Climate Scientist explains Just Stop Oil

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Climate activist group "Just Stop Oil" have been behind a number of disruptive protests, from throwing soup at a Vincent van Gogh painting to holding up roads and scaling the Dartford Crossing bridge. But what are Just Stop Oil's demands? How does it fit in with climate change science? And what are the impacts of the methods of activists like these

#ClimateChange #JustStopOil



Power plant demolition by Mountain Top News
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Whatever inconvenience these tactics pose on regular folk they're nothing compared to the horrors climate change has had on communities that don't have a strong government to save them from droughts, fires, etc. The cause is good, and as you say the tactics have people speak on something they normally wouldn't.


If your protest is for the good but causes harm, you won't get sympathy.


My experience tells me that tactics such as those used by Just Stop Oil are ineffective.and may actually have the opposite effect.They make climate activists look like overly emotional wing nuts instead of people with legitimate concerns about climate change. Climate activists need to get their own houses in order as well. For example, the cause of fighting climate change is harmed when Greta Thunberg, arguably the patron saint of the cause, comes out in support of the de-commissioning of a newly constructed wind farm in Norway.


The problem with their tactics is they make me want to burn tyres... And im all pro solar and wind and think its insane that the UK hasnt gone down the tidal lagoon route. Their protests are counter productive and deter people from openly supporting their goals, even if they agree with them.


If you annoy the people you need then who do you have? Affect the politicians and the companies, it’s easier for them if we argue amounts your selves


The biggest problem is that they annoyed hell a lot of peoples, peoples have to work, to eat to produce for themselves and their families to survive still despite all the problems, they may understand if they pursue it the other way around, without causing problems to their own peoples.


I've seen people claim it's a psyop funded by big oil because a daughter of an oil company donated to a fund that finances Just Stop Oil - despite her never actively having anything to do with oil business except for the money from her parents. Donating that to climate funds is based actually.


It's thanks to there protests that I came to this video and now I have great respect for them to tolerate such harsh reactions from public.


Thank you. This has helped me understand these protesters better. I feel for them.


If oil is ‘stopped’ today, then what’s the viable alternative that we can immediately introduce?


I'm still surprised by how many people I've met who don't think it's real. But I am aware of the lengths the carbon fuel industry will go to secure their profits, which includes lying and deceiving people about the issue. No matter how many ways it's brought to the political and social world, the development of still more sources continues. To me, stop oil is a step I'm not about to protest. If there's fear of it causing people to dismiss the issue, I'm afraid they're already dismissing it, and the carbon fuel industry uses their behavior as an attempt to create doubt. They do that anyway. Not sure how this is going to change that. That soupgate thing was pretty good, except they didn't damage the painting. I think the artist was enough of a radical he may have approved if he thought it did some good. The message was that the wealthy are only concerned when their wealth is as stake. It was a good message. To bad the wealthy don't hold the environment as highly as that painting. It's a work of art.


Psychiatry is most appropriate to unpack these psychopaths.


I initially thought the Van Gaugh stunt was a bad idea, but seeing the amount of discussion it has spawned has changed my mind about that. Just a few seconds of action has done a lot more than traditional lobbying ever could. But I think this can only work once or twice as the novelty is the big talking point. There is probably space for this sort of sensationalism now and again, but we need people behind the scenes to be pushing better policy too. I don't think there is a silver bullet to getting this done - I guess we need to try every avenue we have available.


Surley if they are stopping traffic they are just causing more immisons anyways due to the cars that are idling 🙄🙄🙄


Preach this to China and India, they are the worlds largest producers of emissions. Every country in the world can enact strict regulations on fossil fuel but India and China will continue on thus making any and all regulations a moot point.


The message I got was that oil paintings are bad, and that they are opposed to oil painters such as van Gogh, who painted with oils. I think you need to check your facts about CO2. The JustStopOil people don't care about CO2, they just want people to paint with acrylics. This I think is a reasonable request, since oils dry so slowly, and are often subject to yellowing over time.


Sad to see people in such a state of frustration and helplessness that they feel the compulsion to behave like this. It's total self- deprecation and self- sabotage and from the outside looks like cult mentality.


And wasting soup which could have gone to someone without food. These people need to get their priorities right


I understand the frustration, but how they act, how they speak, the worry and passion seems a bit too cultistic. In addition, their argument is not well versed and not well presented. It is like that because their means are questionable. When you get into an argument and you can only repeat a stupid one liner statistic that you memorized, when the question is asked "why are you doing it in this way?", then the problem is you cannot argue, because you know you are wrong.
Do not misunderstand, I want a good future for our world, but this is just making everyone who was a general Joe, and could have been convinced, to be utterly disgusted and turning away. I live in Switzerland now, and I do believe that the way to be green is based on strong government backing, but also people policing. Alas, this is culture. You cannot force the change of a culture from one day to another. That is what conquerors done, not what "peaceful" protesters do. I am so disappointed in today's generation. Be better...


The ironic thing is that the folks who created this artwork were more climate friendly than the actual protesters themselves.

We need to focus on what things in life we can eliminate. If the demand for excess things decreases we will have an impact. Unfortunately the world is full of people that want more stuff, bigger houses, lavish vacations, extensive wardrobes, etc...
