall soraka. 😂


If I recall correctly they took away Draven’s old passive due to how oppressive he was with it in lane. Basically no ADC would dare to trade with him as he’d auto win the trade due to his passive plus Q. Plus due to most adcs lacking innate sustain this passive would be enough to effectively force them out of lane very easily.


5:19 So AP Trist was actually being experimented on internally by Riot Norak this year. The intention was at specific AP thresholds when she E -> W'd onto someone or E-> R'd the amount of Stacks the W/R would grant would increase.

This also accidentally hit live but was quickly patched.


1:03 wow, never expected to see myself in one of your videos. Had a good laugh :D Keep up your work.
Personally I didn't like Zyra's old passive and I am more than happy that she got another passive in S6.


Ngl, but old Volibear q w and e were an awesome combo, loved to play him on Urf, the flipmaster


A huge part of ap tristana was the fact that she used to trigger e passive on any kill not just ones with autos. If you max’d w and had a little ap you could oneshot casters with one w and all of them would individually blow up and deal aoe dmg. It was a huge cheese she could do where if the enemy was in a wave of 5-6 casters she could w onto them and they were legitimately one shot


Old soraka was very stat checky because, she could heals herself in lane and heal her mana in lane with little to no counter. And as she poke you, she can wave clear with her W which was AOE. And you can't really trade back neither because she could heal herself before u can shut her down. Back when league didnt have a lot of one shot but rather short trade...


AP Tristana was fun. Her E used to explode even if abilities killed the Target. So you would just wait for the enemy to be standing in a Minionwave and W in. Was nearly always a 1-Shot


An important thing to remember about old Soraka is that bot lane meta at the time revolved around spellcasting adc's.
Graves, Ezreal, and Corki could basically spam their abilities all day long with a Soraka around, and never die since she also healed. It was frustrating, they could play as recklessly as they want and get away with it nearly all the time.


AP Trist is a monster in ARAM back then because you can rocket jump E and move back to neutral and slowly tick the enemies down with DoTs. Her E scaling is actually really high and with a few items going, she can assassinate any squishies at a safe range. You jump to a safe spot, E + R and move back. With High AP, Athenes and high CDR, you can endless snipe and harass at an incredible range. On top of everything, you can cast E mid flight during Rocket Jump.

As for why she was super popular as an ADC is the old days, its because its because of her passive. She is the only one of two (the other being Kog) that can match/out range caitlyn in terms of range at late game. She is also one of the few adcs with an attack speed steriods back then with her Q. Her E also is a get out of jail card and R being the get away from me. Making her an incredibly safe pick


I can't wait to look back fondly on yuumi and k'sante And think "Wow. They were weak in retrospect"


I think Trist was very popular back in the day because games lasted longer and having a high mobility marksman with 650 range for a considerable portion of the game was worth it
