Sikhism Explained

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Sikhism, the 5th largest and youngest of the world religions. A religion that preaches about love, peace, and the equality of humankind, but also asks it’s followers to carry swords.

Sikhism originated in the Punjab area of India and Pakistan, 500 years ago. The Punjab, the land of five rivers, is one of the most historically and culturally dense areas on Earth. Today there are about 25 million Sikhs. They make up about 2% of India's population but about 60% of the Punjab's. The Sikh diaspora is spread out across the world with concentrations in the UK, Canada, The US, East Africa, Australia, and Malaysia. Sikhs interestingly enough make up almost 1.5% of Canada's population which is second only to India.

So who are the Sikh’s, what do they believe, and why does everyone confuse them for Muslims? Well Let’s Find Out.


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when i was homeless, a sikh man used to come and bring me food every night, wish i could remember his name
Edit: to everyone criticising me for not remembering his name I was in a very dark place in my life, and most of the time I would just say "mate" or "pal" when we spoke and we talked about more important things than names, he listened to me when the rest of the world closed their eyes to my pain, he seen me talking McDonald's out of a bin when I met him with hundreds of people walking past like I didn't exist so before you criticise me walk a mile in my shoes, to everyone being nice though, thank you so much for the kind words ♥️☺️


Gotta respect a religion whose martyrs die for the freedom of *other religions*.


A Sikh family owned the convenience store on the street where I grew up. I’d go to buy a can of pop and stand at the register for half an hour talking to the owner about the religion, life, philosophy, random stuff like that. When his mother was on the register we’d do the same. When I got into university they were so happy for me they told me to walk around the store and take what I wanted for free 😂 I just asked for a bag of sweets and a can of pop.

My mum died two years into my uni course, and when I went into the store to buy cigarettes (I’m a stress smoker), the family truly felt for me. The elderly mum hugged me, it felt like such a powerful moment bc I didn’t have any family left. They came to our house that day and gave me like £500, and on the day of the funeral they all stood outside the store as the hearse drove passed. I’ll never forget seeing it.

This video explains so much of how they treated me so kindly. They knew I was from a poor background and couldn’t afford a funeral all on my own, they knew that I lived in an unsafe area and were proud to see me grow up and claw my way out with a good education.

They sold the store last year to get themselves out of that same bad neighbourhood. I’ve never been treated with such honest kindness before, and it shocked me at the time. Truly lovely people. I don’t think I could ever be that generous.


Every Sikh I have ever met has been so nice to me regardless of me being covered in tattoos and nails painted black. Some of the nicest respectful people I have ever met. If there is a god, they come directly from his heart.


I love the Sikh community and it's people. When I was hungry barley able to pay my rent, a Sikh fella at my gas station offered me dinner nightly. Saved me at my worst.


This is such a wholesome comment section, I am really starting to feel Sikhism is a religion of peace


I am a Hindu but a feeling of pride takes over me when I say-"Bole So Nihal, Sat Sri Akaal"


If you are reading this as a Sikh person, please know how march your religion made an impact on me growing up. My religion was the opposite and your theology was so hard for me to imagine when I was still fully indoctrinated. The kindness so many families exhibited to me and my friends was undeserved ❤


I'm from a Hindu family in Bengal. Although agnostic myself, I'm proud of my heritage. The Hindus really are indebted to the Sikhs as they protected our ancestors from multiple attacks and religious aggression throughout ages. And then happened the anti-Sikh riots in 1984 carried out by the Congress in independent India.

I bow my head in shame for the all the Sikh blood that flowed during that time in the hands of the perpetrators who mostly belonged from the community that was protected by the Sikhs for hundreds of years. We are sorry, our Sikh brothers and sisters. Please remember that 99.99% of us do not discriminate you. We thank you for all that you did for us and are still doing for us and our country.


The best thing about Sikhs is they feed the hungry. A community that actually goes on ground to help the needy.
Much love from a Jain to the bravehearts of India!


I’m a Sikh and I never understood my religion until recently my grandma died. At this point, I saw the power of my religion.


In tears. Not only have you educated those unfamiliar with our faith but you’ve also reminded me how important my religion is to me. Thank you for igniting that fire within me and making me want to become a better sikh ❤️


Seems like Sikhs are essentially real life Jedi.


Sikhism sounds like a very beautiful and kind hearted religion!


Any girl or even boy, feeling scared while walking on lonely road or scared at night in the neighborhood when sees a sikh around.... suddenly feel safe and secure.... they are protectors, true human beings.

Thank you for all the likes, i hope the world becomes a better place and all humans live peacefully together and look ahead towards a better future ❤️


As a Brit I've been fortunate enough to meet many Sikhs. Wonderful people, they radiate kindness ❤.


I love how you kept saying that most people wearing turbans are not Muslims. Many Sikhs were asked why they didn't just say "we're not Muslim" after the 9/11 attacks. It was because they knew that the pain was on everyone, throwing down another religion and getting the hate off Sikh's wasn't what Sikhism is about


When I was a kid growing up in Telford, a big family of Sikhs moved into a couple of houses down the street.
I remember that they had a wedding. I didn’t see the wedding, but they hired out the local community centre and fed all the locals.
They were lovely people.
I’ve respected Sikhs ever since then and loved their food!


If religions were people, sikhism would be the chill guy.
