What is Sikhism?

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In this video, we finally explore the fifth largest religion in the world - Sikhism (more properly called "Sikhi").

Sources/Suggested Reading:
Mandair, Arvind-Pal Singh (2013). "Sikhism: A guide for the Perplexed". Bloomsbury Academic.

Singh, Patwant (1999). "The Sikhs". John Murray.

Also try to get ahold of the Adi Granth (Guru Granth Sahib". You can find translations of the scriptures online, or in published form translated by Ernest Trumpp or Gurbachan Singh Talib.

#Sikhism #Sikhi #Religion

0:00 Intro
1:21 'Sikhi'
3:39 Origins: Guru Nanak
11:57 Guru Arjan, Adi Granth & The Golden Temple
16:18 Guru Gobind Sing & The Khalsa
22:17 Guru Granth Sahib
23:40 Modern developments
24:34 The Philosophy of Sikhi
30:00 Sikh Ethics
31:50 Sikh Practice
34:46 Conclusions
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Went I went abroad to study. My dad always advised me if I am ever in trouble to seek out a Sikh gurudwara, the Sikhs will never turn you away and always will help. This is why i have ultimate respect for Sikh faith


I went to a Sikh school after my original school was bullying me too much.

My Sikh school was warm and kind to me. They taught me such amazing things.
The schools admin and principal gave me admission with only 20 days left in the school year. I will never forget that kindness


As a Buddhist, I have Sikh neighbours. They always bring us free food and they are a kind and helpful people. And Sikhism is a very noble and compassionate religion and I have the upmost respect for them 🙏🏽👳🏾‍♂️❤️


I am a Catholic. When I went to New Delhi I visited Gurudwara Bangla Sahib and it was a beautiful experience. There’s what I would call a museum when you enter and I was shocked seeing how much persecution these beautiful people went through. I have never met such generous people in my life. I love my Sikh brothers and sisters.


As a sikh am very glad that most of the people in comment section love us. I hope every sikh including myself didn't do anything wrong which hurt someone's feeling. Sikhi's rule is to help needy weather it's with food of physical help.
There's very popular phrase in sikhi :
ਦੇਗ ਤੇਗ ਫਤੇਹ।।
"Deg teg Fateh"
Means Help underprivileged with food and sword.


I had the amazing opportunity to visit a Sikh temple a few years back. In all my years of exploring world religions, I've never felt as truly welcomed and instantly part of the community as I did there.
One thing that stuck out in my mind the most is that Sikh temples are open to ANYONE. I was advised that if I were to ever be in need of shelter or food (for example, if I were stranded in a strange country) to track down a Sikh temple so they could give me food, rest, and help finding a more permanent solution. They said to look for the temple with an orange flag. Thought that was important to share!


As a Punjabi Muslim, I've always had a certain amount of connection to and love for Sikhism, I think most Punjabis feel that way because of our shared ethnicity and language. It's still one of the, now increasingly rare, examples of people of the same nation thriving across different religious traditions in India. Thank you for making this video.


I've had Sikh coworkers before, and they've always been so kind and friendly. I'm from a predominantly white, Christian suburb. But an old Christian church in my neighborhood was just sold and converted to a Sikh temple, and every time I drive past and see people outside they always seem so pleasant and happy. I'm not religious, but I love my Sikh neighbors and the good vibes they bring around ❤️


As a Punjabi Muslim, I have deep love and reverence for Sikh Gurus and lots of respect for my Sikh brethren.


One thing I found incredibly interesting from this is their belief in the sword. Many religions use violence for their own benefit. And many religious that are committed to serving others are pacifist. But Sikhs believe in helping others and defending them, even with violence. They acknowledge that violence is sometimes a necessary means to justice and that is so badass and truly representative of oneness. Violence and peace are not mutually exclusive. I’m in awe


I live in Kenya and during my journeys from Nairobi to Mombasa at the coast (a 7 hour drive) I usually stop in a small town called Makindu and have a free meal at the Sikh temple kitchen, I have been doing this since I was a kid, the fact that a relatively small Sikh community opens it's doors to an entire town for decades is mind boggling


I am a Sikh and wish to thank you so much for your explanation on Sikhism. Really nice of you.
God bless you


As a Sikh woman (from Canada), I am so grateful for your video!!! Beautiful, concise explanation of the faith. You have a lot of Grace. May Waheguru bless you always!!!!


I live in Alberta Canada many Sikh people have moved here in recent years. I feel happy having such strong, kind and generous people joining our communities


When I was hungry, It wasnt christians who fed me, it was the Sikh.


I am fascinated by the Sikhs. They have always stood for Truth and Justice, and have suffered much throughout history, but still stayed true to humanitarian ideals.


I am a Muslim and I see that Sikhism is a lovely religion. Sikhism teaches Love.


In my childhood (during 1978-79) when we were living in Bidar (Karnataka), my sister was taught to seek help from a "Keshdhari Sikh" in case of any distress. We felt very safe and confident whenever we saw a Sikh around us.🙏


I've been brought up Irish Catholic in The UK by an Irish father and English mother. My dad has always spoken very highly of the Sikh people in The United Kingdom and regards them as brothers from across the globe. Our flags are almost the same, we hold our values the same and love to solidify a friendship or connection with a whiskey. I love my brothers and sisters from India/Pakistan/Bangladesh and always will 💝


Sikh here, I hope you do us proud and continue to impress people with your pronunciations. 👍🏽
